New Start

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Meghan and George arrived in the Seychelles with the sun beating down on them. They were glad they thought to put on sunscreen before landing they exit the plane and walk to their waiting car.

They arrive at a private house on the island to see the staff outside waiting for them. They exit the car with George carrying Arthur's car seat. The Butler, maid, housekeepers and chef introduced themselves.

Meghan was glad to get out of the sun since it was very hot and it was only nine in the morning. They go up to their room and change into more suitable clothing for the weather.

George into white shorts and a yellow polo shirt with flip flops and Meghan into a pretty Chanel yellow dress with black sandals to coordinate with George's outfit.

They put Arthur down for a nap in the nursery and walk downstairs together to get a cold drink. Aaron the Butler brings them a lemonade and pineapple juice.

George raises his glass,"To the first day of our honeymoon. My friend whose vila this is assures me the staff are trustworthy".

"I wish we bought a nanny with us.  I would love to take a walk on the beach and pushing a pram on their isn't very practical".

"We'll figure it out caraI can have a nanny flown here from a good agency who's references have been thoroughly checked. She will have been vetted and has childcare qualifications".

"Do that please".

George takes his phone out and makes the arrangements when he was done he put the phone down. "Someone will be here by tomorrow".

"Thank you, I'm going to the kitchen to see what food there is and to get myself a snack come with me".

George follows Meghan into the kitchen and watches as she opens the fridge and freezer. "How about a BLT sandwich?" He nods and she starts taking the ingredients out the fridge.

Samara the chef comes in, "I'll make that for you Mrs Ricci I'll make that."

Meghan thanks her and walks out the kitchen with a wash mango in her hand. George has a bowl of fresh cut up fruit in his.

"This house is amazing I can't wait to explore this island. It's odd hearing myself being addressed as Mrs Ricci and it's odder still being on honeymoon with you but I'm determined to enjoy myself while I'm here". Meghan looks at George uncertainly before saying, "When we get back home I'll start reading Emma's letters".

"Ok but let's just think about us and our family for now".

"Ok George.  How about I ask the staff to prepare us a romantic meal on the beach for later".

"That sounds lovely but I don't want to leave Arthur with the staff. I tell you what how about we have the romantic meal here and give the staff the night off".

"That idea sounds great, I was thinking we can have lobster and lots of other seafood and a cake. It would be nice to have a small cake to celebrate our marriage with just us having it. Kinda like a symbol to say this is the start of us deciding to give us a try,"  says Meghan as she carefully  watch his face for a reaction.

"That sounds wonderful I want a seafood pasta dish included in our meal".

That night they sat down to their meal with a baby monitor on the table, "Have you dated anyone since we split up?" Ask Meghan.

"As you know now my grandmother was ill and a lot of my time was spent helping my parents take care of her. Dating or sex wasn't on my mind that's not to say that women weren't offering themselves to me. When we knew my grandmother would be okay and I came back to New York. I did have a one night stand with someone but I quickly realised that I wanted you and I was just going through the motions in bed with her. What about you have you dated anyone?"

"The experience of my wedding put me off men whenever one would try to chat me up. My first thought was he's after my money or he's going to cheat on me. I couldn't look at a guy and see something positive about maybe dating them. So no I haven't dated or slept with anyone but you".

"I'm sorry that what I did affected you quite so deeply Meghan.   I thought you would have found someone else to forget about me".

"Some hurts run deep".

"It seems like you decided to give up on men because of my treatment of you".

"I gave up on men because I didn't want to be hurt again, well I should say dating men".

"I'm sorry cara if this thing with Emma didn't happen you wouldn't have given up on finding love".

"In a way I didn't just give up on love.  I gave up on my happiness as well I mean who knows if any of those guys I turn down could have been the one".   She sees the sadness on George's face, "That was tackless of me to say that".

"It was tackless of me to tell you I couldn't marry you at our wedding".

"Let's try to enjoy our honeymoon and don't bring up our first wedding okay"


"So the person you slept with is it someone I'm likely to run into or was it a random person you met. I take it you used protection and didn't fall for the I'm on the pill we will be find line. You are not a unknown person the woman you slept with would've know who you were."

"As far as I know I've never met her before and she's not someone in our circle and yes I did use protection with her. I'm aware some woman try to put a hole in a condom so I always put it on. You and I had a blood test before our wedding so you know I'm clean".

"George did you seriously not get checked out at a clinic afterwards?"

"Of course I did the results came back ok".

Meghan exhale the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I won't pass any disease on to you my darling."

"I know we weren't together then and you could sleep with whoever you wanted to but I want to give birth someday. And some STDs can prevent me getting pregnant if I was to catch something from you. I want to get pregnant some day I love Arthur but there's some things I want to experience."

George understood what Meghan meant, "We would get to experience those little moments and milestones before the baby is born. Simple things like going to a doctors appointment, hearing our baby's heartbeat for the first time. And there is the important bit if you were carrying our child we would both know about it".

"I understand what you're saying we were robbed of that with Arthur".

The next day the nanny Grace Green arrive on the island and both Sarah and George liked her right away. Because they now had a nanny.  They were able to get some time for themselves and take the opportunity to walk on the beach and get to know each other again. They go into town with Grace, their bodyguards and a sleeping Arthur in his buggy and explore the island.

At the end of the honeymoon Meghan and George  realise they really like Grace and because she was fantastic with Arthur. They ask her to stay on with them which she agreed to.

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