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"You're a good person most people wouldn't have help her or if they did they could've try to use her".

"I would've done it for anyone and if I was in her situation I would want someone to help me. How was the rest of your work day after we parted ways at lunch?"

"It was good everyone who saw him said what a cute baby Arthur is. Ellen and I had a chat I explained again she wasn't fired which she was happy about".

"I'm sorry for speaking to your staff the way I did. I'll send her a gift".

"She will like that but she should've realised if you wanted to leave a message you would've left one. What are we having for dinner?"

"Chicken salad since we ate so much at lunch I figure you wouldn't mind a light dinner. There is bake chicken pasta if you want something more substantial too".

"The salad is fine and after dinner I want us to spent some time together with our son. I want to give him a bottle before he goes to bed".


"Arthur is no longer a secret my girlfriends will be very surprise at the news".

George's face shows shock, "Wow you really didn't tell any of them about us".

They sit, "It all happened so quickly one minute I was single then a mum, then planning my best friend's funeral and then puff a marriage happened".

"I don't have to ask if they're still upset with me but I'm surprise you didn't call Natalie, next to Emma she's your closet friend".

"She is pregnant right now I don't want to cause her stress".

"How was work did you manage to get lots done?"

"Actually I did, having a nanny is a big help. So is being able to just leave my desk and go for a walk round the block".

"Are you excited to work with Sergio's company?"

"I'm but he hasn't been in touch with my company yet I checked."

"Give him time".

"I will, you know I was actually glad I was married to you earlier. I looked at my family and it was like a light bulb went off. I've a family of my own and I will forever be grateful for my son. Seeing your family again made me nostalgic and I was genuinely please to see your grandmother was doing well".

"I'm glad you're slowly coming around to being Mrs Ricci. There were several times I thought this was it today is my last day with my grandmother. I wanted to pick the phone up and call you or walk into my bedroom and see you there ready to comfort me".

Meghan takes his hand in hers, "That must have been really hard for you. I remember when my grandmother died how it fell like a part of me was missing for a long time".

He pulls her close to him and she put a arm around him, "When my grandmother was given last rites and we thought this was it for her. It felt like my world was collapsing".

"It would feel that way for you George you love her".

"I'm sorry you lost your grandmother".

"Me too".

They drink their tea and lay on the sofa holding each other until the butler walks in the room and announce dinner was ready.

They follow him to the dining room and George pull out a chair for Meghan. She thanks him and take a seat.

They eat their dinner with Meghan telling George her ideas for Sergio's company.

"I was thinking of perhaps using a couple or a family to sell his products".

"That sounds good but he may want separate advertising for each line of products".

"George I was thinking we could go the Hamptons this summer".

"That's a lovely idea, I was thinking we could have a standing date night each week". He looks at her expecting her to say no wait till we go to counselling first.

"I would love that", he breathes a sigh of relief. Meghan sees and feels bad that she seemed to be constantly causing him pain.

"And we could've lunch twice a week too", she suggest.

"I would love that", Meghan saw the happiness on George's face at her suggestion.

When dinner was over they return to the living room only to hear the baby monitor in Meghan's hand go off. They walk upstairs to Arthur's nursery and Meghan sees the nanny going to pick him up.

"It's alright Grace we'll see to him.


Grace leaves and George picks up Arthur and kisses him on the forehead.

"How's my little man doing?" Arthur starts to cry, "Can you get a nappy please I'm going to change him".

Meghan get a new onesie out and items to clean Arthur and places it on the changing mat. George places Arthur on the changing mat and they change his diapers and clean him up. When he was done Meghan washes her hands in the nursery's en-suite then holds Arthur while George clean up and washes his hands.

They walk downstairs with their son and Meghan goes to the bottle warmer and checks the bottle of milk she knew Grace would have put in it. When it was warm enough she walks with George to the movie room and they sit with Arthur while George feeds him.

Meghan put the tv on a baby channel she was surprise at what she saw. "I can't wait till he's old enough for Sesame Street".

"George laughs, "I think Arthur is a little too young for baby tv".

Meghan runs her hands through Arthur's hair, "I know but I want him to hear baby sounds".

"What about taking him to a mother and baby's group?"

"I'm waiting till he's over six months old first".

"Okay but you know having some mom friends is a good thing".

"I know,  I'm just greedy and want my baby boy with us ."

"Don't those groups only meet for an hour tops".

"Yes.  I know I said we should start counselling soon but do you mind if we leave it for couple months?"

"Why the change of heart cara?"

"I want us to work organically and the counselling to enhance that. I made decisions about how our relationship would be and didn't take into consideration. How I would feel when we were actually together as a family".

"You feel differently?"

"Yes, I expected to feel hate but instead I feel love".

He looks at her in shock and she notices it. "The truth is I never stopped loving you George. I've loved you more that I've hated you even when I didn't know the truth".

"You mean about me and Emma?"

"Yes did you know after the wedding fiasco I kept saying to mum and dad George would never hurt me like this. Something happened why he did what he did but they kept saying it's not true he hurt you just accept it".

"Emma has a lot to answer for".

"Sadly she can't answer us".

"I need to say this even if you get mad at me. Technically you're on maternity leave so wouldn't now be a good time to meet some new mothers. I'm not saying you have to meet them tomorrow. I just want you to have some support from women dealing with new motherhood like you".

Meghan was touched by his words "I promise you in three months I'll look again at joining a group".

So what do you guys think so far?

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