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"Sometimes life surprises you".

"It surely does".

After lunch Meghan hugs Sarah goodbye then makes a quick trip to her office building. As the sounds of her heels echo through the corridors Meghan walk into her office. She sees her P.A /Secretary typing away at her desk, "Good afternoon April".

April looks up surprise to see her boss at work, "Hi, how are you I didn't know you were coming in today".

"It was a last-minute decision, the meeting of how to present the new advertising brief to Sergio is today right?"

"Yes, it is I put the appointment it in your diary".

"I want to watch the first pitch from start to finish this is one of our biggest clients we need to get it right".

"I'll let the staff know you're here".

"They would've seen me walk in April and by now I'm sure it's all over the office that I'm here".

"Can I get you a drink?"

"A glass of water would be great".

Meghan sits at her desk and fires up her computer then sends George an email asking him to pick her up after work.

As she listens to the first pitch her team was going to present to Sergio and Marco. Meghan makes notes there were some things she loved about the pitch and somethings that just wasn't right.

When George picks her up at five pm, she gives him a quick kiss, "How was your day?"

"Good and you?"

"Great I had lunch with Sarah and she showed me her home and the clinic. It turns out Emma knew they were related and took care of her while they were modelling".

"That's good."

"Yes it is.  I was thinking the Italy trip is coming up and we should throw a fabulous over the top party when we get back".

"The Hamptons have given you a taste for parties again ah?"

"I spent nine months after your wedding with Emma not really throwing any and only throw two after we got married. I forgot how much I love having my close friends around me".

"Perhaps it's your friends you're missing not the party scene".

"Perhaps, it was really nice to be around them again. I like us being like this and not like we were before the fake marriage".

"We're really in a good place aren't we? Somehow talking to each other and making time to be together. Instead of holding onto anger has bought us closer".

"It really has, tell me how did the pre-presentation for Sergio's account go?"

"Good the commercial was okay, but it could've been more family friendly. Apart from that I thought it was perfect idea to pitch to him. I'm very proud of my team".

"When we go to Italy your team there will know just what to change since they understand the Italian men's psyche ". He seems nervous for a moment then decides to just come out with it. "Explain to me again what you're going to do with the space for your charity".

"It's going to be a Hub for kids who has just come out of the care system. Emma and I spoke about her dreams of having a place she wishes was available to her when she was homeless".

"You know even thought Emma left you her entire estate. I will give you some extra money to make the charity as big as you wanted it to be".

"George If Emma knew Sarah was her sister and Wanda was her mother. Wouldn't she have left them something too?"

"Perhaps she did remember what Wanda said, "Her last wish was for you to plan the funeral and I allowed you to do that".

"You're saying that maybe I didn't really get everything just what Emma wanted to give me".

"Yes, you didn't know the truth when the Will was read now we do. It makes sense with Wanda in charge of it you wouldn't have been given everything".

"I don't need her money and I appreciate the gift of starting her charity".

They arrive home and George opens the front door and move aside for Meghan to walk pass him into their home.

Meghan walks into the living room to see Grace watching Sesame Street with Arthur. "Hi Grace, we're back.  How was he today?"

"He was good as gold ma'am".

Meghan takes Arthur from Grace, "Hello my darling mummy missed you and so did your daddy".

She walks upstairs with him where George change into shorts and a v neck. When he was done, he takes Arthur from her so she could change into a off the shoulder white dress.

Meghan's phone starts ringing she looks at the screen, "It's your sister George".

"Say hi to her for me will you I'm going downstairs. That way you'll have some privacy".

He walks out the room, "Hi Alice".

"Hi Meghan, I'm putting my application together for college. Is it okay if I pick your brain?"

"Of course it is now what can I do for you?"

After the phone call was over Meghan walk into the kitchen and help herself to some of the home-made garlic bread. She takes a bite and savours the taste of the garlicky goodness, "Edward this is wonderful".

"Thank you, ma'am".

She sits at the table and starts helping herself to the lasagna that was on it.

"We have been invited to Sarah's and Marco's for dinner next week. I told Sarah I needed to speak to you first before I let her know if we would go.  I use the pretence you may have plans with clients next Thusday".

He takes a bite of his vegetables, "Our lives are slowly becoming more about Sarah than us".

"No, it's not her family is helping both our businesses and I actually like her. I feel comfortable around her", she laughs, "I never thought that sentence would come out my mouth but yet it has".

"As long as you're okay with her being around I'm okay with it".

"I'm no longer that bitter person I was besides why would I be upset with her. I'm going to remind you for the last time I can't get upset over something that happened before we got back together".

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