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"Ok, today has been a good day for both of us both professionally and personally".

Megan smiles at George, "It really has". She looks at Arthur who had fallen asleep lovingly."We have a son I can't stop smiling every time I say that".

"Let's put him in his crib there's something I want to talk to you about".

"Ok", they take Arthur upstairs and place him in his crib.

George takes Meghan's hand and they walk to their bedroom. Meghan look down at their join hands and blushes. He still made her feel giddy after all this time she thinks to herself.

He leads her to the bed and they sit, "What did you want to talk about George?"

"I was thinking we should have a party in a few weeks to celebrate our wedding and our son's birth".

Meghan has a think about George's suggestions. It did make sense to her to have a party since New York society needed to see them as a united unit. They could even invite Sergio and his family.

"I think that's a great idea I'm not ashamed of my son or marriage. This scandal doesn't change the fact my family is the cream of society. It's time people remember that fact".

"Excellent I'll start looking at catering companies", says George.

"I'm sure my mum would love to plan it since there's several people noses she would like to put out of joint".

George laughs, "I forgot how your family like to keep the snobs on their toes".

"Initially my parents were apprehensive about everything but not now. The newspapers vicious rumours and lies is getting out of hand. Your party suggestion should put a stop to it all and people will be too scare to gossip about us in the newspapers".

"Because they want that elusive party invitation", finish George.

Meghan smiles slyly, "I know".

She stands, "I'm going to run a bath care to join me?"


George starts to undress and follow Meghan into the bathroom. He has a quick shower while she runs the bath and adds a bath bomb to it. As he showers George couldn't stop getting excited about sharing something so intimate with Meghan. She had truly done a 180.

They were both sitting in the bath when Meghan ask George to tell her about the last time he saw Emma".

"You really want to know?"

"Yes George I do".


"I'm sorry I can't marry you I'm already married to Emma".

George look at the disappointed faces of his family and friends at his words before leaving the church.

Emma runs out the church after him,"Are you happy now I've just betray the only women I've every loved". 

Emma smiles sadly, "You don't understand I'm doing this for you and Meghan".

"Tell me exactly how hurting the women I love, the women who took you in is good for the both of us?"

A crowd was now listening to George and Emma's conversation, "Please can we go somewhere and talk?"

George looking furious realises he couldn't really have the conversation with her he wanted to out in the open. He hails a cab, "Get in".

Emma walks round to the other side of the vehicle and get in, "Thank you for letting me explain myself".

"You blackmailed me into hurting your best-friend what is there to talk about. Meghan will never forgive the both of us for this humiliation".

Emma looks contrite, "I'm sorry".

"Tell that to Meghan not me".

"No you deserve an apology too I lied to you this baby isn't yours, it never was".

"Please stop the car", the taxi driver stops the car and George get out.

"Where are you going we still need to talk".

George looked everywhere but at Emma, "I'm sending you the divorce papers tomorrow. If you're really sorry sign and return them ASAP".

End of flashback

"Why did you leave the car so suddenly?"

"I was extremely angry and I don't hit women so I remove myself from the situation".

"Good for you no matter what she did Emma didn't deserve to be physically abused".

"I married her for my child's sake so to then find out it was a lie and a game to her or so I thought at the time was too much for me. I went home with my family back to Italy for a holiday. Unfortunately just days after we return my grandmother started feeling unwell. She fainted in front of us she had been feeling unwell for a while but because she wanted to come to our wedding. She endured the pain she was experiencing".

Meghan put a hand to her mouth", Oh god".

"I stayed in Italy after that since my company has you know have a base there".

"I remember seeing her in pain the day before the wedding in fact she ask me for painkillers which I gave her".

"You wouldn't have know it was cancer and we didn't want to spoil your day ironically".

"I'm glad she is well now and can come to our party you know what. We should invite your family to stay here for couple weeks".

"Are you sure?"

"Family need to look out for each other and we're still waiting for the coroners full report to find out what killed Emma. As much as I hate her for what she did I wish I had longer with her at the hospital before she died. When I look at her I saw my friend not the woman who betrayed me and caused me months of misery. The happiness on her face was clear for all to see when I showed up".

"It's nice getting naked like this".

"George that's an inappropriate thing to say considering what we're currently talking about".

"I wasn't referring to sex".

Several week pass and Meghan officially got the account to do the advertising for Sergio's company in America. She and George post for promotional pictures Sergio insisted that the two of them do. Which was to be put on his company's website.

George's family were due to arrive the following day and Meghan was checking the rooms they would be staying in. She was going to makeup a room downstairs for George's grandmother when he reminds her they've an elevator,

"I know but just in case I'm still going to make a bedroom up downstairs".

"Okay I suppose it would be easier for nonna if everything was on one level. We'll only casually mention it to her if she wants to nap in the day she can use the room".

"I will be very tactful don't you worry I can't wait till they get here. Is mum and dad still playing with Arthur".


"The first grandchild for both families and heir to two vast fortune I bet you $50 mom mentions that tomorrow".

"Im just glad she's treating me well".

"She is happy to be a grandmother and she did forgive you remember".

"I was expecting her to be a bitch to me".

"That's not how forgiveness work George".

They finish checking the rooms with the housekeeper and maids when George's mobile phone starts ringing.

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