Sleepover! (Multiple ships)

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My Among Us character is here too with Shadow, Ryan, his little sister Kailey (red with the heart hat on her head, I just made her) and Xmas plant (my lil bro)! My OC Furry (yellow with cat hat) is here too! They will be shipped with Stoner. The kids are older than usually in my headcanon (in this story, Timmy is 13 almost 14, Micheal is 13 too, GentleCheese and Sir Cheese are 11 almost 12, Ryan is 12, Franklyn is 8, Kailey is 7). Also I got inspired by @A_Sad_Red_Crewmate Enjoy!

The whole crew was very bored. The crewmates had done their tasks and the impostor(s) didn't feel like killing anyone today. Everyone sat in their rooms, being everything but productive. 

YTCat was with Shadow, Xmas plant and Furry in her room, just hanging out there. She only let her lil bro and his friend in her and Shadow's shared room because she and Shadow didn't feel like doing anything and were bored too. YTCat123, Shadow and Xmas plant were teasing Furry about having a crush on Stoner. Well, YTCat was. Xmas plant and Shadow were silent because the teasing was boring them. "You like Stoner don't ya?" YTCat asked for the idk-anymore-th time. "No!" Furry said blushing. "And I already told you that. We are only friends and both part of the meme alliance Stoner made, so stop teasing." They glared at her. YTCat decided to stop teasing Furry, because she'd be dead if she didn't. Furry may be kind and a calm person, but they can get angry pretty quickly sometimes, and you don't want to see them angry. 

"Y'know, I think I might have a good idea." YTCat123 said after a long silence. Her lil bro, furry friend and bf looked at her. "What about a sleepover?" She asked. "Hm, seems good to me." Shadow said. "Yeah, let's tell the others too and have the sleepover in the cafeteria!" Xmas plant said excitedly. Furry just nodded. "Ok, then let's make it work!" YTCat123 said, grabbing her phone. She texted Captain and he texted the rest. Eventually, it was all settled and it would start in the evening. 

That evening everyone was in the cafeteria. Stoner was trying to give cigarettes to everyone. Furry sat somewhere at a table, looking at Stoner with a loving look on their face. They got a cigarette from Stoner too. YTCat snickered seeing this. Shadow smiled and Xmas plant just shrugged.

 Stoner wanted to give cigarettes to the kids, but Mother stopped him. "Its not safe! Don't give cigarettes to them!" She said, pointing at the kids Timmy, Franklyn, Micheal, GentleCheese, Sir Cheese, Ryan and Kailey, who were sitting at a table with each other. They were teasing Franklyn for having a crush on Kailey. "Timmy, how many times do I have to tell you I don't like Kailey?!" Franklyn said, annoyed. "Oh you better don't, I won't let anyone near my lil sis unless... unless they treat her right!" Ryan said. "Ryan..." Kailey said. "Stop being over protective over me. And I have no crush on him either." She blushed a bit and looked away. "We are just friends!" Franklyn said, standing up. He went to the table with drinks and snacks that stood there (without snacks, a sleepover just isn't right) and grabbed a cola. "Sure brutha." Timmy said. He ruffled Franklyn's hair. Franklyn pulled his head away and slapped Timmy. "No!" He said. "I'm too badass for girls." He took a sip from his cola and pulled a badass face, which caused Kailey to blush lightly. Franklyn slightly looked at Kailey and blushed too, then turned away. Timmy wanted to say something, but Micheal stopped him. "Just let him be, man." He said, putting an arm around Timmy. Timmy blushed. GentleCheese and Sir Cheese chuckled. "I ship it." Sir Cheese said. "Yeah, Franklyn and Kailey and Timmy and Micheal." GentleCheese said, making Franklyn and Kailey blush and glare at them.

Meanwhile, the adults were either talking, chilling or snacking. "You know," Player said with a mouth full of chips. "I think we should play some games like... truth or dare." Everyone agreed. "Can we play too?" Timmy asked. He had heard what Player said. "You can play truth or dare with us, but we won't give you extreme dares." Mother said. "Ok. Seems good to me." Timmy said. The other kids agreed. They all went to sit in a circle to play truth or dare. "Aye, Furry, you wanna join, compadre?" Stoner asked Furry. Furry blushed. "Um, sure." They said. They sat down in the circle, next to Xmas plant. YTCat smirked at Furry. "I'm getting tired of her sometimes." Furry whispered to Xmas plant. "Me too, who doesn't? But I'm just letting her be the shipping b*tch she is." Xmas plant replied. "Ok, these are the rules." Captain said. "Extreme dares are allowed, except for the kids. And of course, have fun! Well, I'm first. Hmmmm, who am I going to ask...?" Captain looked around. "Ah, Player! Truth or dare, bestie?" Captain asked. Player thought for a moment. "Dare." He then said. "I dare you to f*ck Veteran." Stoner said, causing Mother to glare at him. "Stoner!" She hissed. "Think of the kids!" "Mom I'm fricking 13." Timmy said. "That doesn't mean you can curse, young man!" Mother said sternly. Timmy sighed. "Sorry mom." He said, annoyed. Micheal laughed. "*ahem* I dare Player to... dance to Barbie Girl." Captain said. Player sighed. "Man I should've known you'd choose something like this for a dare." He said. He stood up and Captain started the song on his phone. Player started dancing. 

When he was done, he sat down again. Bro was laughing his ass off. Dum was silently singing it, since she likes the song pretty much. "Not gonna lie to you Player, but that was hot." Veteran whispered the last part into Player's ear making him shiver. "Well Player it's your turn." Captain said happily. "Well MrCheese, truth or dare?" Player asked MrCheese. "Dare. Don't go soft on me. Gimme something extreme. I can handle it." MrCheese said confidently. "You might regret those words..." Player said. He thought for a moment. He then knew it. "I have a great dare." He then said. "I wanted to make all the TheGentleCheese fans, who are reading this story, happy... so I dare you... to... make out with TheGentleman." Player said. "Did you just break the fourth wall?" Dum asked. "Yeah, pretty cool huh?" Player replied smirking. "That's SO OP." Captain said. "Yeah, and the fact that I can make out with my sweet prince is OP too." MrCheese said before smashing his lips into TheGentleman's lips. TG blushed deeply but kissed back. YTCat squealed and GentleCheese and Sir Cheese looked away. They had seen too much of what their parents do when it comes to love when they accidentally came into their parents' bedroom to cuddle. Let's say, they were scarred for life after that. 

TheGent pulled MrCheese closer to him and put his tongue inside MrCheese's mouth. Their tongues started swirling around each other. TG rubbed MrCheese's hips. MrCheese let out a soft moan. "OK OK ENOUGH!" Bro shouted. TG and MrCheese pulled away. "PLEASE DON'T F*CK EACH OTHER HERE! I DON'T NEED TO SEE THEGENTLECHEESE P*RN! IF I WANNA SEE OR READ ABOUT THAT, I'LL GO TO WATTPAD OR AMONG HUB!" Stoner smirked. "Damn yes Among Hub has the good sh*t." He said, which made Veteran wheeze and Bro screech. Ninja was enjoying Bro's screeching more than he should. TG and MrCheese just looked at each other in visible confusion. "Ok Bro calm down!" Mother said. Bro calmed down and sighed, suddenly realizing how much he just freaked out from one soft moan from the cheesy boy. 

Eventually they all got enough of playing truth or dare. "Let's play spin the bottle now!" YTCat exclaimed. "That is truth or dare, stupid." Bro said, which earned him a deadly glare from Shadow. "And by that I mean spinning the bottle and kissing whoever it lands on." YTCat continued, ignoring Bro. "Yea seems like a good idea to me." Player said. "What about us?" Franklyn asked. "Sorry but you can't ply with us this time." Not Orange said. "But you guys can continue truth or dare." Mother said. Franklyn shrugged. He and the other kids walked away to play truth or dare. "I have a better idea than playing truth or dare." Kailey said. Everyone listened. "Let's sit here and watch the drama." The others smirked, agreeing on this idea. They sat down quietly and watched. 

"Ok, so who has an empty bottle we can use?" Captain asked. MrCheese put his hand in his pocket and tossed an empty blue sports drink bottle over to Captain while saying "Use this." Captain caught the bottle and placed it on the ground. "Who's first? Not me this time." Captain said. "Um I think I'll go first." Furry said slowly. "Have fun kissing a random person." Bro said. "F*ck you." Stoner said. Mother glared at him. "Let him be man." Bro said to Mother. Furry gave the bottle a firm spin. It landed on... Stoner. Furry blushed heavily. Stoner blushed too and smirked. Furry just sat there. Bro laughed his ass off. "LOOK AT YA FACE!" He exclaimed. Furry get by their senses again and slapped Bro. They then walked up to Stoner. "F*ck this life, I'm just gonna do it." They said before kissing Stoner. Stoner was caught by surprise, not expecting the quiet and calm furry to make the first move. He kissed back after a few seconds, pulling Furry close. Everyone cheered and YTCat was fangirling with Gnome because they both shipped Stoner and Furry since the beginning. YTCat was more of the teasing tho. YTCat123 high fived Gnome. "LETS GO GIRL!" They both said. Shadow and Engineer were simping for their girls behaving like this. 

Stoner and Furry pulled away. They were both blushing crazily. "So... boyfriends?" Furry asked. "Sure fellow memer." Stoner replied. YTCat and Gnome screeched. "Shut up already!" Bro said. "HELL NAW!" YTCat123 shouted. "I'm quitting..." Bro said, standing up. He had enough of this nonsense. 

When it was past midnight, everyone had fallen asleep. Stoner and Furry were spooning each other. Everyone liked this sleepover. 

The next day, they went to do tasks again. "Everyone scatter!" Captain called. Everyone scattered. 

Wow! 1733 words! That's a record bruh! 

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