The Plant

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She wouldn't let this woman belittle her. She quickly reminds herself she was smart, a doctor and wasn't a slut. Yes she was willing to sleep with a married man or at least that's what she made George think.

"If you look at your bank account I've returned your money. I'm not for sale and the way George talks about his wife and the way he looks at her was something to behold, he loves her. I won't be participating in any of your schemes anymore".

The woman on the phone was furious, "This isn't over Sarah until I say it's over. I need you to break them up".

"I won't and please don't contact me again".

"I've influence and power I can sink your modelling career".

"Go ahead I'm thinking of giving it up anyway. Nothing I've achieved in my career has been because of you. You may have influence but I've brains".

The other person on the line ends the call and Sarah rolls her eyes then walk back inside the restaurant.

"I'm sorry about that where were we".

George and Meghan was curled up on the sofa. George watches his mothering-in-law as she walk in the cinema room with his son.

"Meghan look up from watching Casablanca and sits up. She reaches out for Arthur.

"Thanks mum he's due a feed".

Meghan walk out the cinema room with Arthur since it was quite loud. She sits in the receiving room and feeds Arthur. When she was finish feeding him she wasn't surprise to see George.

He sits by her and she gives him a bib and Arthur.

"This house is going to be pack tomorrow I can't wait to see mi famila".

"I'm equally glad there will be no awkwardness as well". She rest her head on his shoulders and they stay like that for a while.

When it was time for dinner everyone gathers around the dining table.

"Tomorrow I've some wonderful fresh white lilies coming they are going to be displayed all over the house. I know how much your parents love that flower George".

"Thank you, it holds a special meaning for them".

"That was nice of you sweetheart."

"The family is coming all the way from Italy mum. It's the least I can do since they treated me so well when I was there".

After dinner George and Meghan take baby Arthur for a walk.

"It's going to be so nice to teach him Italian as he grows up".

"He should know your language he's half Italian after all. Tomorrow we will have a full house I can't wait till they get here. Your mum is amazing".

"Speaking of mothers I wonder why your mother stayed in the coffee house for so long after we left it. She literally bought a bottle of water and not the brownies she said she would".

"I thought that was odd too just like it was running into your one night stand. She's very pretty and extremely smart in another life I'm sure we could've been friends".

"Perhaps, she's out of our lives now."

"I didn't know her name before today but I've seen her at parties.  I'll just ignore her when I see her. I mean what am I suppose to say hi did you enjoy sleeping with my now husband".

"Darling she doesn't seem the type to sleep with a taken man despite what she said to me. I caught the way she was looking at me as I glance at you. This wasn't a woman who wanted to break a marriage up".

"What are you saying George?"

"I'm not too sure yet".

They walk back home and put Arthur in his crib then say goodnight to Meghan's parents and get ready for bed.

"Nonna has requested we all go to church on Sunday".

"I'm okay with that when you left me at the alter like I told you before it became my refuge".

George sighs heavily and turns to face Meghan. "I'm glad you had someone to turn to".

The next day George's family arrived and Meghan was happy to see them. Everyone wanted to hold Arthur.

"He's gotten so big", says George's mother Maria. "Mio nipote(my grandson)".

"He sure as madre and its wonderful to see you all again. Welcome to our home".

Maria and Antonio look at their son their happiness evident on their faces.

"Thank you Giorgio".

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