The Hamptons

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"I'm sure Susan will tell us what's going on when she's ready".

"You're right George", Meghan  gives her shopping bag to one of the bodyguards.

"I want to get Arthur some clothes and toys from that baby store at the end of this block".

George take Meghan's hand in his as they walk to the baby store. He smiles when he sees a white onesie with yellow ducks on it. I need to buy my son a gift from his papa he thought. Walking into the shop he stops when he sees a section of books. He walks over to the books and smile when he sees the selection of interactive books. "I'm buying one of every book".

"It will be nice to have a great selection of books ready and waiting for when I can read to Arthur".

Meghan smiles knowing how much having their son means to George. On the way home her phone rings she answers it, "Hello."

"Hi Meghan it's Ann, Anna Williams I'm having a party tonight. I would love it if you and George could come".

Meghan who had her phone on speaker looks at George who was shaking his head. "Thanks for the invite I'll call you in a bit and let you know if George and I can make it".

"No problem", Meghan hang up.

"You don't want to go?"

"I like Anna you know that it's just that I want one day this weekend with just you and our son".

"Okay I'll tell Anna another time". Meghan calls Ann back and explain she and George wanted some alone time.

"I understand completely I'm sure I'll see you at one of the parties being thrown tomorrow or Sunday".

"Honestly you're the first person to invite us anywhere this weekend. Hold on a second", Meghan places her hand over her phone.

"We could do a lunch on Sunday", smuggest George.

Meghan look at George and mouths,  "Thank you".

"George and I are having a small get together on Sunday around noon you should come".

"David and I would love to come".

"Great see you then", Meghan end the phone call.

"It will be nice to see her since she lives up here full-time".

"Yes it will.  George I want to go in this bakery before we go back to the house.  I remember Grace saying she wanted to try some cookies from here that's suppose to be really good".

"Sure", after getting a selection of goodies for Grace and Edward. George and Meghan were driven home.

The next day they were getting ready to go to a polo match. Meghan was wearing a green floral dress with wedges and George was in black shorts with a white shirt, a black sweater was tie around his shoulder.

They walk downstairs together and see Grace with Arthur. Meghan takes him from her, "Enjoy your day off Grace. George and I will see you later".

"See you later", she replies.

George pushes Arthur's buggy as Meghan walks beside him, "It's been a while since I've been to a polo match".

"Same here Natalie and David will be there right?"

"Yes George it will be nice to see them again".

"Yes it will".

When they arrive at the polo grounds Meghan finds somewhere for them to sit. 

"Meghan, George it's so wonderful to see you both", the woman's eyes were trained on Arthur. "He's the spitting image of you Meghan."

"I know", Meghan looks at the curly haired petite woman she couldn't stand. The women notices the icy tone coming from Meghan.

"Actually you know what I forgot I need to be somewhere".

"Ok", Meghan smiles as the women leaves.

George chuckles, "Lily is really something did she forget she tried to steal me away from you".

"I'm sure her 50 something year old husband has his hands full with her". Meghan shivers involuntary.

"Do you want a drink darling since it's getting a bit warmer now?" Ask George.

"Actually I would love a lemonade and an ice cream".

"Coming right up" George leaves and Meghan checks on Arthur who was fast asleep. She pulls the cover on the pram out so it covers him completely. Looking around her surroundings she sees the tents and horses then she spies her best friend Natalie Bryan talking to a staff member.

"Nat, Nat".

Natalie hears her and look over then start walking towards her.

They hug, "Oh my god Meg why didn't you say you were coming up here we could've come up together".

"It was a last minute decision to come".

"I'm glad you're here you missed a great party at Ann's  house last night".

"I am having a dinner party tomorrow and she's invited to it and so now are you.  where is Steve is he not with you?"

Her smile falls, "He's working alone again with his secretary".

"You think they're having an affair?"

"Yes like George and Emma were".

Meghan purses her lips, "I don't if your man is cheating on you but FYI my best friend and boyfriend never cheated on me".

"Your best friend I'm your bestie".

"You and I both know that she was my bestie".

Natalie laughs, "You consider that street rat your bestie over me.  I'm glad she cheated on you with George". She sees him walking towards them with drinks, "Speak of the toe-rag and he shall appear".

"That's enough Natalie I've already told you there was no cheating involved as far as George is concern. Now if your husband is cheating on you that is something you need to discuss with him".

Meghan takes the ice cream cone from George and her drink and kiss him then look at her friend. "Consider yourself uninvited from my dinner tomorrow".

Natalie looks George up and down in distain before holding her stomach and waddling off.

"Hi Natalie bye Natalie", shouts George. Not getting an answer from Natalie.  He turns to Meghan, "What's going on with her?"

"She thinks her hubby is cheating and wouldn't believe you didn't".

'Damn Steve is cheating on her?"

"You didn't know?"

"No but darling a woman always knows when her man is cheating on her".

"I didn't know you were married to Emma".

"Apart from the marriage where we didn't even kiss so there was no cheating".

"I know."

"George, Meghan come sit by me I have the fan on".

They see Wanda calling them over, "Do you want to go over there?"

"I never had a problem with her darling and knowing Wanda as I do. She has food in her tent and I'm starving".

Meghan stands and places hand on Arthur checking he wasn't too hot. "Let's go".

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