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When Arthur was buckled in his car seat Meghan looks at the sea of press outside George's office building.

"They're not going to leave us alone are they?"

"I'm sure some starlet is messing up somewhere and will be fodder for them soon enough. In the meantime I'll double you and Arthur's bodyguards".

"You're right of course including about the bodyguards.  Where should we go for lunch?"

"Sergio has a upscale Italian eatery it will be nice to celebrating my new partnership with him by eating at his restaurant".

"What does your partnership with him mean. Who is he?"

"You know how I own hotels, supermarkets both normal and expensive ones, along with my export and import business".

Meghan nods, "He's base in Italy and some of the finest foods in the world you've ever tasted his company produces it. He produces everything from bread to tomato sauce and he wants to sell them exclusively at my high end supermarkets. Which means I will be the only US supplier of his products".

"Wow that's amazing George you're clearly a great negotiator".

"Until he found out I had a son with you he would only agree to some of his products being sold in my supermarkets".

"Why did you having a son make such a difference?"

"To an Italian man having a son to pass on your business to is very important. Sergio knew my pride would make sure my business succeeded for my son's sake. It helps his business because he promotes it using family values and with you and Arthur by my side. He can proudly say a family man is working for him in American".

"And he will use my advertising company to promote his products in this country".


They arrive at the restaurant and are shown to a private area. They see Sergio who waves at them and when they were seated he comes over to their table.

"Your meal is on me anything you want my boy, anything and you will insult me if you choose the cheapest things on the menu. It's nice to see you again Meghan my company will be in touch with yours. Now I need to get back to my daughter".

"Thank you but you don't need to do that".

"My boy I do and I'll send over the finest bottle of wine we have unopened so you can take it home and enjoy it after work".

"In than case thank you".

George stands and shake his hand Sergio leaves and George looks at his wife and son then smile broadly.

"You're happy I can see it in your face".

"I have my wife and my child by my side of course I'm happy".

"Don't forget your deal today".

"The deal is a bonus you and Arthur means more to me than it".

Meghan smiles at him because this was the George she fell in love with all those years ago. When he loves you he loves you very fiercely and it was nice to be reminded of it. She look at Arthur in his buggy and for the first time she didn't wonder if she made a mistake marrying George.

The meal goes well and they leave the restaurant to see even more photographers. Meghan's driver drops George at work then he takes Arthur and her home. She gives her son to Grace and realise George didn't ask her what Emma's letter said.

Meghan though perhaps bringing up a subject which would cause them pain in the middle of a restaurant was the reason George didn't ask about the content of the letter.

She calls her office to ask her secretary April to send her the newest advertisement ad for a company they've been working on. While Meghan had management she delegated to she always likes to see the first adverts for any new clients her company makes.

After speaking to April she goes through her emails which took some time. Just as she finishes sending instructions to her personal assistant she hears the front door open and close.

She was about to go downstairs when it hits her, she was excited to see her husband. She was unsure what to do, did she greet George or act nonchalantly and wait for him to find her. She debated what to do then decides as she wants her marriage to work to go and greet her husband.

She re-applies lipgloss then walk downstair to see George taking his coat off, "Hi George".

He look up when he hears her, "Hi".  He looks unsure he didn't know whether to hug  her or kiss her. Meghan sensing this walk up to him and kiss him on the lips.

"Welcome home". She takes his hand and link it with hers then walk in the kitchen with him. "Would you like a drink?"

"Thank you I'll have a cup of tea please".

Meghan put the kettle on and take two cups out of the cupboard and make a start on making the tea. When she finish making the tea she gives him his cup and they walk to the living room.

"I enjoyed today not the part with the photographers. It was nice to meet you for lunch it was nice to have lunch with my husband".

"I enjoyed today too it was wonderful to have my wife and son visit me at work. I felt proud that my staff saw my family visiting me".

"I'm glad you got to experience that but the road that let us here means we have to go to counselling to deal with yours and Emma's betrayal".

George looks sad, "I though we were getting on better".

"We're but it doesn't change the fact that I'm hurting".

George take a sip of his tea, "We'll work on our relationship but cara if you don't forgive me we can never work long term".

"I know George I know but try to see it from my point of view I'm a new mum. My best friend is dead and the man I never wanted to see again is suddenly my husband and we share a child".

He looks hurt, "You know why I did what I did".

"Yes I do but it doesn't hurt me any less".

"What was in Emma's letter?"

"A reminder of the first time we met. I didn't know she starting writing me letters from the moment we met. She even put dry flowers in the letter".

"I wonder why she never gave them to you?"

"Who knows I'm sure as I read her letters I'll find out. Did I tell you she didn't tell me she was homeless when I first met her".

"No you didn't".

"She told me she was living with foster parents  luckily mum had one of our security follow her. She was staying at a cheap motel the night I met her. I never told her I knew the truth but I gave her enough money to get a proper hotel room for couple days and to get food and new clothes".

"Wait you gave her money the first time you met her?"

"Yes I could see the hunger on her face and saw the way she ate the food I ordered for us. Someone who has a home didn't eat like it was their last meal the way she did".

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before?"

"I wanted her to not have to deal with people knowing just how bad things were for her, I told you some things yes but I was always mindful she would see you and you knowing everything would embarrass her".

"I knew your family helped her heck the old world knows that".

"True but she had to keep her dignity so we fudge somethings".

Is Meghan being too hard on George or should she let go of her anger?

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