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After making sure everyone has a glass of champagne or juice in their hand Meghan starts the tour. As she goes through the house she notes how surreal it was to be showing her husband ONS around her home.

Midway through the tour Meghan was surprise to realise Sarah was a quick witted, kind and caring human being. So she did her best to not rush through the tour like she was going to. When the tour was over Meghan ask Sarah about the free clinic she was going to be working at.

They sit in the receiving room and take sips of their drinks, "It's in the middle of being built in fact it's almost finished now. In a month or so It will be open it's a free clinic as you know and I'm incredibly proud to have fun-raised for it. I've a similar clinic in Zimbabwe and South Africa".

"You must be so proud of all you've accomplished so far Sarah", say Meghan who was beginning to admire the other woman for her relentless need to help the poor.

"I'm and the best part is with me being a Moretti the places I've help build will never run out of money".

"We're all so proud of her", says Rachel the pride evident in her voice. "Of course when my grandchild is born she will need to take maternity leave".

Meghan was very shocked at the news Sarah was pregnant and she quickly does the maths in her head for how pregnant Sarah would have to be if the baby was George's.

"You're having a baby congratulations Sarah. How far along are you?" She ask.

Meghan hopes her voice sounded normal and not show the panic she was feeling inside. George having a baby with her would be too much to bear.

"Only four weeks Marco is overjoyed he can't wait to be a dad".

Meghan says a silent prayer of thanks to god the baby couldn't be George's. As if sensing her turmoil Sarah look at Meghan and smiles.

"I know Marco wanted us to tried for kids as soon as possible after we got married but I didn't know how fertile I was".

Sarah watches as Meghan takes a deep breath and loosen the grip on her champagne flute. She genuinely didn't want to cause her any pain because their paths would continuously cross because their husbands was in business together.

Meanwhile George, Sergio and Marco was discussing business when Sergio casually drops in the conversation he was going to be a grandfather.

Not knowing where to look George stares at his brandy glass, "I'm happy for you.  I bet you can't wait to be a grandfather Sergio".

"I'm George, I'm. My son is finally making me a grandfather".

George looks at his watch, "I should get back to my other guest they must think I'm being rude".

Sergio stands, "Of course", he looks at his son.

Who looks at George then says, "You go ahead father I've something I want to talk to George about".

"Okay see you in a bit".

Sergio leaves and as soon as the click of the door is heard Marco turns to George, "The baby isn't yours it's mine". Seeing George's stunned expression he adds. "Don't look so surprise my wife told me about her ONS with you. Sarah and I dated in the past so I know her extremely well and we don't keep secrets from each other. She is the love of my life and I foolishly let her get away from me now I have her".

George doesn't say anything just continues to stare at Marco, "I bare no ill will towards you except for what you said to her at the coffee house". Seeing George's face he continues, "Yes I do know about that too you took her confidence away telling her what you did. I'm an Italian man I understand why you did it but it still doesn't excuse it".

"I'll apologise to her".

"Thank you I'm glad our working relationship is a good one and I hope to see you at Sarah's free clinic opening".

"I'll be there".


George stands and he and Marco make their way to where the other guests were.

"Your house is exquisite by the way I'm looking for a family house myself. A penthouse isn't the ideal place to raise a baby and I love what you have here".

"Thank you there's some houses down the road for sale. I would say it depends on what your budget is but then again money is not an issue for you is it".

"I'll talk to Sarah, we're grown adults we can make this work. I do hope I have a son like you to carry on the Moretti name.

"A daughter can inherit the business too Marco".

"I know".

The rest of the night went well and George takes Sarah aside and apologise to her like he promise he would.

"Thank you for the apology I really appreciate it and I hope we can be friends. I don't really have any good friends you see my modelling friends are not the type to sit and have a discussion about politics. Or the unequal healthcare system between the rich and the poor".

"I'm sure you'll find some new friends soon".

"Thank you George".

The next day Meghan and George was at the airport saying goodbye to his family.

"I'm going to miss you all so much",

"Grandma we'll facetime you and don't forget to call and let us know you arrive safely".

"We will George",  promise lice.

When the private plane takes off Meghan and George walk to their town car.

After buckling Arthur into his car seat George gives the driver the go ahead to start the car.

"I feel like I could use a weeks rest after all that".

"We can go to the Hamptons this weekend since Sergio has returned to Italy. Oh I gave him a million dollar check to give to Dr Moretti for her charity".

"That was nice of you darling", says George.

"She sent me a video showing what the charity does at the free clinics she runs. I can't imagine not having money to buy your heart medication or your diabetic strips".

"We comes from such privilege it's sometimes hard to comprehend that people literally starve to death in this country. Our families charity foundation will help to build a hospital for the poor. We can do a charity gala for it with live music, Broadway performances and whatever else we want".

"George that's a wonderful idea".

They arrive home and Meghan gives Arthur to Grace and walks in the kitchen and take out a pitcher of lemonade from the fridge. George puts two glasses in front of her.

"I love having everyone here but between work, parties and galas I'm glad it's just us".

"Me too have you look at the newspapers they're filled with information about our party. No gossip to get angry about just that I'm back on top where I know, well we belong", explains Meghan.

"I saw it and the way they kept going on about Sergio being here as well. I'll be glad when the launch date for his new products arrive and our partnership is out in the open".

"From my company's point of view it's a big deal we do all his advertising for him it's unheard of. The Italian branch was salivating when I told them we were working with him now".

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