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After plopping onto the sofa at home Meghan rubs her feet which were killing her. "The press was relentless tonight."

"Unfortunately until Susan and Ryan are in jail they will be nonstop," explains Leonardo.

"I need a break from New York."

"Come home with me for a few days we can sort your passport out when we get home?"

Meghan looks at her father as if to say why, "You're a royal your diplomatic passport needs to be issued quickly."

"Alice do you want to stay here, come with us or go see your parents?"

"I'll stay here for a few days then I'll come to you I have some friends I want to see. And don't worry I won't be talking our family business to them. Can I have people over?"

"I don't think that's a good idea they might take photos and sell it to the press," explains Meghan.

Alice frowns, "I suppose so. I'll visit them instead."

"Just make sure your bodyguards are with you at all times, "Carla is in New York isn't she?" Ask George

"Yes she is?"

"Carla?" Ask a perplex Meghan.

"Teresa's daughter?"

"Oh, if she's in New York you can invite her over to stay. We know we can trust her and I'm sure her parents have given her the keep your mouth shut lecture."

Two days later Meghan, George, Arthur, Grace, Lucy and their families touch down in Catalina . Meghan and George were briefed on how to act and when to get off the plane. They were following Wanda and Leonardo who were greeting officials who were waiting in line at the airport for them. After greeting everyone they were whisked away in a limousine which stops outside a large palace.

Meghan looks at George in amazement, "Wow if this is outside.  I can only imagine what the inside looks like. A footman opens the door for them and they get out the car.  Meghan and George walk behind her parents. They're shown to a grand drawing room with a gold piano in it they sit and wait. Five minutes later a grey haired man in his early seventies walks in the room Meghan notices the black double breasted suit he was wearing. He was impeccable dressed with his greyish black hair gelled to one side.

"Papa this is Meghan and her husband George and their son Arthur."

The man hugs Meghan, "It's lovely to finally meet you my dear. I've hoped for this date for a very long time ever since I learned of your existence. I can see a bit of Emma in you."

"You can?" Ask Meghan warmly as she notices the way his blue eyes lit up.

"Yes my dear I can," he shakes hands with George.

"Sit, sit let me hold my great-grandson. Soon I'll have three great-grand children."

He takes Arthur from Grace, "Hello Arthur I'm your grandpa Jose."

He turns to Grace, "Please leave us."

When Grace leaves Jose looks at his son and granddaughter, "The police is looking for Ryan and Susan. Meghan your father was forced to marry a woman when he was twenty. Unfortunately we didn't learn of your birth till 17 years later. You were treated well by Susan?"

"Yes I was, she dotted on me since she always wanted to be a mother."

"That's a good thing poor Emma is the only one who had a horrific childhood."

"While you're here I'll like you to meet government officials and learn what your role has a crown princess will be about. Your stay won't be all work my dear you'll get to see some of the country. Oh before I forget we must take some photographs to release to the press.".

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