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"Yes he does since I called him after your mother told me what happened." He leaves and come back in the room with a glass of orange juice. "You've not had lunch yet have you?"


"Did you take your tablets?"

"With breakfast this morning."

"Good, the cook is making you something to eat now."

"Ryan said he had someone befriend Grace and they would kill her and Arthur if I didn't go with him."

Marco sits next to Meghan, "Grace has had security training by the palace. We know all her friends and she spent the morning with your parents. There was no way Ryan could've hurt Arthur or her."

"He was in the women's toilet in my building Marco. He got in despite all the security the building has, he got in Marco!"

He hugs her, "I'm sorry he did but because he took a foolish risk he will rot in prison for the rest of his life."

"He will won't he?"  Meghan wasn't sure if she ask a question or made a statement.

"Yes he will."

George walks in the room and Marco leaves while he sits next to Meghan. "Cara did he hurt you?"

"He shoved me and I fell down unto the floor."

George looks murderous, "We need to take you to the hospital."

"Marco has called a doctor to check me over."

"Let's go home they deserve to enjoy this special time alone as a family."

"Okay," He helps her stand and they walk to their apartment.

"I'm just going to have a quick word with Marco," he moves aside so she could enter their apartment.

Meghan looks frightened, "Don't leave me please don't leave me."

"It's okay I'm not going anywhere I'll text Marco to sent the doctor here."

"I don't feel so good." Meghan barely gets the words out before she faints. George catches her before she fell for the second time that day.

When Meghan opens her eyes it was to the sound of beeping. "She's awake press the buzzer," she hears.


"I'm here darling,"

"I'm in hospital are I?"

"Yes you're darling, you fainted.  You hit your head earlier when you fell didn't you?"

"Yes on the wall by the bathroom door."

"Your highness you're awake," says a tall brown skin man with black hair as he  comes into the room. Meghan makes to raise her hand to scratch her nose and feels pain.

"You're on a drip your highness.  You gave us quite a scare."

"It was just a fall it couldn't have been that bad."

"Your highness you were running on adrenaline a week ago."

"A week ago?"

"Yes, you've been asleep for a week you had swelling on your brain. We had to relief the pressure and I'm happy to say the operation went well . We've given you an iron infusion and have been feeding you intravenously. Did you know you were pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, five weeks and the pregnancy is progressing as it should congratulations. Your father's country's royal obstetrician has been looking after you."

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