Some things the AUL crew would say/do

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MrCheese: I may be cute... *pulls out knife* but you don't know what I could do to you


Gnome: *sees anyone near Engineer* someone's going to die tonight...

I can imagine Gnome being a Yandere ngl


Player: *wakes up* *sees he's still alive* back to sleep *goes back to sleep*


Mother: *sees someone go near Timmy or Franklyn* DON'T TOUCH THE CHILD! *goes full rage mode*


Franklyn: I wanna see blood shed. I'm going to kill the whole population.

babysitter: uhm... i think it's time to go to bed...


Monster: *sees Player crying and screaming because he lost again* nope I'm not dealing with this sh*t today *leaves the game*


Stoner: *high af* Y'ALL WANT SUM COCAINE?


Bro: I don't watch kids shows 

Also Bro: *watching Unikitty at 3 am, laughing over how much of a mood Master Frown is*


"Are you a morning person or a night person?"

Veteran: bruh I'm barely even a person


Captain: *eating marshmallows intensifies while being cute af but not realizing how cute he is*


Idk any more things lmao I need new brain cells

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