The Aftermath

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"How could she have given birth to Meghan and not Emma?" Ask Sarah.

"Who knows what goes on in her mind," answers Wanda.

"Ryan must be so embarrassed no wonder he left."

Meghan frowns at Sarah's words, "I'll call him later Arthur is still at Mum and dad's right?"

"Yes he is why?"

"Just checking he is safe. I guess it's home time."

"No darling it's not we are going back in there and we're going to hold our heads high and enjoy the rest of the night. These people need to know we are a strong unit. I'm Wanda the gossip and I'm not running away from my own."

Meghan looks at George who shrugs, "It's up to you darling."

"There will be a lot of staring and whispering".

"Who cares you're the king and queen of high society go keep your crown and show these people just what true royalty looks like."

"Mum is right we need to show our faces in there or it will be awkward every time we get a party invitation," says Sarah.

They walk back inside where people were dancing and gossiping. People stare as they caught of glimpse of Meghan and her family.

"I've never had a father daughter dance with you Meghan. I would be delighted to have one now."

Meghan takes her father's hand and they go to the dance floor. "What a day?"

"It's not over yet."

After dancing with most of her family including Lucy the host tells them to take a seat dessert was being served.

"I would like to thank Leonardo De Luca for adding another five million dollars donation to the five he gave us before," says the host.

Everyone applauds and Meghan hears he's the mysterious benefactor from someone. She move back a little so the waiter could put a slice of chocolate cake in front of her. When the night was over a group of Susan's friends come up to her and George.

"Meghan we had a baby shower for Susan when she was eight months pregnant with you. We visited your mother in hospital on the day she gave birth to you. We saw her lovingly holding you as she showed you off."

"Really when did you see me again after that?" Ask Meghan.

"Two months later why?" Ask the woman.

"Ask yourself why that is Macy."

The group was stunned and you could see the doubts forming on their faces. Meghan, George and their guest head to her parents home as quickly as possible.

Everyone was exhausted and go to bed when they arrive home. Over breakfast the next morning Leonardo's looks at David and Anna, "No offence but I don't know you. I rather you weren't here for the discussion I'm about to have with my family."

"I trust them with my life daddy and I'm going to need a friend to lean on when the court case starts."

Leonardo looks at his daughter, "Okay they can stay. Lucy what did you mean yesterday when you said Susan killed your mother?"

"She admitted to me she had someone tampered with the brakes. It was her way of showing me she wasn't to be played with. If she could kill my mother she could kill me or you."

"Why didn't you say something your mother's dead was ruled an accident."

"The woman had power and influence daddy I couldn't lose you too."

"I understand why you kept silence but you should've trusted me to protect you. We have greater power and resources than her."

"The world now knows our business."

George looks at Meghan, "They don't know everything when the case goes to court that is when they will know the truth."

"We're a strong family unit now and we will withstand anything."

Meghan looks at her father he was right they were all together now and Emma needed justice. "Meghan didn't tell us you were coming to the gala Anna," says Wanda.

"Her mother I mean Susan called me and ask me to come."

"If Susan ask you to come why are you staying in a hotel and not at hers.".

"Like I told you before I knew something wasn't right I just didn't know what."

"Thank you for protecting me Anna".

"Always Meghan."

After breakfast they head to the police station to give a full statement. As she gave her version of events Meghan holds onto George's hand absentmindedly. "Is Susan still here in her cell? She ask a policeman.

"We had to let her go because there's no hard evidence against her."

"What about the stuff we gave you that we found in Paris. She had my baby blanket my grandmother knitted for me and several birth certificates."

"We're documenting all of it ma'am, you and Wanda need to have a blood test to prove you are mother and daughter. We already know she and Sarah had one which proves they're mother and daughter. I suggest getting a restraining order against Susan as soon as possible. We're still looking for Ryan poor man he must be so embarrassed."

"Get one against him too," says George. "Just in case he knew about anything that was going on."

"I will."

Meghan and George was at their penthouse. Anna and David went back to the Hamptons. Anna wanted to move into rented accommodation as soon as possible so Susan and Ryan didn't know where she lived. She was scared of both of her best friend fake parents.

"I'm glad Susan doesn't have my new phone number and the doorman knows to alerts us if she or Ryan does come by. No more hiding George I can walk outside with mum and dad and call them mum and dad."

He hugs her as she begins to cry, "A big burden has lifted off of you hasn't it?"

"Yes it has I never have to call that woman mother again and dad has people going over Susan's Paris home with a fine tooth comb."

"She will go to prison don't you worry".

A notification noise makes Meghan remove herself from George's arms, it was a text message from Sarah telling her to turn on the tv to a specific channel. Meghan does, "Once again that shocking news we've been reporting on has another twist in the tale. Prince De Luca is the real father of supermodel Sarah Goldsmith now Morreti and the father of Meghan Ricci. Sources have told us they were spotted going into a clinic where it's though they had a blood test. We don't know the results but I'm going to say after last night that Wanda De Luca(nee Beecham) is their mother. It turns out the queen of the upper east side is also a royal princess.

I'm not getting any feedback so I don't know if you guys like the story or not. It only has a few chapters left to go.

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