The party (multiple ships)

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This one shot will contain Plateran, CapDum (I ship them, k?), TheGentleCheese, BroNinja, Stoner x Poopyfarts96, Monster x N.O. (Not Orange), YTCat123 x Shadow (yes my bf and me + our son Ryan will be in this one), EngiGnome, BRose (BDay x Rose). This will contain many making out scenes too. If you don't like these, I suggest you to go away and read something your eyes can handle. If you like these, Well, what can I say? Just enjoy! 

It was a day like no other. Everyone was just chatting with each other at the tables of cafeteria. It was lunch time and everyone had done their tasks. Mother tried to feed Franklyn his food. "Mom, I know I'm still a three year old, but I can eat good by myself." Franklyn said, which made Micheal, Not Orange, Monster, YTCat123, Shadow and Ryan, who sat with Mother, Timmy and Franklyn, laugh. Timmy and Mother laughed too. "Alright Franklyn." Mother said laughing. "Franklyn's a legend." Micheal said. "You're right, Micheal." N.O. said, petting his son's head. Yeah, N.O. had softened a little since he and Monster got together. "I'm glad you're treating your mini crewmate like they should be treated." Mother said smiling. "Meh it's only because Monster wants me to." N.O. said. "Well, Orange, you seem to be pretty happy about it. And he is too." Monster said, looking at Micheal, who was hugging N.O. N.O. had subconsciously wrapped his arm around his kiddo. "Yeah... I guess you're right..." N.O. admitted, smiling at his kid. Micheal smiled too. 

At the other tables the crewmates were talking with each other too. Dum and Captain were teasing Player and Veteran about obviously crushing on each other, MrCheese and TheGentleman were talking, Poopyfarts and Stoner were showing each other funny memes, Bro and Ninja were just talking about random Kawaii stuff (yes Bro likes that stuff UwU) and B-Day, Rose, Engineer and Gnome were on a table talking about lovey dovey stuff. 

"You know, I'm pretty bored." Captain said after he got enough of embarrassing Player and Veteran. Dum nodded. "Ask the others for ideas." She said. "Good idea." Captain replied. He stood up. "Attention everyone, I have an announcement!" He called, making everyone shut up and listen. "I'm bored like some teenager in quarantine, and I don't have any ideas of what to do. So, does anyone have ideas of what to do?" Captain looked around. "Well I have one. What about, like, a party or something?" Stoner said. "What I great idea amigo! Let's do it!" Captain said happily. Everyone agreed. 

It was in the evening. The party was in cafeteria and everyone was chatting, dancing to the music or (mostly) drinking. The ones that were sober were YTCat123, Shadow, Mother and the kids. A drunk ass Bro came up to YTCat, who was talking with Shadow. "Hey wanna have some *hicc* beer?" He asked her. "No, thanks. I'd like to stay sober." YTCat replied. Ninja came up to Bro. He spoke some drunk Japanese words YTCat123 and Shadow couldn't understand. Apparently, it was a kinky flirt, because Bro got a blush on his face and said "Damn..." The couple went somewhere else and left YTCat and Shadow alone. "I think they're going to do some kinky sh*t bruh." YTCat123 said smirking. Shadow and she both laughed. "You're right." Shadow said inbetween laughs. After the laughter, they looked at each other. There was a moment of silence between the two. Then YTCat leaned in. The two locked lips. It started as a sweet kiss, but ended up in a steamy French kiss. They eventually pulled away for air. "Uhh lovebirds, can I disturb you for a moment?" They heard. It was Mother. She had a drunk ass Not Orange with her. The couple looked at them. "We need to put the kids to sleep." Mother said. "M-Micheal wouldn't wanna see w-what's going to happen tonight." N.O. said smirking while glancing a look at Monster, who sat at a table, drinking a beer. "Right..." YTCat said. She and Shadow stood up and they went to get the kids. 

When they got the kids, they brought them to their rooms. The kids all shared a room. Mother tucked Timmy in his bed and put Franklyn in his crib." Good night my babies." She said, kissing both of the kids on their forehead. Then she tucked Micheal in with N.O. "Night night kid *hic*" Not Orange slurred. He kissed his son's forehead as well. "Your breath stinks like beer." Micheal said. YTCat and Shadow put their kid to sleep as well. "Good night Ryan." YTCat said. "Sweet dreams." Shadow spoke. They both kissed their kid. The four parents left the kids' room and went back to cafeteria. 

In the cafe the party was still going. Captain and Dum were kissing and touching each other. Bro and Ninja weren't anywhere to be seen. Neither were BDay and Rose. They were probably doing it in their rooms. Gnome and Engineer were laying on a table on top of each other. Gnome was grinding on Engineer and they were both a moaning mess. Mother tried to separate the two of them. She eventually succeed and got the two to go to their rom to do it there instead of in public. TheGent and MrCheese were kissing too. MrCheese was on TheGentleman's lap and they were completely in the moment. N.O. walked up to Monster and pulled him into a kiss. He ground against him as well. "Alright you wanna *hicc* do it here?" Monster asked. N.O. nodded. He wanted to undress, but Mother, who saw this, quickly stopped him. "Go to your room if you want to do it." She said sternly. The couple nodded and walked to their room, teasing and kissing each other's necks on their way. 

At the DJ table, Stoner was talking to Poopyfarts. Well, he was flirting with him. Poopyfarts stood there, blushing but smiling. "M-mind if I kiss ya?" Stoner asked in a drunken voice. Poopyfarts let out some farts. Stoner, who learned to speak farts from Captain, heard "Uhm s-sure." Stoner grabbed Poopyfarts' waist and kissed him passionately. Poopyfarts kissed back. YTCat was having a fangirl attack and Shadow was smiling because of her reaction, which he thought was adorable. The kiss soon became wilder and YTCat and Shadow decided not to watch anymore, but go somewhere else to make out. 

Meanwhile, Player was pinning Veteran to the wall and French kissing him roughly. They were both a hot sweaty mess. Player pinned Veteran's hands to the wall. After a while, they pulled away. "I f*cking love you." Player said. "I f*ckin' love you too." Veteran replied. They French kissed again and Player picked Veteran up. Veteran put his legs around Player's waist. The two went out, still kissing and drooling over each other. 

When it was past midnight, most of the crewmates were asleep. Mother had to bring some people to their own rooms, including Player and Veteran, who had decided to do it on the floor in the hall that leads to MedBay. YTCat123 and Shadow were asleep in their room too. They were cuddled up on top of each other in YTCat123's bed. They were snoring softly. Stoner and Poopyfarts were in their room, also sleeping, snuggled against each other. Captain and Dum were asleep on the emergency meeting table, where they dry bumped each other while Mother was bringing Player, Veteran, Stoner and Poopyfarts, who didn't want to sleep, to their rooms, which took a while. Mother walked to them and woke hem up, to get them to their rooms. In their bed, they fell asleep before Mother even had tucked them in. After that, Mother went to sleep herself. She fell asleep fast.

The next day, the crewmates were talking again. It was breakfast time. Some of them were talking about the party, others were talking about if they remembered something or not, some were talking about how great it went when they did it. "Alright everyone, scatter!" Captain said after breakfast. The crewmates went to do their tasks. 

Wowing that was long! 1360 words! That's a record! Yay!

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