The One Night Stand

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"Mi scusi cara".

George walks into his study, "What do you have for me?"

"I'm still trying to trace Emma's steps over the last nine months. Her neighbour said she stop going out after I quote all that bother about the wedding in the paper".

"Ok Jack let me know if you find anything else out".

"Will do".

George hang up the phone looking pensive he hired a private investigator to track Emma's whereabouts. He decided after his talk with Meghan in the bathtub to find out if Emma's movements could explain why she lied to them. He was waiting till he had something solid before saying something to Meghan.

He walks into the living room to see his in-laws talking to his wife. Meghan sees him first, "I see you're finish with your call. Did you sort out whatever you needed to?"

"I did and I'm free for the rest of the day".

"Excellent we should go for a walk and lunch should be ready by the time we get back. I'm so glad we're both free today".

"That's a good idea cara".

Everyone get ready to go out with George and his father-in-law taking different ends of the pram to get it down the steps.

"It's lovely and bright out let's go to the park". Everyone follows Meghan has she pushes the pram towards the park.

"Your mother and I have been talking for the last few days".

George look at his mother-in-law, "It's not what you think". she says to him quickly.

"It's just I've always liked your family and I didn't want there to be any awkwardness between us".

"Has the frost thawed?" Ask Meghan.

"As a mother I understand completely why she would apologise for her son. On your first wedding day we were all in shock. Your grandma has been through a lot hasn't she George"?

"Yes Susan she has,  it was very hard watching her get sick from the cancer. Then even more sick from the drugs that should be helping her. Then to be told she won't make it then watching her given her last rights. It was hard and there were two times we thought this is it. But we prayed and god worked a miracle for us. The happiness raiding off her when she held Arthur was palatable".

"I'm truly happy she came out the other side and got to hold her great-grandchild".

"We all are". Susan looks at George and smiles.

They reach the park and take a seat on some benches. Meghan checks on Arthur to make sure he was okay. "I can't wait till he's old enough to go on the baby swing".

"The house in the Hamptons have lots of acres. We can build him his own playground there," suggest George.

"What a good idea Darling".

George smiles it was the first time she used a term of endearment for him since they got back together.

After the park they go to the local coffee house where everyone has a hot chocolate. Meghan places a order for several packs of the mixture to be delivered to her home.

George orders some of his favourite coffee from the coffee house as well.

George was walking back to his table when he heard his name being called. He turns in the direction of the voice to see a very famous supermodel name Sarah Goldsmith calling his name.

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

She laughs, "Of course you do we hooked up a while ago you know when you just came back from Italy".

George look nervously at his in-laws and his wife who had eyes trained on him.

"Look what we had was a one night I'm married now and more importantly I love my wife".

She smiles and touches his arm George pull away as if he had been burnt.

"So you're married big deal I can give you a really good time between the sheets. Don't you remember the fun we had that night I know I do".

"Good for you I've forgotten about that night because nothing about it was memorable to me".

George watches as Sarah starts to get angry, "Do you know how many men will love to be in your position. Look at what I'm offering you and trust me I will be discreet".

"First of all take your hand of me, secondly not many men would be in my position. That's because you only date billionaires and multimillionaires".

He turns and walk back to his table, "Who was that?" Ask Sarah.

"The one night stand I told you about cara. She wanted to continue where we left off".

"I hope you told her you were married".

"I did darling and she didn't care".

"Wow some women really don't know their worth".

"Let's get out of here", suggest Meghan. Every makes to leave.

"You guys go ahead I'm going to buy some more of their amazing homemade brownies".

"Ok mum we'll see you outside". Everyone leaves and start walking slowly so Susan could catchup to them.

Later that night in bed Meghan was looking through her wedding photos.

"I think we should have a big massive blessing in New York for everyone to gawk at."

"Is this because of today?" Ask George.

"Yes and no I want a big society wedding although I loved the intimate one in Italy and nothing will ever compare to it. I need people to know you're a taken man. I don't see why a model of Sarah's statue would come up to you like that. She's incredibly smart the woman has a doctor's degree and she's only 23. A women who graduates high school at 16 doesn't need to leech of men."

"Yet she only date incredibly rich men I wonder why that is?"

"Who knows George."

"Are you feeling insecure darling because you don't have to be like I told her I love you".

"You've looked in the mirror right George you've seen how insanely hot you're. So yes I'm feeling a tad insecure okay".

George hugs her, "I want you.  I love you nothing will change that ever. The wedding blessing is about you showing the world you got the guy and the ring isn't it?"

"Ok god when you say it like that it sounds terrible. I don't want a church wedding because of that now. I want it to be because we're renewing our love for each other. And our closet friend and family are there to celebrate with us".

"So no big cathedral wedding then?"


"It's not the right time cara".

"I know George when it's the right time I want my big cathedral wedding".

"You'll have it darling".

Sarah Goldsmith was on a date when her phone rings. She looks at the billionaire in front of her and smiles. "Baby I need to take this call I'll be right back".

She walks out the restaurant and takes a deep breath before answering the call. "I thought you were a pro", says a female voice.

"You've mistaken me for a whore or a prostitute".

The woman on the phone laughs, "Isn't that what you're darling".

Sarah could feel tears forming but she quickly collects herself.

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