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*Raina's P.O.V*

I woke up early in the morning, smiling when I realized Anastasia was still laying with me. I laid quietly in the dark, holding my breath slightly. I disliked the dark, I wasn't scared of it but I didn't quite like it either. I was quite glad to have Anastasia laying with me to help me settle back down to sleep.

"Are you awake?" Anastasia questioned, startling me as I turned to look at her laying next to me. I could only see the outline of her face in the brief sunlight that was filtering in through the windows.

"Yeah, I just woke up a little bit ago," I answered as I noticed that my teddy bear wasn't in my arms anymore. I felt around and smiled when I felt it laying across the bed. I grabbed it and pulled it close, burying my face into it with a small sigh. I closed my eyes as I pulled my blanket up around me even tighter.

"I have to go soon," Anastasia informed me quietly. I sighed sadly, tensing up slightly when I heard the door open. Anastasia was still laying next to me so it was impossible for it to be her that had opened the door.

I laid still and quiet, feeling Anastasia turn over to look at who entered the room. I didn't need her to tell me though, I already knew from the familiar sounds of the heels clicking on the ground.

The sun had risen some more and there was now more sunlight that was filtering through the room. The very same sunlight that told Mama that both Anastasia and I were in the same room. I forced myself to remain still as the sounds of heels got closer.

"Anastasia? What is the meaning of this?" Mama questioned, sounding slightly upset. I barely managed to prevent myself from reacting to her question.

"I wanted to check on Raina," Anastasia said simply.

"And that requires you laying with her?" Mama asked, sounding more amused than upset now. "What if she had woken up? She doesn't know that we know of her being Raina and not Anastasia yet," she murmured.

"She wouldn't wake, she's a heavy sleeper," Anastasia said as I felt the bed dip as she got off the bed. "Besides, I wanted to let her cuddle with the teddy bear that Father's been carrying around for so long. It's rightfully hers after all," she stated.

"And how do you plan on getting back from her?" Mama asked. I could practically picture the way she raised an eyebrow when asking that question.

"Must I take it from her? Couldn't you say that you gave it to her?" Anastasia asked. I was surprised at how easily she could think of a reason for me to keep my teddy bear. However she also helped plan on us switching places only for Mama and Papa to have been in on it.

"I suppose I could," Mama said as she hummed softly in thought. "I will do that, it is rightfully her teddy bear," she stated.

"See, I knew you would see things my way Mother dearest," Anastasia said, earning a small chuckle from Mama.

"You are a brat," Mama said simply, amusement clear in her voice.

"I know but you still love me anyways," Anastasia said. "I suppose I should go now," she informed Mama who seemed to hesitate in her response.

"You do not have to, I planned on carrying Raina to your Father and I's room," Mama said, her voice soft.

"Why?" Anastasia questioned, her voice a little bit more distant than before. That meant she had probably started towards the door before Mama had responded.

"I want to keep an eye on her. In case you haven't heard, she has a tendency to wander away," Mama said simply and I felt the bed dip as she sat down on it.

"I have heard," Anastasia said, sounding like she was amused. "I've also heard that you have a tendency to get mad about it," she stated.

"Do I not have the right to be upset when she leaves the castle grounds without any supervision?" Mama asked. "I have only just gotten your sister back, I worry that she will be taken away again," she murmured.

"You only just got me back as well," Anastasia said with some bitterness in her voice. I could understand why she was upset, having your parents leave for years and then come back only for them to pay attention to your twin.

"Come here darling," Mama's voice was softer than I had ever heard it be before. The bed dipped slightly and I opened my eyes just the tiniest bit to see what was going on. Mama had her back to me and had Anastasia on her lap. I could only see the top of Anastasia 's head over Mama's shoulder. "Your Papa and I have been so very unfair to you haven't we?" Mama asked.

"Yes," Anastasia said, her voice muffled slightly. "I missed Raina just as much as you and Papa," she murmured. "But I want some of your attention too," she said quietly, her voice choked.

"I promise you, I will spend more time with you," Mama reassured Anastasia. She seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking again. "Would you like to spend the morning with Papa and I?" she asked softly.

"Yes," Anastasia said, sounding slightly excited. "What about Raina?" she questioned softly.

"I am sure Catiline can spend the morning with her. Or Tristan and Aurora would be more than willing to spend time with her," Mama said gently. I closed my eyes as I tightened my hold around my teddy bear.

I would be fine with spending time with Aurora and Tristan. They were quite nice and they would probably spend time with me and we could leave the castle grounds. Plus they would let me get away with more than Catiline would.

I felt the dip on the bed disappear as Mama got up. Her heels clicking on the ground was the only sound for a minute before I heard the door open and shut. I sighed softly as I opened my eyes, looking at my door to make sure she was gone before I turned over. It was so hard to fake being asleep without actually falling asleep.

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