Family Tree

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Meghan looks at George, "Dad is a prince?"

"Yes he is I thought he told you?"

"No he didn't."

"He must have his reasons for keeping it from you."

"I guess, that means I was a princess before I married you George."

"Yes, Youre a princess by birth."

"Aren't royals from a country always from the same families? You're both Italian I'm confuse."

"Your father is heir to a small country who also speak Italian and his father retires he will be king."

"That's where his power and resources come in. Sarah and I thought he was in the mafia."

George laughs, "You've quite an imagination there darling.  Leonardo has access to the police in his country even the SAS type soldiers. That's how Sarah's foster father ended up in jail and there's no trail leading back to your father."

"Work I need to sort some things out for work."

"It's Sunday Meghan besides you have people who can run the office for you in your absence. We need to lay low for a while. Your grandfather will be talking with your father to sort out how to deal with everything."

"Grandfather it's been so long since I heard those words."

"I'm sure you'll get to meet him soon."

The door bell rings, "I'll get it," yells The butler.

A minute later he returns with Sarah, Lucy and her daughter Rebecca. Meghan looks at the two year old who had blonde hair and blue eyes just like her mother. "Hi Rebecca I'm your auntie Meghan."

Lucy looks at her mother who nods at her then Meghan, "Can I get a hug?" Ask Meghan.

Rebecca hugs her then looks at George as if to say who are you. "I'm your uncle George, Rebecca." Rebecca looks at her mother at George's words she nods and Lucy hugs him.

Everyone sits, "We are front page news and the lead story on every channel. I can't go into work tomorrow the clinic doesn't need this kind of publicity."

"You have great staff working for you they'll managed without you," says Meghan.

"I've arranged for a doctor to cover for me for a few weeks."

"That's a good idea Sarah you don't need any stress and we don't want your baby coming before he or she is due

"Marco said the same thing."

"Where is he?" Ask George.

"Work he needs to sort out a problem with customs, once the problem is sorted he will work from home. Like I assume the rest of you are doing."

Alice walks in the room holding a tray of drinks, "Meghan you have a Wikipedia page now. So do you Sarah I mean you're famous so you already have one but now it refers to you as HRH like it does Meghan."

"Why did dad keep his royal status a secret from me and Sarah. Lucy do you know?"

"He was trying to get justice for Emma and the publicity would've hindered not help him. Would Susan have ran with you if she knew who he really was from the beginning."

"She would've done anything to protect her secret."

"Exactly," says Lucy.

"Well she knows the truth now."

"Meghan it doesn't matter our family is reunited and dad said the palace has liaised with the U.S government to provide security for us. They have to now the world knows we're royals."

"It's a good job we no longer live at our old house."

"About that your mum and our dad is staying with Sarah and Marco. Can Louis, Rebecca and I stay with you for a while. We can't stay at your mum's the press is camped outside."

"Of course you can stay with us Lucy we have plenty of room."

"Great, thank you it will be nice to get to know you better."

Do you have enough room for Rebecca's nanny?" Ask Lucy.

Meghan smiles, "Actually we do there's a room George and I were thinking of using as a nursery when we have a second child she can use that."

"He, it's a man Pierre."

"Really that's different."

"He does his job well that's all I care about."

"Have your phone been ringing nonstop Meghan."

"Only the family have my new number remember Luc. If they ring me it will be my old phone number I kept so Susan could reach me. Let me call the phone company now and tell them to switch it off."

Meghan leaves the room to make her phone call. Sarah turns to George, "How are you dealing with all this?"

"I love my wife and I'll protect her with every resource I have."

"I meant about her being royal."

Lucy and Alice exchange glances and smile conspiratorially. "What am I missing?"

"George is a prince not an HRH like we're but a prince nonetheless his family ruled Italy when it had kings and queens. That's why daddy had no issues with him and Meghan dating and marrying."

Sarah looks at Alice, "So you're a princess?"


"George did you know my dad before you met Meghan?"

"Yes he's my godfather."


Meghan returns to the room, "I tried calling Ryan on my old phone he didn't pick up. My number is no longer in use.  Lucy why don't you go get your things and I'll have Jerome unpack them while I show you around."


Lucy leaves and returns with a 6'1 handsome tall gentleman with short black hair and brown eyes. He looked in his early 20's. " Pierre this is my sister Meghan, her husband George and George's sister Alice."

He shakes everyone's hand then Jerome walks in the room and Pierre follows him out of it.

"Alice why don't you and Sarah ask the chef to make us something special for lunch."

Meghan takes George's hand in hers and they show Lucy around the apartment, "This is a lot of space you don't see a lot of triplexes in New York."

"We like it and it turns out we were right to get someplace big".

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