DumGnome (Gnome x Dum): "you still are my Senpai"

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Dum's P.O.V.

Ever since we played the Yandere impostor mod and I was Gnome's Senpai, Gnome and I became really good friends. And I'm really happy, because she's a good friend! She helps me and we always laugh with each other. There's one thing tho, every time Gnome was with me, I felt something really strange. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I was with her. I recognized the feeling. I felt it when Captain and I met for the first time. It faded away tho because he has a relationship with Player and Veteran. But now I felt it every time I was with Gnome.

 Could I be in love with her? Wait, what am I thinking? We are just friends! Really good friends! Yes, friends, nothing more.

Friends. I sighed. I was in my room, thinking about all of this. I have to admit, Gnome is cute and nice and has beautiful emerald green eyes. Yes I once stared into her eyes. Man, they're beautiful. I suddenly thought of when Gnome kissed me.

"Does that mean we're still friends?" I asked. "Yes! I'll always love you Dum! Mwah!" *smooch* Gnome replied, then kissed me on the cheek. I felt my face heat up from the blush that creeped on my face. I saw Gnome smile at me while Engineer ended the video. 

That's where it all started, the feelings. First I didn't really notice them, but now they're really noticeable. I felt my face heat up again when I thought of when Gnome kissed my cheek. 

What if she kissed my lips? Oh DANG brain!

I blushed more and buried my face in my hands. 

Stop thinking about her, Dum! She's with Engineer anyway! Is she...? I haven't seen her with him since a few days... did they break up?  Oh wait yes they broke up. She lost feelings for him. She told me.

I tried to push the thoughts away. It didn't help. I've never had a bigger crush ever in my life. On my best friend no less! My thoughts suddenly got interrupted by...


I was teleported to the cafeteria. "Where?" Gnome and I asked at the same time. "Comms." MrCheese replied. "TheGentleman and I stumbled upon Engineer's body." I looked at Gnome. Her light brown hair was in a ponytail. She looked beautiful as always. I kept staring at her. I imagined some romantic scene...

Gnome and I sit in her room. I look into her emerald green eyes and she looks back into my brown ones. She cups my face with her hands. "I love you." She says before kissing me sweetly. I kiss her back. Her lips are soft and gentle. 

I suddenly got snapped out of my thoughts by Captain calling my name. "Dum, where were you?" He asked. "Oh! Uhh in my room." I said. I sounded sus as flip, but I didn't care. Luckily no one asked why the heck I was staring at Gnome. "O....Kay... I think I'm gonna skip because I have no idea." Captain said. Everyone agreed. 

No one was ejected. (Skipped)

"Everyone scatter!" Captain shouted. We all went our own ways. I went to security. I wanted to be productive and look for the killer instead of being in my room. I looked at the computers. Nothing to see there. TheGent and MrCheese came out of MedBay, TG carrying MrCheese in his arms. The orange boy looked tired and had a beat red head. 

They did something there, that's for sure!

I kept looking at the cameras. Suddenly, the security doors closed. I gasped. I heard the vent ramble and looked behind me. There stood Gnome with a smirk on her face. I backed away but I bumped against the computer desk. I knew I was screwed. Gnome's my best friend but when she's impostor she'll be psycho. "G-Gnome...?" I said, my voice trembling. "Relax, Dum, I'm not gonna kill you." Gnome said. She walked towards me and grabbed me by the waist. Then she pinned me against the wall. I blushed crazily. "Oh Dum, how cute you are right now." Gnome said. I blushed more. Gnome pressed up her body against me. "You know, I think I caught feelings for you ever since you were my Senpai. And you know, you still are my Senpai." She looked me into my eyes. "I... I feel the same..." I said shyly. "Then let's just enjoy this moment..." Gnome said before kissing me. I gasped in surprise but kissed back. Gnome's lips were soft and gentle, just like in my imagination. And they tasted sweet. Gnome suddenly licked my lips. I opened my mouth to let her in. She started exploring my mouth while caressing my waist. 

After a few moments, they pulled away. "So we're girlfriends instead of besties now?" I asked. Gnome nodded and kissed me once again. She opened the doors. We decided to go to my room to cuddle.

I ship these two now, no joke! 

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