Oh my...

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TG and MrCheese fighting. Oof. I hope they'll make up. Also why is MrCheese mad? He has killed TG several times.

"Which is what? A million billion years old?" "Oooohhh burn!" Lmao MrCheese is that one kid roasting others and Veteran is that one kid that's like "Oohh burn!" and laughing his ass off. Player would be me, watching in silence but instead of glaring just laughing quietly. Or I'm doing like Veteran. It's just who's roasting/fighting with each other. I'd be like Veteran if my lil bro is roasting someone but like Player at school.

I hope the new episode's coming out and not a movie. Well I won't be mad if a movie came but I really hope for the new episode.

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