The Twist(48)

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"Walk out the bathroom slowly."

"You'll never walk out this building without being arrested Ryan. The minute people see the gun they'll call the police."

He laughs and shoves her out the door as Meghan falls to the ground she opens her handbag so something falls out of it. "Pick up your stuff and start walking we are taking the stairs."

Meghan looks at the bad red wig her fake father was wearing and the long overcoat. "I know it's the beginning of September but aren't you hot in that get up?"


She stands and steps on his feet, "You bitch."

Meghan sees some of her staff running out their offices to see what the commotion was about. Then she sees April, "He has a gun someone call the police."

Meghan sees her bodyguards running towards her, "Where were you?" She ask one of them.

"April told us you forgot something in the office so we went back to get it."

"Are you in on this April?" Ask Meghan.

"What can I say Ryan pays well ten millions dollars well. All I had to do was keep on eye on you and tell him your whereabouts. I knew he was in the building so I did what I was paid to do, get him alone with you. You always go to the bathroom before you leave the office always."

"Why are you doing this Ryan? If you love me you wouldn't do this."

"Love you all I have done is love you and your mother. She was really pregnant but the baby was delivered with breathing problems. I payed off a nurse and doctor who swapped the baby with you. My child didn't make it there was blood everywhere to this day I get chills thinking about it. It was horrible the doctor took the blanket Wanda had for you and wrap my child up in it. Then got rid of the dead baby for me since I was paying him. When the police were called they were told you died. Your mother was jealous of Wanda they met in lamaze class. So she knew what Wanda was thinking of doing. Susan had an emergency c-section and when she came round you was placed in her arms. She never knew you wasn't hers and I got what I needed. A child so my father could pass down the company to me."

"I saw the letters in Paris where she ran away with me and was bragging to you about stealing me."

"No Meghan I wrote those letters I knew you went to Paris. I have hidden CCTV everywhere in that chateau."

"That's why you were drinking the night of the gala?"

"Yes it was.  I wasn't sure how much of my lies you knew about.

"Why did you write the letters?"

"To frame Susan if the truth was to ever come out. My reputation as a pillow of the community is too important to me. I can't let it be tarnished over something I had to do."

"But she knew what you did."

"I told her about stealing you after the fact and later when we found out we couldn't have anymore children. She found out Wanda was pregnant again and saw an opportunity to make her pay."

"Why did she hate my mother?"

She was smart and well liked by everyone and she went through trauma and didn't let it break her. Four years after losing you she was richer than me. I told Susan, Wanda made a pass at me which made sure they would never become good friends. Susan really wanted Wanda to suffer so she made sure her child was taken away from her . The weird thing is that blasted woman still thrived."

"Let me get this straight my fake mother hated my real mother and you stole me and gave me to Susan to raise. Were you trolling your wife?"

"I don't understand what you mean," answers Ryan as he's kicked in the legs from the behind.

As Meghan watches him being disarmed she looks at the palace guards who she hadn't seen since yesterday.  Then at April, "You're fired".

"Actually Meghan I called your palace security I've been working with them. They knew Ryan would try to get me to turn on you. I had to play a part I'm sorry I would never betray you."

"Yet you did. What if he had shot me April?"

"The gun has blanks in it."

"How do you know that?"

"I gave him the gun?"

Meghan slaps her, "Why April? Why?"

"He's my dad,  I didn't die the doctor he had stole you adopted me and before he died he told me the truth. I got a job here to be closer to my sister."

Meghan shuts her eyes and counts to ten, "Everyone who isn't at their desk in the nest five minutes will be fired. If I see a video of any of this on the news you will be fired and sued into oblivion."

"You're my daughter?" Ask a trembling voice

April ignores him then signs heavily, "Why did you ask me to betray Meghan?" She ask Ryan.

"You seemed to really look up to her I figured there was some jealousy there and I used that to get you to do what I wanted. You were defective how are you here with no health problems?"

"I have asthma like millions of people Ryan. I always wondered why you didn't want me now I know its because I wasn't perfect."

A slew of police detectives swam the hallway, "Ryan Adams I'm arresting you on suspicion of kidnapping, murder and false imprisonment."

Meghan watches as he's led away by the police, she turns to April. "Thank you for what you did for me. You betrayed your father for me."

"You're my sister I would do anything to protect you. You have always been kind to me and treated me well."

"How long have you known who I was?"

"Since I was sixteen my adopted dad said he was afraid Ryan would hurt me. So he told him I was dead and showed him a dead baby from the morgue."

"Do you know where Susan is?"

"No Ryan wouldn't tell me where she is. He's very manipulative I get the feeling he persuaded her to do things she didn't want to do. All he said when I ask where she was is.  She is unraveling I can't control her anymore.".

"What does that mean?"  Ask Meghan.

"I don't know."

"I need to go the baby is coming please take the rest of the week off."

Meghan runs to her car  and tells the bodyguards to take her home. Susan thinks she's my mother so Ryan lied to her she thought as the car drives through the streets of Manhattan. When she walks into Marco and Sarah's penthouse she hears a baby cries.  "Mum, dad", she calls out.

"They're not here they were called about the situation at your job. They've gone down to the police station. Come and meet your new niece Emma."

Meghan walks into Sarah's and Marco's bedroom to see Sarah sitting up in bed holding a baby with brown hair. Meet your niece Emma Meghan Morretti."

Meghan bends and looks at Emma who opens her blue eyes, "She's perfect."

"She really is," agrees Sarah. "Hey shouldn't you be at the police station?"

"Being a princess has its privileges don't worry about me.  Enjoy your first precious few hours with my niece." She bends and kiss Sarah and the baby on the head and leaves the room.

"How was the birth?"

"Quick," replies Marco the joy evident on his face. "It was so beautiful to see my daughter being born."

"Can I get a drink of water?"

"You're looking a bit unwell Meghan why don't you lie down and I'll call the doctor."

"There's no need I haven't called George yet so he doesn't know where I'm."

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