Angel x Player: making out in the vent

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Requested by @GentleCheese4Ever UwU This will be a heated making out session. Also Player is impostor. 

Angel was in electrical, fixing the wires. Suddenly, she heard the vent ramble. Angel looked at the vent, startled. Nothing sus. Angel sighed and continued her task. Suddenly, someone pulled her into the vent. Angel tried to scream, but a hand covered her mouth. In the vent Angel saw who pulled her into the vent. It was Player. "Player! Babe, you scared the crap out of me." Angel said, glaring at Player. She didn't have to be afraid of Player killing her. Player had promised to god not to kill Angel. And if someone else killed her, he would take the blame. "Heh. Sorry Angel." Player said.  "It's just funny to scare you sometimes. And your reaction is cute." Angel blushed. "Player..." The couple remained silent for a while. "Sooo... wanna make out a bit?" Player asked. Angel nodded. Player opened his impostor mouth and kissed Angel. Angel moaned into the kiss. Player put his impostor tongue into Angel's mouth. "Hmmm Player..." Angel moaned while Player explored her mouth. Player pulled Angel closer to him and pulled her on his lap. They stayed like this for a while, making out and drooling. Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Uhh guys, what are you doing here?" It came from above their heads. They stopped kissing and looked up. There stood MrCheese and TheGentleman. "Sorry guys. This vent is not available for a moment." Player said. "MrCheese and TheGentleman are the other impostors." He whispered to Angel. Angel nodded in understanding. "Ok... then MrCheese and I will look for... another vent..." TheGentleman said. They walked away again. "Shall we continue?" Player asked. Angel nodded. Player opened his impostor mouth again and kissed Angel. He put his tongue in her mouth. Their tongues circled around each other. Angel started to grind a bit on Player. They both moaned. But then...


Player and Angel broke the kiss. "Gosh dang it." Player said, annoyed. "After the meeting we'll continue." Angel reassured Player. They crawled out of the vent and went to cafeteria to discuss who was suspicious. 

I don't really ship this but it was fun to write! 

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