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"Oh before I forget when you've finish reading Emma's letters let me know. I have one last letter to give you."

"You know about them dad? It sounds and feels weird calling you that. Can I call you that?"

"If you want to darling I know about the letters because she wrote everyone in this room a letter".

Meghan look at George, "Except for me", he says.

"No, you have a letter too George. Emma figured you would've read the letters she wrote Meghan together. I'm to give it to you when you finish reading all of them."

"Why is my mum I mean my kidnapper so scared?"

"She found out this year I knew the truth," answers Wanda.

"Why didn't you say something to me before?"

"She was the only mother you knew I watched you grow up not knowing you were mine for years. Your father is a good man your mother faked a pregnancy for nine months. He has no clue you're not his daughter none whatsoever".

Meghan put a hand to her mouth, "Oh god my mother was so desperate for a baby she stole one."

"And tried to steal Sarah to have a second child."

"You were in foster care right?" Meghan ask Sarah.

"I stayed with one family until I started modelling and before you ask they were fantastic to me. I was loved and wanted by them."

"Wait you said you learnt to cook because if you didn't you wouldn't eat."

"I'm sorry that was a lie I didn't know what you talked to your parents about I mean if you are super close.  My adoptive parents thought it was best I told people I was in foster care. Now I know it's because they knew dad and he suggested it. It was done to protect me and thankfully your mother doesn't know my real identity."

"Does it matter if she does... I mean jail she will end up in jail. Wait if she stole you why wasn't she caught?" Ask Meghan.

"I don't know", answers Sarah.

"One of my men found Sarah and we gave her to a friend of mine and his wife to look after", explains Leonardo.

"I was their princess and you were my Uncle Leo but now I know you are really my dad."

"It was the only way to keep you safe darling."

George clears his throat, "Why now.  Why tell Meghan the truth now?"

"Her mother is becoming unstable now that she knows Wanda knows the truth. I can't have my grandchild around her in case she decides to hurt him to get back at Wanda".

"Does she recognise you dad?" Ask Meghan.

"We met once I almost killed her for what she did to you and your sisters. It's why I don't spent time in America and if I do it's not often in New York. Although I'm not sure she will recognise me it's been twenty years since she last saw me."

George's phone goes off, he looks at the screen and starts speaking in rapid Italian.

"We need to get back to his family they'll be wondering where we are."  A thought occurs to Meghan, "Can we tell his family the truth?"

"This is something that must be kept secret for now but Giorgio's Familia can be trusted and they need to know not to trust that snake."

Meghan sits back on the sofa, "I can't tell them.  It's too much I need to take everything in".

"Don't worry I'll call his parents and explain."

"Wow I'm half Italian with a real Italian father from Rome. Your daughter is my sister and I've a niece or a nephew on the way. I've gone from being an only child to being one of three."

George ends his phone call, "It's my father he wants to know if we would be spending the night. Since it's been so long since I've been here."

"You can if you want to."

"Arthur", says a anxious Meghan.

"They will bring him and some clothes," explains George.

"I would like to stay here."

"I'll call and let them know."

George calls  his father back, "Tell them if Susan calls please don't tell her where you are. I'll explain everything to them when they get here", says Leonardo.

An hour later Sarah, George, Meghan and her newly found parents were sitting round the dining table having dinner.

"Did losing us drive you to work nonstop mum?"

Wanda smiles, "When I got over my depression having the money to hire people to look for you both became my obsession. Being a genius helped me to earn my first million quickly. I paid for Sarah's schooling and was the silent partner who invested in your business Meghan when you started your company."

Both women was in shock, "You did that for us?"

"Of course I wasn't going to let you start a business with tainted money."

"Thank you," says Meghan as Sarah echoes the sentiments.

The rest of the night was spent getting to know each other as a new family. That night Meghan stares at George in the bath tub,"I want to get naked with you". Seeing George's face she says, "Not that kind of naked. My mother is a criminal she gave me such a great childhood and part of me feels conflicted. At least now I know why she started behaving differently towards me when Emma came on the scene. My twin sister, gosh my twin was my best friend for years and I didn't know it."

"You know it's great that you have so many great years of wonderful memories with her to look back on."

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