Some incorrect quotes because my last three brain cells are dying

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Player: so, TheGentleman, MrCheese and you got in a car crash?

TheGentleman: yes, unfortunately, we did

Player: what happened exactly?

TheGentleman: well MrCheese was driving us to our home when I saw a deer on the road, so I shouted: "Deer!" 

Player: and what did you respond, MrCheese?

MrCheese: "What is it, babe?" 


Stoner: so, Bro, are you the big spoon or the little spoon?

Bro: I'm a stick

Ninja, from across the room: he's the little spoon!


Player: are you a cuddler?

MrCheese: I'M THE MASTER OF DESTRUC- yes I'm a cuddler


Bro: I have control over my emotions

Veteran: dude, last night you were crying for one hour because of a YouTube video where a kitten was meowing 



Bro: you suck, loser!

Player: well Ninja sucks you

Bro: *chokes*



Goober and Dum (Dum being purple): *running around and screaming glibberish*

Player: this is why you should never let those two drink energy drinks from the vending machine


This was before MrCheese lost his innocence 

Bro: what's 70 - 1?

MrCheese: 69

Stoner: what's 68 + 1?

MrCheese: 69

Veteran: what's-

TheGentleman: please stop

MrEgg: he's too innocent 

MrCheese: *visible confusion*


Franklyn: I wanna see blood

Mother: well today we are going to draw blood at MedBay-

Franklyn: ... I don't wanna see blood

Seriously, drawing blood sucked last time! It hurt like a fricking b- and that was bc they used a needle for adults instead of the smol one for children. Let's say in the car back home I got emotional. In short words: I hate drawing blood now, just like when I was little, and I'm scarred for life. 


MrCheese: are you my BFF?

MrEgg: ohh yeah!

MrCheese: do I love you?

MrEgg: hell yeah!

MrCheese: am I going to kill you if you refuse to take me to McDonald's?

MrEgg: f*ck yeah!


Hater: AUL is stupid 

The AUL crew/the ghosts/the Among Us community/the shippers/the non shippers/the fangirls/the fanboys/theLGBTQ+ community/YTCat123/Shadow/Xmas plant/Ryan /Kailey (Ryan's lil sister): ...


Everyone: *runs towards the hater and kills them*

Hater: *dies* 

Hater's ghost: *sighs and flies away*

Idk any more quotes so yeah, buh-bye and have a nice day/night!

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