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*Raina's P.O.V*

I cuddle up to Aurora when she sits down on her bed, instantly taking her hand as I stick my tongue out at her girlfriend. The blonde woman raises her eyebrow, snorting slightly when Aurora swats the back of my head, making me huff.

"Owie, that hurt Aurora," I grumble slightly as I turn my head to look at her, making myself pout so that she can see just how badly she just hurt me by swatting the back of my head. I rub the back of my head, pretending like it is so sore and that I'm so injured from what she had just done.

"I didn't even hit you that hard, you little baby," Aurora snorts, making me lift my hand up to swat her on the back of the head. Aurora raises an eyebrow, seeming to contemplate something. So I take the opportunity to smack Aurora's face as well before I quickly get up and out of her reach.

"I can and will catch you," Aurora threatens, pressing her lips together in a way that shows she's annoyed. I shrug my shoulders, stepping as far back as I can. Her girlfriend is sitting in a chair close by so I step behind it, using her girlfriend as a shield as she surely won't try anything in fear of hitting her girlfriend.

"What? Are you using me for a shield?" the blonde asks, turning her head to look at me. I nod my head, making her shrug as she turns back around.

"Katelyn, moveeeee," Aurora whines.

"I can't. I am sworn to protect the royal family and that does include your little sister," the blonde, or rather Katelyn, says as she shrugs her shoulders. I liked her name but calling her the blonde also still seemed like fun.

"Well close your eyes then so when I hit her you don't have to witness it," Aurora says. Katelyn sighs, getting up out of her seat and going to sit by Aurora who had stood up in preparation to chase me. I took Katelyn's old seat, swinging my legs back and forth as I look at Aurora with a triumphant look on my face.

"Just sit by me babe," Katelyn says, intertwining their fingers as she smiles, kissing the back of Aurora's hand as she tugs Aurora back down onto the bed. I stare at them for a minute, watching them for a moment.

"Where does Katelyn usually patrol at? I haven't seen you before," I say, the first half of my question directed towards Aurora and the second half directed at Katelyn.

"I normally patrol the city, I rarely am around the castle long enough for you to have a chance to notice," Katelyn shrugs her shoulders as Aurora moves to sit behind her, making her lay her head back as she starts to play with her hair. Katelyn closes her eyes, letting Aurora continue to play with her hair.

"You should patrol around the castle," I tell Katelyn, making Aurora snort.

"It's not that simple Raina babaina," Aurora says. My nose wrinkles up at the nickname, a soft huff escaping me that she had decided to just give me a random nickname.

"Why not?" I ask as I frown at Aurora, confused on why it couldn't be that simple.

"I can't just decide where I am to patrol, the head guard makes that decision," Katelyn explains, keeping her eyes closed as Aurora starts to braid her hair back.

"The head guard...the head guard..." I start to muse before a brilliant idea hits me.

"The same head guard that answers to Papa?" I ask, a small smile on my lips. Aurora raises an eyebrow as she looks at me.

"Yes, the same head guard that answers to Father...What are you plotting Raina?" Aurora asks, making me smile innocently. I shrug my shoulders as I get up and hold out my hand to Katelyn. Katelyn's eyes are closed so I take the opportunity to swat her arm lightly.

Katelyn opens her eyes, raising an eyebrow. Her dark brown eyes narrow slightly as she frowns. I smile innocently, holding out my hand to her. Katelyn sighs softly before taking my hand, letting me pull her up off the bed. I stick my tongue out at Aurora, watching as she tries to get up.

"No, you're not needed for this plan," I tell Aurora simply, pushing her back down before I turn to leave. Katelyn snorts as she follows after me, still holding my hand since I hadn't let go of her hand yet. I wasn't going to, not with the brilliant plan I had in mind. We leave Aurora's room, heading down the hall. It's not that hard to find Papa, seeing as he seems to be frantically looking for me.

"Raina," Papa says, seeming relieved when he sees me. He scoops me up into his arms, making me let go of Katelyn's hand. He holds me close as he murmurs words of relief to himself as he sighs softly. I giggle slightly, pushing him away after a moment as I tilt my head back to look at him.

"Papa, I'm fine," I whine as I try to squirm out of his hold. He sets me down after a moment, tilting my head up so that I'm looking him in the eyes.

"Don't ever run off like that again," Papa scolds, making me wrinkle my nose up at his words. I was so going to run off again just because he said that. After I finished my plan of keeping Katelyn around Aurora.

"Papa, I wouldn't have met Katelyn if I didn't run off like that! And I like Katelyn, she's really nice," I say, looking back at Katelyn. Papa seems to just notice her, straightening up as he clears his throat.

"Well shouldn't run off," Papa says, trying to continue the conversation.

"I will have to Papa! Katelyn works in the city and she's my new friend so I'll have to run off all the time to see her. Cause apparently she doesn't work in the castle," I pout, making Papa's brows furrow as he looks between me and Katelyn. I see Katelyn's eyes widen slightly as she realizes what I'm doing.

"No, you will not be running off into the city! I can arrange for Katelyn to be assigned to the castle if you want to see her so badly," Papa offers, seeming to try and offer something to satisfy me. I tilt my head, pretending to consider his offer so that he has to sweat for a moment.

"Okay, as long as I get to see Katelyn," I shrug, smiling at him.

"Good...good," Papa seems relieved. I can't let him relax though, I have to keep him on his toes. I stick my tongue out at him before I take off again, giggling when I hear his footsteps run after me. It was so fun to make him chase me!

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