The Gynaecologist

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"I have an ulterior motive for doing it. I promise your father I would look after her."

After her call with Marco, Meghan calls her gynaecologist and makes an appointment to see her that week. She calls George to let him know the date as she wanted him to go with her.

Two days later Meghan was at her gynaecologist appointment having blood drawn and tests on everything from her ovaries to endometrial tissue . She was nervous when the doctor inserted the prob terrified of what she would say to her.

"How are your periods Meghan?"

"Painful at times. Ow That hurts."

"I'm sorry but I need to take some samples have some more gas and air."

Meghan does, "How painful are they on a scale of 1-10."

"Before I went off the pill they were a four now I'm not on the pill sometimes an eight."

"What are you taking for the pain?" Ask the doctor.

"Menafemic acid and painkillers."

"Menafemic acid is good but I'm going to give you a prescription for some stronger painkillers. You can only take them for a few days at a time."

"That's fine doc I've been off the pill for months and I haven't fallen pregnant yet. How normal is that?"

"Without your old medical records I need to wait on the results of all these test to find out why you were told you can't get pregnant."

A week later Meghan and George sat in the doctor's office to hear the results of her test.

The doctor opens her folder, "Hows the bleeding Meghan?"

"It stopped yesterday how are my results?"

"As you know we did an ultrasound, took tissue samples, and other tests were conducted on you. You have level 2 endometriosis."

"Doesn't that make you infertile?" Ask Meghan.

"Not necessarily many people with the condition have children while others find it hard to conceive. You also have an abnormal womb."

"So I can't have kids?"

"You can get pregnant Meghan, when you do it just means we will need to monitor you carefully because there's a greater chance of a preterm birth."

"So the baby won't develop properly?"

"By preteen we mean before 37 weeks Meghan. Your baby when you get pregnant has a fighting chance since we know what's wrong with you now."

George's who was holding Meghan's hand throughout the discussion squeezes it.

"There is hope then for me wow. I can carry a child?"

The doctor smiles at her, "Yes Meghan there's and you can."

"That's great news," says a smiling George.

"It is," agrees the doctor. "Meghan we need to discuss your blood results."

"What's wrong?" Ask Meghan nervously.

"You're anaemic and low on folic acid so I'm going to start you on iron and folic acid pills. I want you to start eating iron rich foods such as spinach, beans and nuts and take your iron tablet with orange juice."

"I will, how long will it take for my iron to get to a normal level?"

"It's usually about six months."

"So I can't get pregnant for six months?"

"It's best to wait till your levels are adequate and while we wait we can deal with your endometriosis."

Meghan cheers up at the doctor's words. "When I do eventually get pregnant I'll have every chance of having a healthy baby won't I?"

"If you do everything I ask of you then yes."

Meghan hugs George then the Doctor,  "Thank you you have given me hope."

Outside Meghan beams at George, "I'm so happy I could shout."

"How about lunch at your favourite restaurant instead?"

"I'll love that."

She kisses him hard and take his hand in hers as they walk to their car. Later than night Meghan tells her mom and sister the good news over FaceTime.

"I'm pleased there's a chance you could get pregnant Meg."

"Thanks mum."

"Any questions you may have I'm happy to answer sis just make sure you're eating lots of iron rich foods. I'll make sure when you and George come over for dinner there's lots of iron rich food for you to eat."

"There's hope I genuinely thought there was none. I don't get it Emma was smart she would've seen the report. Why did she think there was no hope of me carrying a child?"

"None of us have seen the report darling and it wasn't found in your sister's possessions. So only Emma knew what it said."

"You're right mom and I'm still grateful for when she did for me.".

"We all are darling,"

"Sarah I have started to come up with a campaign to get the word out about your clinic."

Sarah smiles, "Thanks but you didn't have to do that.  We have leaflets that's given out to people and different government agencies."

"A campaign on urban and regular radio stations will tell more people about it. Oh if Susan ever finds out I did this for you lie and tell her you commissioned me to do it."

"Don't worry sis I will, I'm talking to my sister and mother.  My life has really taken a 180 turn."

"It sure has Sarah, oh before I forget are you guys going to the Alzheimer's Gala on Saturday?"

"Mum and I are going, the Gala last week was so boring at least this one is for something worthwhile."

Wanda laughs, "Have you both got got your dresses yet?"

"No I was thinking we could go go to Paris and pick up something there. You have this Friday off Sarah don't you?"

"Yes Meghan."

"If it's not too late notice Sarah would you like to come?"

"I'm not saying no to Paris mum it's been a while since I've been there."


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