TheGentleCheese: birthday gift

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MrCheese's P.O.V.

I was thinking in my room. The reason I was thinking in my room was because TheGentleman's birthday was coming soon, and I didn't know what to give him. But one day I suddenly got an idea. I wanted to propose. I didn't know how I had to ask him and where to start. So I decided to ask Engineer and Gnome, because they're good with love advice. Also, Mother wasn't in the crew, and BDay and Rose neither, and the other crewmates are just idiots, so Gnome and Engineer were the only ones to ask. I went looking for them. 

I eventually found them. They were making out in electrical. Engineer had pinned Gnome against the wall and was kissing her roughly. "Hmmm Engineer..." Gnome softly moaned out. "*ahem* I'm sorry for disturbing, but I need advice." I said. The couple stopped kissing and looked at me. I saw Gnome had some drool on her mouth. They were both blushing crazily. "What do you need for advice, MrCheese?" Engineer asked. I told them about TheGentleman's birthday and proposing to him. Gnome wiped the drool off her face. "O. M. G. ARE YOU SERIOUS? HOW CUTE!" She screeched. "You're right babe." Engineer said smiling. "Maybe you can practice on someone?" Engineer said. "I'd LOVE to help you guys!" Gnome said still fangirling. 

After some other things for advice, I decided to go to Veteran, because he's a good person to practice on. He was with Player. I told them the whole story and they were happy for me. "Ok, you can practice on me." Veteran said. "I am TheGentleman, doing TheGentleman stuff." I inhaled and exhaled slowly. "H-hey TheGentleman, I uhh... I wanted to ask you something..." I said, scratching the back of my head. I bowed down on one knee and asked: "Will you marry me?" Veteran smiled. "Aww I think he'd say yes! The only thing is... we need to buy a ring." I nodded. 

(A few days later: TheGentleman's birthday) 

It was TheGentleman's birthday. Everyone including me and TheGentleman were wearing party hats (my request). A new round had started and I was walking with TheGentleman. We went to cafeteria to celebrate the party. It was a disco party (TheGentleman likes disco, even I was surprised) and everyone was dancing or chilling or eating. We started dancing too. Then I went to the DJ table where Stoner was. "Can you stop the music?" I asked. Stoner nodded and stopped the music while I walked back to TheGentleman. "Why did the music stop?" TheGentleman asked. "Because... because I want to ask you something..." I said. TheGentleman looked at me. "Prince, we are already boyfriends for a year... and I love you... you mean the world to me. And I want to ask you..." I bowed down on one knee, pulling a little box out of my pocket  I opened it and revealed the ring I bought for TheGentleman. "Will you marry me?" TheGentleman looked at me. "N-no way... y-you can't be serious... you aren't serious are you?" TheGentleman asked. He doesn't want to, does he? I thought, feeling my heart shatter. "My name MrCheese." I said while standing up. TheGentleman got little tears in his eyes. "YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" He screamed, hugging me so hard we fell on the ground. He cried into my chest. I had never seen him this happy before. I cried too, tears of happiness. Everyone started clapping. Gnome cheered. "WHOOOOO! HE SAID YES! I TOLD YOU MRCHEESE! I TOLD YOU!" Veteran called. TheGentleman's kissed me passionately, holding me like he would never let me go. He pulled away a few moments later. "I love you beanie boy." TheGentleman said, sniffing. "I love you too sweet prince." I said. I gave TheGentleman a little kiss in the neck. We stood up and started dancing again since Stoner had played the music again. "This was the best birthday present you could ever give me." TheGentleman whispered. 


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