Letter 3(chapter25 on wordfolder)

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"Ok darling see you later".

Meghan is woken up by George, "You're back". She sits up, "What time is it?"

"After four you've slept for five hours straight".

Meghan yawns, "I was knackered that nap was much needed. How was work?"

"Okay, Sergio sent through information about some new products he wants me to sell. I'm doing a taste test later in the week with Marco and some of my company's taste tasters".

Meghan goes to the bathroom and brush her teeth while George changes out of his black Tom Ford suit.

She spits, "You didn't need to go into the office for that your secretary could live just emailed you the information".

"It's the time of year when staff get their bonuses I needed to sign off on somethings for accounting".

"Oh okay, did you check on Arthur?"

"He's fine".

When George finish changing he kisses his wife very passionately. "Ummm", he begins to undress her and they make love.

When it was over George holds Meghan, "I'm glad you gave me another chance and I'm sorry that our weekend away was anything but quiet".

"A mother got to spent time with her daughter for the first time in her life. I saw Wanda's face over the weekend believe me her billions couldn't buy her the pure joy she was radiating".


"At least Sarah now knows the truth about her parentage".

"That's if Wanda told her the truth".

Longing very Furlong George kisses her hair, "She did I'm sure of it".

Meghan smiles and starts to put on her pyjamas", I'm going to check on Arthur he must be wondering where his mother is".

"He's a baby darling".

"Come on let's go get our son".

They were sat at the dining table and Meghan was helping herself to a steak when George clears his throat. After adding roast potatoes, broccoli and sweetcorn to her plate Meghan look up at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"I just wanted to remind you of our date night on Friday".

Meghan takes a bite of her steak, "I haven't forgotten the Dior fashion show is that day".

"I can meet you afterwards".

"It will be finished by one o'clock I want to go to lunch with some of my girlfriend. Natalie and I need to mend our friendship and I need to apologise to her again. I can meet you after you finish work".


A block away Sarah was having dinner with Wanda and Marco in their new home. "The DNA has come back you're my mother".

"I didn't lie to you Sarah".

"So what happens now?"

"We get to know each other better and when you're ready for the world to know we tell them".

"Mum can I call you mum?"

Wanda starts to cry, "I'm wanted you to use that word for a very long time."

"I meant about my sister when I asked what happens now?"

"You were lucky enough to know her while you both were modelling".

"I was talking about Meghan mum she's my sister and Emma's twin. She needs to know that she's living a lie. That her mother isn't her real mother,". a sudden realisation hits her. "How god I slept with my sister's husband".

"Darling she isn't upset about it besides she and George weren't together when it happened."  Marco takes his wife's hand and squeezes it. "She's your friend Sarah and has gone above and beyond to allow your mother to spend time with you when you didn't know the truth".

"Yes she has hasn't she", she turns to her mother with tears in her eyes. "I have a sister that's living and a nephew, family I have family! My child will have grandparents and be loved something I wished for as a child. I mean I was loved but I wanted my birth family's love."

Cara Mia", You're loved by your husband and mother and you have a relationship with your sister to boot",  Marco wipes her tears with a napkin.  Then hugs her, "I love you so much cara mia and Meghan will too once she learns the truth. For now get to know your mother and know you're not alone anymore".

After dinner Meghan and George was in their bedroom. George was feeding Arthur has Meghan began to read one of Emma's letters.

Dear Meg

It's my graduation day today I officially have a maths degree I've decided I'm going to do a masters degree as well. Your mother told me something weird today did you know she sent you to the diner that day hoping you'll meet me. Why would a woman living in manhattan come to Maine and interfere in my life this way? I've enough money save up from modelling to hire a private investigator to find my birth mum. Don't hate me for saying this but also to find out about your mother's background as well. Her friend/ frenemy Wanda the gossip has been looking at me strangely whenever I see her.   Holy crap I have a university degree hearing my name being called by the dean made me feel giddy.
Victoria Secret wants me to walk in their runway but I told them no. Instead I'm going camping with you and George. I appreciate you guys giving me great memories to remember.
That Wanda women was at my graduation party and I'm pretty sure she took a photo of me. As you know I don't drink alcohol because of my last set of foster parents. This guy at the party offered me a glass of what looks like champagne but was apple juice. My first thought was what did he put in it then how he could hurt me if the drink was spike.

Hold on someone is knocking on my bedroom door. It was that Wanda women she gave me a present for my graduation. It's shares in her company and a note telling me she will pay for my masters degree. I don't know if I should take the gifts but I do know I'm not going to tell your family about them.

I wonder why she gave them to me.

Meghan stops reading, "Wanda knew who Emma was all along. I thought nothing of it when mum kept mentioning to me about the diner where I met Emma".

George places Arthur on his shoulder to burp him. "Emma's letter has raised a lot of questions. It's weird Emma referred to Wanda has your mother's frenemy. In all the years I've know your family I never thought of them as friends yet Emma did".

Omg who's shock? 😳

How do you think Sarah will react when she first sees Meghan now she knows the truth?

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