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*Raina's P.O.V*

I stayed close to one of the guard's the entire walk home, the shadows from the setting sun bringing a cool air with them. The guards at the front took to flanking the King and Queen while the guards at the back stayed beside me. I could tell that the King was the most irritated with my attitude about having a Nursemaid but he wouldn't say anything while we were out in public.

I watched the street vendors that we passed, wondering what all they could be selling. I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking to look around until I felt one of the guards gently touch my back. I jerked my head up in surprise to stare up at the guard who smiled reassuringly at me.

"We have fallen behind," he informed me, making me realize that I had been standing still long enough for the King and Queen to get quite far ahead.

"I am sorry, I got a bit distracted," I said with a frown. We started walking again and the Queen glanced back at us, a small frown on her lips when she noticed how far back we were. She placed her hand on the King's bicep causing him to look at her before following her gaze back to us. He said something that I could not hear but his guards halted as they waited for us to catch up.

"You two are supposed to keep Anastasia close to us and within a safe distance in case something happens," the King said with a frown on his lips. He glared at the guards and I looked up at him with a glare.

"It wasn't their fault, I got distracted with the street vendors," I defended the guards accompanying me. I could tell the King and I would be butting heads a lot since we were both stubborn people.

"Your highness, his majesty is right. It is our duty to keep you close and we failed to do that," the guard to the right of me said. I knew he was trying to prevent a potential argument between the King and I.

"It does not really matter," the Queen said with a soft sigh. "Just forget anything ever happened and let us get home," she said while giving the King a look when he opened his mouth to say something. "Dear, we have only just returned today and I would like it if you did not argue with Anastasia over such a silly thing," she stated.

The King sighed and nodded his head in agreement after a moment. "Of course my love," he said. He gestured to the guards who started walking again as he held the Queen's hand. I followed behind them, a bit annoyed that I did not get to try out my arguing skills with the King.

It did not take us much longer to reach the castle which was disappointing since I wanted to look at more street vendor wares. As soon as we got to the castle, the guards dispersed from us and went to their posts at the entrance of the castle. I followed the King and Queen into the castle, planning on heading up to my room.

"Anastasia," the Queen said, catching my attention. "I want to move you back into your old room tomorrow if that is okay with you?" she asked.

"That is fine with me," I said as I started making my way up the staircase that would end up leading me to the hallway that my room was in. sighed internally when I heard the King call my name and half-heartedly turned around.

"Goodnight Anastasia," he said with a small smile. I returned the smile after a moment of thought.

"Goodnight papa," I said. "Goodnight mama," I added, earning a soft smile from the Queen as she wished me a goodnight. I headed straight up to my room after that, surprised to see Tristan and Aurora in my room. "What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Figuring out how the hell you have not got shipped off to boarding school," Aurora informed me. I frowned in confusion as I tilted my head.

"You snuck out of the castle without mother and father knowing as well as just leaving dinner. Aurora and I have gotten in trouble for much less than that," Tristan said with a frown.

"I also got an attitude about having a Nursemaid so there is more to add onto your shock," I said.

"Oh seriously? This is unfair," Aurora groaned as she lay back onto my bed. "Anastasia you have no idea how lucky you are that you are the youngest," she informed me.

"Hold on? You got an attitude with Mother and Father and did not get punished?" Tristan questioned.

"No? Was I supposed to be punished?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"I mean I expected you to be at least banished for your room for the rest of the week or to have to stay with one of our Grandmothers," he said.

"Do you not understand?" Aurora asked, making both of us look at her. "Anastasia is the baby of the family so of course mother and father will let her get away with anything," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Is that not a good thing?" I questioned as I pursed my lips in thought. "I am able to do whatever I want is what it sounds like," I said.

"You will until your Nursemaid comes," Tristan said with a teasing tone. "Poor little sister, still needs a Nursemaid," he said.

"Tristan stop," Aurora hit him with a pillow, making me giggle at the look on his face. I scooted next to Aurora as Tristan gave us both an annoyed look.

"Women," he muttered as he got up, hitting both of us with the pillow he had been hit with before leaving.

"Tristan can be a pain and he loves to be annoying which really is not fitting behavior for the future king," Aurora said. "Do not pay much mind to his teasing, it is just how he tries to bond with you. If he goes too far then just let him know and he will stop," Aurora reassured me.

"How do you try to bond with me? Defending me from Tristan's teasing?" I questioned with a small smile.

"I will probably just drag you into my room so we can talk or gossip," Aurora informed me with a small smile. "I should be getting back to my room and you should be getting ready for bed. Goodnight Anastasia," she said.

"Goodnight Aurora," I said with a small smile on my lips. I waited until she left before flopping back onto my bed. 'God, this family is going to be a pain to keep up with,' I thought with a frown on my lips as I stared up at the ceiling.

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