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"It's nobody's business Wanda did you expect me to dish the dirt to you and how do you know about George being a prince?"

"Gossip is my business Meghan and FYI I don't want the dirt on you. Let me give you some free advice fight for your right to privacy. Your son is no one's business but yours and George's."

Wanda leans in close to Meghan, "I'm a gossiper it's true but I can keep a secret when it will cause real pain."

Meghan sees her staring sadly at Sarah Goldsmith who just came into the room.

"Emma gave me the letters she left you for safe keeping. I know what she did and I'll never tell another soul about it".

Meghan staggers back a little, "She told you?"

"Yes I'm supposed to tell you she loves you and was incredibly grateful for all you did for her."

"Did she tell you why she did it?"

"I can't answer that question read the letters Meghan and no I've not read them".

"Why tell me this now?"

"It's the first time I've seen you seen the funeral".

"Wait you were there?"

"Yes, I hid at the back of the church and watched at the grave site from afar". Before Meghan could say anything Alice walks up to them.

"There you're Meghan I've been looking everywhere for you I just saw the cutest guy. I need you to tell me if you know him".

Alice links arms with Meghan, "You're shaking Meghan what's going on?" She looks between Wanda and Meghan, "Did I interrupt something?"

"It's fine, Wanda and I can finish our conversation another time Alice", Meghan tries to sound as normal as possible.

Alice hugs her and Meghan tries not to cry. "Oh Alice this is one of the woman I was telling you about Mrs Beecham runs her own brokerage firm".

Alice holds a hand out to Wanda, "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am. Wait you're Wanda, the Wanda Beecham the first self made female billionaire of your generation. You did three jobs while going to school didn't you?"

"My you've done your homework haven't you dear and yes I did".

Struggling to hold her emotions in check Meghan says as quickly as possible, "Wanda why don't you introduce Alice to some of your other CEO friends".

Wanda look at Meghan and sees the distress she was trying to hide, "I would love to.  Didn't you say something about the powder room?"

"Yes I did".

Meghan walks off in the direction of the powder room when she gets there she says hello to the assistant and goes into a stall. She sits on the toilet seat and silently cries Wanda knew the truth and was friends with Emma and didn't say anything to her before now. She couldn't believe her deepest secret was known outside the family. Meghan looks at her hands they were shaking aware she was not alone in the bathroom.  Meghan wills her hands to stop shaking so she could leave.

George meanwhile was frantically looking for his wife he goes up to his mother, "Mother have you seen Meghan?"

"I haven't I'm afraid son".

"Ok I'm just going to keep searching for her".

"Why don't you just call her phone sweetheart".

"Of course", he takes his phone out and dials Meghan's number.

Meghan hears her phone rings and answers it, "Darling where are you?"

"I'm in the powder room I'll be out in five minutes",

"Okay I'll be waiting near the entrance for you"

They hang up and Meghan stands and takes a deep breath, "You can do this", she tells herself silently. She opens the cubicle door and opens her purse and starts to apply makeup to her puffy eyes. She steers herself and heads for the entrance then opens the door.

She sees George waiting for her Meghan walk up to him.

He takes one look at her and knew instantly something was wrong, "You've been crying darling did somebody say something to upset you?"

"Yes but we can't talk about it here let's just mingle before dinner is served".

Meghan and George was very surprise to see Sarah walk up to them. She was walking with a man they didn't know. Sarah stops in front of them.

"I just want you to know  George I'm sorry for the way I behaved towards you in Starbucks".

Meghan and George look at Sarah's companion wondering why she would expose herself like that.

"This is my husband Marco Moretti", says Sarah.

"Your husband?" Ask Meghan in disbelief.

"Yes, we got married last week", explains Marco.

"Moretti, I know a Sergio Moretti are you related to him by chance?" Ask George.

"Si he's my father and he speaks very highly of you Giorgio."

"George is fine Marco."

"George it is then."

"I've told Marco what I said to you in the restaurant George. I didn't mean any of it someone wanted me to break up your marriage. I told them afterwards I wouldn't play their games anymore. They paid me to do it but I return their money and they then attempted to blackmail me".

"Who is it?" Ask Sarah.

"I can't tell you because I'm still trying to make sure they can't hurt me anymore. And George all those months ago it really was a random meeting. I'm no longer a model so I can work full-time as a doctor now. Those men you saw me with donated money to my charity and I provided companionship for them and nothing else."

Meghan realise that she misjudged Sarah. No wonder George said she didn't look like she meant what she said that day.

"Thank you for telling us the truth Sarah", says Meghan.

"My husband convinced me I had nothing to fear by telling you the truth. I hope one day we can be friends Meghan truly I do. I have a free clinic opening soon I would love you both to come to the opening."

Meghan put a hand on George's arm, "I'll give you my details". She takes her phone out and take Sarah and Marco's phone numbers.

"If you send us the information I'll see if I can make it", says Sarah.

"Thank you Marco and I need to mingle it was nice to see you both again".

Sarah and Marco leaves

Meghan turns to George, "I'm stunned tonight has been a night of revelations".

Who do you think is trying to blackmail Sarah?

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