MrCheese makes TheGentleman emotional🥺💖

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MrCheese: Gentleman, I need to show you something

TheGentleman: ok

MrCheese: *shows this video*

TheGentleman: *watches it* *gets little tears in his eyes* MrCheese... oh, MrCheese... I- *starts sobbing* *hugs MrCheese*

MrCheese: *smiles* it's ok Gentle-cutie

TheGentleman: *in between sobs* how can you care so much about me?

MrCheese: Gentleman... it's because you're perfect for me *kisses TheGentleman on his lips softly* I love you

TheGentleman: *blushes and calms down a bit* I love you too, MrCheese


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