Veteran as kitty💛🐱🥺

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Veteran: *turns into a cat hybrid* huh? Oh wow! Look Player! I'm a kitten now!

Me: *points a laser on the wall*

Veteran: *tries to get the laser*

Player: *blushes* Veteran... you're cute...

Me: *points the laser on Player accidentally* 

Veteran: *jumps onto Player to get the laser*

Player: *blushes* V-Veteran... 

veteran: *hugs Player*

Player: you want me to pet you?

Veteran: yes

Player: *pets Veterans head*

Veteran: *purrs and falls asleep*

Me: this is as cute as TheGentleCheese! Reeee!

Player: wait you did this to MrCheese too? Or to TheGentleman?

Me: YESH! I changed MrCheese into a kitty too! 

MrCheese/TheGentleman: *approaches Player, Veteran and me*

MrCheese: oh hey guys. I see Veteran is a kitty too!

Veteran: *wakes up* yea

Me: you guys are the cutest kitties ever

Player: I agree!

TheGentleman: yeah I admit he's cute

@Circusbabyxzane YESH I tagged u again OwO bc yeah😅 hope u don't mind it UwU 


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