Is This For Real?

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"Yes I will be meeting her for the first time on this trip".

Two days later George introduces Meghan to Leonardo De Luca, "It's nice to meet you sir".

Leonardo doesn't answer her instead he walks out the room very quickly. "I'm sorry Meghan maybe you reminded him of his daughter. She's still in Paris with her family I'll go talk to him".

Before George could say anything Leonardo comes back in the room, "I'm sorry about that I suddenly had the need for some painkillers". His voice was laced with emotions and he looked on the verge of tears.

"We can come back another time if it's more convenient for you Leonardo".

"No please stay my wife and our daughter will be down shortly".

"It will be nice to see Lucy again."

"It's not Lucy, George I have more that one child".

"I thought you didn't want any more children after you got remarried."

"That's because I had children before I got married."


Just then Wanda and Sarah walk into the  room. Meghan reeling from the shock sits down. "I think you were right George about our lives being too intwined."

"I don't understand you're married to Wanda? How is Sarah your daughter. You bought us here on purpose didn't you?"

"One question at a time my boy".

George opens and close his mouth several times but says nothing. Sarah and Wanda sit either side of
Meghan and each take her hand.

"What are you doing let go of me this has got to stop".

"Why don't I start", says Leonardo. "Almost twenty-nine years ago I met a young lady on a visit to New York City. We spent the summer getting to know each other while falling in love. I didn't know when I left New York I was leaving behind a child."

Wanda picks up the story, "Back then there was no Facebook, or instagram. I only had a phone number for him and when I phoned the number I was told he was to be married. I made the decision to give up my children unfortunately one of them was stolen before that happened?"

"A, Why didn't you go to the police B, why are you telling me this. Why are you including me into your life I'm an acquaintance. It's getting a bit much all I did was do you a favour. And C how can it be children when there was a five year age gap between Emma and Sarah?"

1) "I did go to the police and from the amount of blood that was found on the baby's blanket it was determined she died.  2) You're that baby I thought was dead". Meghan just stares at Wanda not sure she heard correctly. And 3) Emma was your twin sister."

Everyone look at Meghan who was looking between her newly found parents like someone trying to figure out a puzzle.

"How did I end up with my mum and Emma in the care system?"

"Only she can answer how she stole you. When I lost you I went into a deep depression. I put Emma up for short term fostering intending to get her back no longer interesting in adoption".

"Someone forged Wanda's and my signatures and made it permanent. Trying to get a child out of foster care is impossible".

"When did you realise the truth about me I mean?" Meghan look at her father nervously.

"When Sarah was stolen at the hospital your mother told me everything. I used every resource I had to make sure Sarah went to a good home. I try to help Emma but I couldn't find her. It took me years to get a name for her".

Meghan looks at her dad and starts to cry, "But she found me when I was eighteen."

Wanda smiles sadly, "Your father threatened your kidnapper after he found Emma. She was to go to Maine and sent you to that café until you met her. He tried to speak to her but she was so battle wary and untrusting of men she wouldn't listen".

"You did care?"

Wanda stands next to her husband and they look Meghan in the face, "We did and still do".

Meghan turns to Sarah, "How long have you known?"

"Since the Hamptons".

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I was coming to terms with having a mother and you needed to hear the reasons why mum and dad wasn't there for you."

"Did Emma know you were our dad?"

"Yes after the Popeyes incident I told her the truth.  We talked and got to know each other and she told me about her life". He stops speaking for a moment, "over the years she told me everything leaving nothing out.  I got an associate of mine to take her foster father to a man I wanted dead and force him to kill him. I'm not proud of it but it was the only way to make sure he went down for murder and couldn't foster again".

"What did she tell you?"

"Why she ran away from home".

Meghan reaches out to George who takes her hand in his and squeezes it not caring about how wet it was from her tears. He wanted to hug her but didn't he understood the important of Wanda and Sarah need to be close to her.

I got a little emotional writing this.

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