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*Raina's P.O.V*

I made my ways down the stairs, dreading having to go to breakfast and potentially have to deal with meeting my nursemaid. I still did not want a nursemaid and I was going to tell the Queen that when I got the chance. The guards greeted me as I entered the dining hall, making me smile slightly.

"Anastasia, good morning," Tristan ,said with a small smile as I made my way to the Queen who fixed my dress slightly. She was simply smoothing out some of the wrinkles on it and also making sure that my dress had not managed to get caught on the chemise when I was getting dressed.

"Good morning," I said curtly, knowing that he was probably planning on teasing me as he always seemed to do.

"Dear, let her sit down. You can not keep trying to smooth out every wrinkle in her dress," the King said, making the Queen pause as she looked at him.

"Fine," she agreed reluctantly. "Sit down Anastasia," she said as she looked at the seat that was still between her and the King's chairs. I sat down in it reluctantly, making her smile at me.

"Anastasia," Giselle, the Queen's mother, called softly. I looked at her surprised that she had called to me. "Did you brush your hair this morning?" she questioned. I looked down at my lap as I shook my head, waiting for her to say something cruel.

"You should do that after you finish breakfast then," Rose suggested. I nodded my head slightly as I felt the Queen gently smooth out my hair, her fingers running through it. I picked at my food, not really feeling that hungry this morning. I smiled when I saw Aurora out of the corner of my eye, watching as she sat down at the middle part of the table.

"Anastasia, I want to talk to you about your Nursemaid," the Queen said, making me frown as I put my fork down. I gave her an annoyed look as I looked at her. "Do not give me that look," she scolded, making me sigh as I put my head in my hands.

"What do we even need to talk about? I do not want a Nursemaid and you are forcing me to have one," I said with a frown.

"Anastasia, you may not want a Nursemaid but it is in your best interest if you have one," the Queen said. "Besides, I managed to hire Aurora's old Nursemaid who would be more than happy to watch over you. Aurora loved having her," she said.

"Oh Anastasia you will love her. I absolutely adored her when I was younger," Aurora promised me with a small smile.

"I won't love her nor will I even like her. I probably won't even speak with her," I said as I glared at the table.

"Anastasia now you are just being difficult," the King said, making me glance at him. I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at the table.

"I think if you give her a chance," the Queen started to say as I looked up at her with a frown.

"No, I won't give her a chance," I cut the Queen off which shocked her into silence. "Why did you even come back if you just want someone else to watch me?" I questioned, making her eyes widen.

"Anastasia," Gerald, the king's father, said, sounding shocked. I glanced around the table, noticing mostly looks of shock and one of disappointment. Aurora shook her head at me as she frowned, a disappointed sigh escaping her lips.

"Anastasia wore a corset after you told her not to and wore it on bare skin so now she's got sores on her stomach and sides," Aurora said, making me glare at her when she said that.

"You promise not to tell," I said as I frowned at her.

"I promised on one condition which you broke," she stated.

"I have not even met the Nursemaid so your stupid condition should not apply," I said as I sat on my knees, kneeling in my chair to glare at her.

"Enough!" the King slammed his hands onto the table causing us both to fall silent immediately. I looked at him, a tremor of fear racing through me when I saw the look on his face.

"Do not raise your voice at them," the Queen said with a small frown. "Anastasia, based on your reaction I am assuming you did disobey me and wear a corset?" she questioned. I nodded my head, noticing the frown on her lips. I flinched away when she reached over towards me, pressing my body into the chair as much as I could.

"I am sorry," I whispered as I kept my face turned away, expecting to be struck by her hand. I felt her hand gently cup my face as she turned my face towards her.

"Anastasia, I want you to listen to me," she said, my eyes trained on her face. "I am getting you a Nursemaid so that if I ever have to attend an emergency meeting or if something comes up, you will have someone watching you. I am not going to sit back and allow her to care for you, she will just be there for when I can not be. I have already missed so much of your life, I do not intend to miss any more," she stated simply.

"How much will you not be able to be there?" I questioned as I heard the sincereness in her words.

"I do not know, I may have to attend meetings for a couple hours every week but besides that I will be with you for the most part," she promised. "The next thing I want to address is that I will never, ever strike you," she assured me. "I do not believe in hitting my children and I won't start believing in it just because you mouth off to me," she said as her thumb stroked my cheek. "I am so sorry if your governesses ever saw it fit to hit you but you will never be hit again baby, that I promise," she said.

"Okay," I nodded my head as I leaned into her touch slightly. She smiled softly at my action.

"I want to also address your attempt to keep things from me," she said with a small frown, making me avert my gaze from hers. "I may be angry with you for disobeying me but if you ever get injured I want you to come to me. Making sure that you get better will always be my top priority," she stated.

"Alright," I nodded my head. "I understand," I said with a small smile on my face.

"Now that we have cleared that up, let us eat breakfast?" she suggested. "After breakfast, I will inspect your injuries," she informed me.

"I am not hungry," I said as I shrugged my shoulders, getting up from the table. I squeaked when she grabbed my arm gently and pulled me onto her lap.

"You did not eat much last night before you left the table and you have only picked at your food this morning so you are not leaving this table until you eat your breakfast," she said. I sulked as she brought my plate over to me. I shook my head as I turned away, hiding my face into her shoulder.

"She is very fussy this morning," Giselle said, making me whine. "Have you considered giving her an earlier rest time?" she questioned.

"No, I have not," the Queen said as she turned my head slightly. "Come on baby, open up," she cooed as she stabbed a piece of egg with a fork and brought it to my mouth. I reluctantly opened my mouth and accepted the bite, leaning my head against her shoulder. The Queen continued to feed me this way until I was full and I turned my head away.

"I am full," I said simply as I played with her hair, watching it swing back into place once I was done eating. She smiled softly as she rubbed my back.

"Hand her to me Eleanor, I will hold her while you eat," Rose offered.

"I think you will have to come get her, I do not think I can pass her to you without knocking things over," the Queen said. I frowned when Rose got up, clinging to the Queen with one hand.

"Come here darling girl," Rose cooed as she walked over, gently picking me up. I let go of the Queen as Rose carried me back to her seat. I cuddled into her half-heartedly as I closed my eyes with a small smile.

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