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*Raina's P.O.V*

I looked at the queen who continued to talk to Jane for a while before turning to speak to me. Jane stuck her tongue out at me once the queen's back was turned, earning a soft giggle from. I looked away when I saw the queen giving me an odd look.

"Ah, I have just remembered why I came in here," she stated. "You, young lady, do not get to leave the table whenever you feel like it especially when you still have a full plate," she scolded me, making me blush deeply at Jane's smirk. It was one thing to be reprimanded but it was far more embarrassing to be reprimanded in front of your friend. 

"I did eat some," I objected weakly while looking at her with a sulk.  It felt like she had chosen a time that was convenient for her but not one that was convenient to me. "Could you not have done this some other time?" I questioned quietly as I glanced at Jane.

"Even so, you ate a few bites and then left the table without asking or letting anyone know," she chided. "I am sorry, shall I take you out into the hall and scold you in front of the guards next time since it's too embarrassing for your friend to see?" she questioned. I shook my head with a frown as I sat up slightly. The queen's hand caught the cloth before it could fully fall and held it against my head, trying to ease me back into laying down.

"Mother I am fine," I said as I tried to push her hand away. She frowned and gently pulled my hand away, pushing my hand down to my side.

"You fainted, I would hardly call that fine," she said as she sighed. "I have to go finish dealing with something, can you keep the cloth on your head?" she questioned. I nodded reluctantly after a moment of thought. She got up and smoothed my hair back before leaving.

"You are not going to keep the cloth on your head are you?" Jane asked quietly after a moment.

"I mean I did say I would keep it on, I just never said how long I would keep it on," I answered with a small smile. "Now I am going to leave and I hope I get back before she does but if I do not then just tell her you do not know where I went," I said.

"You want me to lie to the queen?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Well she's also my mother too so yes, please lie," I said as I tied my hair back. "Where are the clothes Anastasia would normally wear out in public when she did not want to be noticed?" I questioned her.

"I swear to God if I get in trouble because as your lady-in-waiting, it's my job to help you, I will be mad," she informed me as she walked over to the closet. She opened the door and crouched down, removing part of the flooring. She pulled out a plain brown dress and threw it to me.

"I mean if you think about this logically Anastasia never had to ask for permission while they were gone so why would she ask now that they are back?" I questioned. "Give me a corset, Anastasia would be so used to wearing them that she would wear it on reflex," I stated.

"You made this up on the spot did you not?" Jane questioned. I nodded with a smile as she threw me the corset. I went behind a divider and took the dress I was wearing off, feeling the cool air hit my skin. I shivered as I slipped the corset on and did a loose tie of it, feeling it press into my skin. I slipped on the brown dress with a small sigh as I did my hair into a loose updo before I exited. I put on a pair of leather flats and sighed softly as I glanced at Jane.

"How do I look?" I questioned as I twirled slightly with a smile. "Help me go out the secret tunnels?" I asked with an innocent smile. 

"Fine," Jane sighed. "I swear if I get in trouble with the queen and king on their first day back because of you I will be so mad at you," she muttered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me after her. I followed her with a small smile as I kept my head ducked down. 

"You will not get in trouble," I promised as I gently squeezed her hand. I followed after her to a side hallway and pulled on a painting, making it swing open. I stepped inside and she followed me, shutting the painting behind us. I heard her shuffle around before a torch lit up. "Thank you my dearest best friend," I said as I hugged her from behind. She sighed as she led the way, eventually pushing on a stone and causing part of the wall to fall away.

"Here," she said as she gestured to the outside. I exited through the hole and turned around, stacking the stones back up into place. I waved goodbye before placing the final stone and turning to leave quickly. I hurried to the street before slowing down, keeping my eyes on the ground as I walked.

I managed to find the store Anastasia was always talking about and slowly entered it, letting the door shut quietly behind me. It was a high end shop and I was not dressed nearly as nice as anyone else in here but Anastasia said she wore plain dresses when she was here since she did not want to hide her face. I noticed a few dirty glances but I brushed them off as I headed to the jewelry section. I looked at the jewelry that was laying out, my eyes scanning over it.

Anastasia mentioned how she would come here to browse things all the time although she never bought anything as she informed me the owner was mean to her. I moved on from the jewelry and went to the toy section, noticing the things Anastasia talked about most. The first thing I saw was a wooden doll that you could dress up as well as a little rattle type toy. The last toy she had mentioned was clearly a toy that only higher class people would be able to afford with the silk looking fabric and the feathers inside it were most likely high quality as well. I heard a bit of a ruckus at the front and intended to go investigate that in a moment.

Before I could do that though, I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around. I frowned when I noticed the sneer on the man's face and noticed that he had his obvious trophy wife standing with him. "What have I told you about coming in my store?" he asked, making me realize that this was probably the owner Anastasia had told me. 

"That I was welcome any time," I said as I smiled innocently, noticing that his wife rolled her eyes. 

"He told you that he does not let street rats in here," she stated, making me narrow my eyes slightly.

"Yes, I do not let little beggars into my store. Especially those that dress and look as hideous as you," he stated. I knew right then and there that I was going to get revenge on these nasty people as they kept running their mouths. My eyes widened when I saw the King round a corner and approach me. I quickly thought of a devious plan with a smirk.

"Excuse me," he said as he passed them and I noticed that their eyes widened as the man bowed and the lady dropped into a curtsy. I knew these people were nobles by the way they dressed and the worst thing you could do to a noble was ruin their reputation. I thought for a quick second on how to win the King over and thought of what Anastasia had told me she called him when she was younger. I went ahead and started the fake waterworks as I looked at him.

"Papa," I said as I clung to the King who gently smoothed my hair back. He looked down at me and I saw the concern when he noticed the tears.

"What is wrong?" he questioned as he crouched down to my level.

"I want to leave, these people said I look hideous," I said as I frowned deeply. His eyes snapped to the people and I could see the anger in his eyes and the realization in theirs. 

"We will leave darling, your mother is probably more than ready to leave," he stated as he guided me out of the row of shelves. I glanced back at the nobles and stuck my tongue out before I turned my head back around and wiped the tears away.

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