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"I'm happy for you honey", says George hugging her.  "That family is making ours even richer".

"Not that we need the money", Meghan looks at the half drunk mug of hot chocolate in her hand. "Wow we are those people". George sees where she's looking.

"Yes we're", he releases her and helps himself to her brownie.

Meghan smiles, "I want you to be stealing my brownie for the next 60 years".

"Don't worry I'll". George stands, "I'm going to check on Arthur".

"Is there a movie or tv show you want me to queue up for when you get back?"

He has a think, "The Godfather or Goodfellas surprise me".

"I will", he leaves and Meghan opens Apple movies. She searches for the movie All About Eve because she knew it was secretly George's favourite film. She chuckles to herself she more or less painted Sarah as Eve in her mind and boy was she wrong about her.

Meghan picks up the phone and ask the butler to bring her up some popcorn and some of George's favourite snacks.

George returns just as the food is brought up to the bedroom. He looks over the snacks and popcorn and a wide smile lights up his face.

"So what are we watching?"

"All about Eve".


"Yes really, I hope you don't mind it's not one of the movies you asked for. I just thought after the chaos of the last couple of weeks you would want to watch Bette instead".

He kisses her, "Thank you this is definitely a surprise".

"I know it's your favourite film George remember?"

"Busted", he takes a bite of some nachos dripping with cheese.

"Fasten your seatbelt it's going to be a bumpy ride".

"Every time without fail", says Meghan rolling her eyes but there was no heat to her words.

The next day Meghan wakes up before George and checks on Arthur who was still sleeping. She has a shower and change into blue high waisted jeans and a crisp white shirt. She walks downstairs and straight into the kitchen, "Good morning Debra".

"Good morning Mrs Ricci what would you like for breakfast?"

"Just an omelette thanks, actually I would like some pancakes as well as some fresh fruit salad".

"No problem".

"How is your eldest daughter?"

"She's doing good I can't believe my baby is studying to be a doctor we're all so proud of her and are incredibly graceful for the scholarship you gave her to study".

"Adrianna is the one who you should be proud of not me".

"I tell her every time I talk to her Mrs Ricci".

Meghan walks out the room and grabs her iPad from her office then she starts looking through the morning papers. She sees a picture of her new friend Sarah and Marco.  Can I call her a new friend she thought.

"Yes I believe I can".

George walks in the living room, "Who are you talking to darling?"

Meghan put a hand on her chest in fright, "I didn't hear you come in".

"You were deep in thought what were you saying before?"

"I was thinking how Sarah was now a friend".

"It's good we can be mature adults about our situation".

"It is, I've started working on some concepts for Sergio's new products. I'll need to go to Italy and work with the team at our Italian branch".

"I can't see that being an issue now that we have a nanny for Arthur darling. We should take him for a walk later on around the block".

Meghan looks at George in his blue robe. "You're very dress down today".

"I'm having a day with my family like you said it's been very hectic around here. We've not even had our weekly dates in well weeks".

"I know but the reasons for the lack of dates has been wonderful".

Meghan smiles and continues, "I know, I was thinking we could go for a Chinese meal later on this week. I was also thinking since we're going to the Hampton's at the weekend we could take the private jet up there".

"That all sounds like a plan darling I'm fine with all that. I was thinking of changing the layouts of the manhattan supermarkets around".


"I think with all the new exclusive products we will be selling that we will be the Harrod's food hall of America".

"You have what only two of your high end brand grocery story in each state".

"That's right".

"I've seen your balance sheet you make a lot of money especially on the delivery side of the business. I still can't work out how your turnover is so much for the 100 supermarket you have".

"It's call good business darling my 500 stores of my medium price chains and my 600 stories of my Aldi types of supermarket means suppliers are coming to me. So I can negotiate a good deal, a fair price but still a good deal".

"I admire that about you George never have I heard someone say you cheated them out of their products".

"We all have to put food on the table darling if you treat a man well he becomes faithful to you. If you treat him poorly he will never stop cursing you to everyone he knows including running to the press".

Breakfast is bought in, "Thank you", George tells Debra. "This all looks so good I'm sure it will taste amazing".

"Thank you sir", she replies.

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