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"Wanda wants to talk to us". George look up at Meghan coming back to the present.

"It's best we do it here while Sarah is in plain sight".

"Okay I'll tell her".

Meghan leaves the sunroom and comes back with Wanda who repeats everything she said to George earlier.

"Did Emma know you were her mother in the end?"

Wanda smiles, "I didn't have to tell her she knew already she's the one who found me. I got to spent time with my baby girl in the end".

"You have Sarah now and a grandchild on the way. I'm curious does your husband know the truth?"

"Yes he does I really lucked out with him. Unfortunately he already had children and grandchildren when we met so he didn't want anyone kids".

Meghan takes her hand, "Oh Wanda I'm so sorry".

Wanda wipes her eyes, "It's okay.  I got to see one of my daughters grow up that was enough for me. I know you've been waiting for the full death report on Emma, Meghan.  Since I'm her mother it came to me. I claimed her while she was alive but allowed you to plan the funeral as that was her last request".

"Why didn't you tell me the truth you didn't need to hide at her funeral".

"You deserved the chance to say a proper goodbye to her like I did".

"Since we are being honest tell me the truth do you know what was wrong with her?"

"Like I told you before read the letters I made a promise to her. I will not tell you anything about her illness till after you've read the letters".

"You need to tell Sarah the truth her supermodel friends are gone. She's on a different path now she needs support claim her because she deserves to know the truth".

"I'll tell her by Monday I promise and thank you for being a good friend to her".

"She's smart like Emma I should've clicked they may have been related". Meghan's mother walks in the room worry etched on her face.

"Mum what are you doing here what's wrong?" Susan doesn't say anything at first just glares at Wanda.

"Hello Susan it's nice to se you again".

"And you Wanda", she turns to Meghan, "I was on my way home yesterday then realise I forgot my limited edition Hermes bag here".

"It's good to see you mum you better get going. I know your driver must be bored waiting on you".

"Okay sweetie, hi George I'll see you both back in Manhattan on Monday".

'See you later",  replies George.

They wait till they knew she left the house before continuing their conversation.

"If I forgot my bag yesterday I wouldn't be getting it today I would've gotten it yesterday", says Wanda.

"She's definitely acting weird that's for sure I don't get why she seems so worried".

"I'm sure the reason will come out in the end", says Wanda knowingly. "Thank you again for having me in your home. George I wanted to let you know that no one will know you're royalty".

"Did Emma tell you?"

'Yes George she did.  I rewrote my will when she wrote hers.  I would love to know more about your business".

"Why the sudden interest in my business?"

"I've left half my business to Sarah.  I know Marco is a businessman but he is being groomed to take over his father's business. Don't you have a business degree and a MBA in finance?"

"Yes I do," answers George.

"That's what I thought", she looks at her watch. "I'm going for a walk thank you both for doing this for me.
Giving me time with my child, I can never express how much this means to me. I know people see me as just this gossiping busybody but the truth is.  People tell me a lot of things expecting me to spill the details but I don't. Your friend husband for one".

"That bastard!" Meghan looks incensed.

Wanda stands and to Meghan's surprise hugs her. "See you guys tomorrow".

"Goodnight", says George and Meghan in unison.

Later in bed Meghan turns to George, "Who knew a weekend in the Hamptons would be so filled with revelations".

"Tell me about it and we never have to worry about Wanda spilling our secrets. Now I get why I never heard anyone say she bad mouth you and me after our wedding disaster".

'You were her daughter's best friend and you Emma and I were like the three musketeers. Emma was happy and living her dreams which your family allowed her to do".

"I wish I bought her letters I would love to read one now".

"We will be back in the city soon.

"I'm not being funny but your mother's excuse today didn't make sense to me. She had a handbag when we saw her yesterday and all she had to do was ask you to bring her bag with you from the Hamptons".

"My mother hasn't been making sense since Emma died like how she stayed behind in the café to buy more brownies but never came back with any. She seems distracted I didn't get an answer when I ask her what was wrong.   She has always been like that, she ignores my question that she doesn't want to answer. Then I come out with some long winded reason she needs to go".

"It's a shame your mother is like that and I feel so bad for Wanda she watched over Emma from afar for years. Now she's doing the same with Sarah its odd how they both went down the modelling root".

"It is George it really is".

At breakfast the next morning everyone was sat around the breakfast table.  "These pancakes are delicious Meghan".

"Thank you Sarah I don know if you've any plans this morning but I would love your help with getting everything ready for lunch later".

"That's a splendid idea darling Meghan can show you how she gets her household staff ready for entertaining guest. That will give me time to talk to a potential client",  says Marco.

"Are you sure darling?"

Marco kisses his wife. "You need to make friends darling and you're new to running a household".

Sarah looks dejected, "I'll learn as much as I can".

"You know Sarah I'm the queen of throwing parties forget about Meghan let me show you how it's really done", Meghan mouths thank you to Wanda.

"I would love that I'm a great party or dinner guest not so much a hostess".

"You should've seen me at the first party I hosted Sarah. If George didn't have the good sense to order catering behind my back people would've gone hungry that night".

"Really you the queen of the upper east side?"

"Even me".

The party/luncheon went off without a hitch and George and Meghan enter their town house feeling extremely tired.

"I feel like I need a vacation".

Meghan laughs because she knew just what he meant. There was too many interruptions on their weekend getaway.

"I need to go into the office darling there's some paperwork that my secretary needs me to sign".

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