The Press

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Meghan was happy she read Emma's letter she remembers the first time Emma saw the expensive hotel suite she and her family were staying in. Her mouth dropped open and close several times as she took in the chairs with gold accents, the expensive sofas and wall art. When Emma saw the prices on the room service menu she was afraid to order.

The nanny enters the room with Arthur bringing Meghan back to the present.

"How has he been Grace?"

"He has just woken up from a nap I though you may like to feed him", Meghan take Arthur from Grace.

"Is the bottle ready?"

"It should have cool down by now I'll go get it".

Grace leaves the room and Meghan looks down at her son who's big blue eyes so much like hers was staring at her. She didn't think it was possible to love someone so much and so quickly. The first time she held her son in her arms she understood what her friends with children meant when they said they would die for their child. The mother and child bond was so strong.

Grace walk back into the room with the bottle of formula and Meghan feeds her son. She felt contentment and happiness as she does it. When Arthur was full she burps him and decide to take him for a walk around the neighbourhood. Meghan knew she would relish this chance to be a mother.

When Arthur was dress more appropriately for the weather outside Meghan informs her bodyguard and Grace she was going for a walk. Meghan put on her coat and opens the front door and when she place the buggy outside she was happy to see there was no paparazzi.

Meghan walks around the neighbourhood taking in the sights and sounds. She did see some people staring curiously at her and Arthur. When she returned home there were photographers outside her house they started taking pictures of her when they see her.

Someone shouts at Meghan asking who the baby belongs to since Meghan was seen outside for months without a pregnancy belly. And here she was  now being seen with a child. Someone ask if it was her husband's love child. Meghan covers Arthur's buggy with his blanket and ignores the questions and makes her way inside the house.

Grace takes Arthur when they get inside and Meghan hurriedly calls George.  His secretary answers and she ask to be put through to George. "He's in a meeting can I take a message".

"Yes, you can put me through to my husband now thank you".

The women on the other end of the line gulps at Meghan's words. "I'll let him know you've call as soon as he's finish with his meeting Mrs Ricci".

"Sorry what's your name again?" Ask Meghan.


"Well Ellen you seem to be under the impression I'm asking you to give my husband a message not put me through to him. If you don't put me through now I can guarantee you that you won't have a job by the end of the day".

"I'm putting you through now Mrs Ricci".

George was in a meeting with a important client when his phone rings he picks it up, "Ellen I told you to hold my calls".

"It's your wife she won't take no for an answer".

"Put her through please".

"Hi darling".

"The press are outside the house and are asking if Arthur is your love child what should I do?"

"Take him and come to my office we'll go out for lunch that way they can see us together as a family. I'm not ashamed of you or my son. I'll have our press people give them a two sentence statement".

"If you do that will they leave me alone?"

"I'll get my lawyers to write a letter telling them to back off".

"Okay see you in a while".

George put the phone down, "I'm sorry about that it was my wife it was urgent".

His client Mr Moretti nods, "You're newlyweds it would be weird if she didn't call. Nothing too serious I hope?"

"No just the press being a pain she took our son out for a walk and now they're camped outside our house".

"I knew you were married but I didn't know you had a child too. Congratulations my boy this changes a lot my company has a wholesome image to maintain. Forget everything we've talked about previously your stores will be the exclusive retailer of my company's product".

George couldn't believe what he was hearing he had been trying to get Mr Moretti to stock some of his high end foods in his supermarkets for two months.

"Thank you sir, thank you".

"You're welcome let's discuss the terms of our new arrangement. My father started his import business in Italy with just his brother. Today the business is still own by the family that way we have complete control of it".

"I'm sure your son will follow in your footsteps one day".

"You and Meghan must come to dinner at my house after the deal is signed. My son is learning the ropes so he can take over the company".

"We will love to come for dinner now let's discuss the terms of our new contract".

George and Mr Moretti works till there was a knock on George's office door. He looks at his watch two hours had past.

"I think we've done as much as we can Sergio let's leave the rest of deals to the lawyers to figure out".

"Of course", he stands and George opens his office door to see Meghan holding Arthur.

"Darling give me a few minutes and I'll be ready for our lunch date". George kiss Meghan on the lips and Arthur on the forehead.

"This is your son and wife?"

"Yes it is. darling this is my most important client Mr Moretti".

"Sergio please".

"Sergio this is my wife Meghan she owns the biggest advertising company in the world and our son Arthur".

"Please to meet you my dear". He looks at Arthur, "He's a carbon copy of his mother".

"Nice to meet you Mr Moretti".

"Sergio please we will be seeing a lot of each other now. I'm sure I'll be using your advertising company soon". He looks at his watch, "I need to leave it was lovely to meet you Meghan".

"And you Sergio".

Mr Moretti leaves and George formally introduces his wife and son to his Secretary.

"In the future whenever my wife call please put her through".

"Of course sir, it's lovely to meet you Mrs Ricci".

"And you I'm sorry I was a bit blunt to you before but it was an emergency".

"So I'm not fired then?"

"No you're not", replies George.

He get his coat and watch Meghan put Arthur in his bugger then he takes over from her and starting pushing the buggy. When they arrive at the elevator Meghan turns to George.

"I'm scare".

He places an arm around her, "Don't be I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere darling".

"I don't want to answer any press questions.  I know they've follow me here".

"Leave it to me".

When they leave the building George and Meghan post for a photo with Arthur.

"I'm only going to speak on this matter once", says George.  "My wife and I have a son he's our biological child not a love child. And let me be very clear I don't want you following my wife or child around and endangering them".

George finish speaking and they make their way to Meghan's Range Rover with the press shouting questions at them.

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