The Final Letter

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When George arrives home he checks on Meghan he was happy to see she was sleeping. The last few weeks was starting to take its tole on him. He checks on Arthur who was playing with Grace. He takes him from her and walks into the kitchen with him. "Is the lasagna ready?" He ask the cook.

"It needs another twenty minutes sir."

Walking out the kitchen he goes into his study and fires up his computer. He was sorting out the final details for his family's move to Europe. Which meant he would be able to see his parents more often and he wouldn't have to hear New York high society gossiping about the Adam's anymore. He hated that his main office was in New York but he promised Alice if she graduated top of her class he would give her the business to run. He was happy David would be keeping a eye on things for him in the meantime.

It was George, Arthur and Meghan's last day living in America. Alice would be staying in their apartment while she did her degree since security on the building was very good. "I'm going to miss you all so much."

"You'll see us at Christmas Alice don't cry."

"I'm so use to seeing you guys every week though."

"We will FaceTime you and don't forget Sarah and Marco are next door. They'll be expecting you to check in with them every week."

"I won't and I will." She hugs them.

Meghan look at Sarah, "When we first met you were my enemy then you became my friend then my sister. Don't be a stranger okay?"

Too choke up to speak Sarah hugs her. After Meghan and George say all their goodbyes they head for the airport. As they buckle their seatbelts, Meghan looks at George, "Any doubts?

"Not even one."

Meghan was now three months pregnant and as she landed in her new home her swollen belly was there for all the press to take photos of.

She hugs her parents, "How was the ride?" Ask Leonardo.

"Long and tiring ," answers Meghan truthfully.

Arthur who was now one years old was trying to get out of his father's arms and put his hand out to his grandfather who takes him.

"Let's go home."

One year later

Meghan sits after giving a speech at the UN on violence against woman. She was now a fully fledged full-time working royal. Ryan was in prison for life and Susan made a complete recovery. It turned out Ryan's iron grip on her included domestic violence. She was forced to do things she didn't want to do and was repeatedly lied to by him. Yes she did help Ryan with his schemes but against her will. She did admit to everything Emma said in the letter. And it was Ryan who tampered with the brakes but got Susan to admit to doing it.

When Meghan asks her if she killed her sister she looked her right in the eyes and said no. But it was a lie of course she did it Meghan thought to herself. Then she read Emma's final letter.

Dear Meghan
Susan came to see me she wanted to apologise for her behaviour towards me. I didn't believe her of course but I opened the door to her anyway. I made a big mistake. She was wearing sunglasses I reached for her and she flinched. It was then I noticed the makeup covering her eyes. I asked her about it and she literally pretended like she wasn't sore or had a black eye. I made both of us a cup of tea she must of slipped something into mine because I started to feel sick soon afterwards but it passes or so I thought. I'm at the hospital now my heart is damaged and they need to get the baby out right away. A nurse is dictating this for me. I don't want to die Meghan I'm all alone, if only you were here to hold my hand. I desperately want to see you one more time. Tell my nephew I loved him very much and Susan isn't innocent in any of this no matter how she spins it. Make sure she goes to prison for a long time. I'll see you when I see you love Emma.

Susan was sentenced to one year in prison for helping Ryan with his schemes. The judge took pity on her because of the domestic abuse she suffered at his hands over the years.

April was just happy her mother was alive to have a relationship with. She still regarded Meghan as her sister but Meghan couldn't be around her knowing she was still friends with Susan.

Ryan was murdered in prison and as his legal heir Meghan was entitled to millions of dollars. She gave it to April who hated her dad for what he did and never spoke to him again after he was arrested.

The applause of the audience brings Meghan back to the present. When her engagement was over she makes her way to her car. The chauffeur opens the car door for her and just as she was about to get in Meghan sees April across the street looking at her car with a sad smile on her face. She was dressed as the quintessential Park Avenue princess with a yellow Hermes bag dangling from her left hand. As the car begins to move Meghan turns and looks at April again and sees Susan hugging her. Was it her imagination or did the two of them look very smug. Meghan knew with Ryan dead Susan and April now had all his money and businesses. She heard whispers the upper east side embraced April wholeheartedly and forgave Susan. She was an innocent in all the schemes that went on they believed. Yet as Meghan looks between April and Susan she wonders why they both looked like they got away with something.

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