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"And nine months of hating her. My sister died thinking I hated her"

"You went to see her before she died she would have realise you cared about her still."

"No, she would know I came for the baby George".

"She said you came when you saw her last and was happy. Keep that memory in your heart of the last time you saw her".

Meghan starts to cry, "My sister knew who I was and I treated her like dirt in the end".

George not really knowing what to say just holds her while she cries.The next morning they walk into the living room to see Wanda and Leonardo playing with Arthur.

"Good morning everyone.  Marco it's lovely to see you again".

"And you sister in law".

"Wow things have really changed.  So you know everything?"

'My wife and I don't keep secrets from each other. That's why I stayed at my family's last night to give you all a chance to talk".

"Thank you for doing that for us Marco".

"You're welcome George we are family now and we look out for each other".

"We still have work to do for your company while we're here. Is the appointment dates we made still okay for you and Sergio?"

"Si, but if you need time to adjust to everything you've learnt we can change the dates".

"There's no need my staff here has worked hard and they deserve to show you what they have done in the agreed time". Meghan turns to George, "You and Sergio need to talk about the new products you will be selling for him".

"Yes that is schedule for today's we both are suppose to get a tour of his vineyards today".

"I know what you're thinking and I want to go on the tour. Everything we planned to do here we should still do".

"Since you'll both be busy today can we look after our grandson?"

Meghan look at George who nods his head, "Of course this is your first full day with him. He needs to know his grandparents".

"Thank you', says Leonardo.

At noon Meghan and George were having lunch with Sergio and his wife, "We know about the elephant in the room and we will keep quiet about it."

"Tell me how did you like my set up here?"

"Thank you for keeping quiet. Your setup is very good you grow and manufacture everything that you can. You own the supply chain that's a very smart thing to do".

"Thank you my boy it insures quality, now that I know of our true connection. I want to change the contract and give you family rates".

"It's fine as it is Sergio I'm a billionaire I don't need family rates. The only thing I want for my business is to step down and have my son run it".

"Spoken like a true Italian".

That evening Meghan and George go back to his family's home.  Sofia comes out to greet them along with Alice. She takes Arthur from Meghan and walks into the house with him. Meghan helps herself to a glass of lemonade. While she is drinking it Maria walks into the kitchen. She holds her arms out to her and Meghan step into the embrace.

"Your father is a good man he has kept his family's business going".

"You know I don't know what he does for a living".

Maria looks uncomfortable, "He's in security and shipping he did all the security for this house".

"He has a security firm?"

"Yes, you can say that".

"Mom has called it's weird to call her that but mum and dad said I need to act like everything is okay around her. I'm not leaving her alone with Arthur ever again".

Maria looks sadly at Meghan, "We knew her for a long time and to find out she did what she did is very shocking. Let's go greet the rest of the family.  Alice got accept to Colombia university and she is very excited to tell you about it".

"That's amazing that is a hard place to get into".

They walk into the living room and Meghan makes a beeline for Alice. "I heard I'm going to be seeing a lot more of you. Congrats on getting into Columbia you must be so proud of yourself?"

"I'm, meeting Wanda has made me want to buckle down and achieve things on my own. I want to be like her and don't worry George I'll work for the company when I graduate".

"You better, I bet your new knowledge will improve our profit margins".

Alice starts to cry, "Thank you for saying that.  It means a lot to me".

The next morning Meghan decides to take Alice shopping as a treat, "Thank you for doing this but you didn't have to. I know why don't you ask Sarah if she wants to come. I wish I had a sister so many times you're lucky to have one". As if realising what she's said Alice stops walking. "I'm sorry that was crass of me you're dealing with a lot mum didn't tell us the whole story. But reading between the lines the situation that parted you wasn't ideal".

"It's okay and thank you for the suggestion I'm going to call her and invite her to join us. But please don't mention in public I'm related to her. She's just a friend in public no one must know the truth".

"Mum told us that last night I won't talk", she looks at the four bodyguards following them. I'm going to get a drink can I get you anything?"

"A strawberry ice cream it's so hot here. Please buy some water for our shadows as well". Meghan watch her disappear into the café and nods her head for one of the men to follow her. Then she calls Sarah, "Hi I was wondering if you're free I'm treating Alice because she got into Columbia. I was wondering if you would like to join us?".

"I would love to where are you guys?"

"At the café in the plaza I thought we could've lunch together". She hesitates, "I thought you and I could meet for lunch after my meeting with Sergio and my advertising team".

"I would love to".

"Ok see you in a bit".

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