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I edited Confession and Sore from the Royal Baby so I think that you will all like those chapters much better if you want to read them.

*Raina's P.O.V*

I looked up when Tristan entered my room, confused as to why he was here once again. "Just wanted to ask if you had been down to the river lately?" he questioned. I shook my head as I put my doll, which Catiline had helped me name Clover, back into the dollhouse. "Seriously? You used to love going down there when we were younger," he stated.

"Governesses," I said simply, earning a nod from him. "Why do you want to know about the river?" I questioned.

"I want to go swimming," he stated as he rolled his eyes. "I would ask if you want to go but Mother already said that you can not go swimming as you are injured," he said, making me sulk.

"Can I still go down to the river at least?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows with a small frown. I glanced at Catiline who was sitting next to me.

"I will have to ask your mother," she said as she got up, smoothing her dress out. "Tristan please keep an eye on your sister while I speak to your mother," she stated as she left the room.

"You plan on getting in the river do you not?" Tristan asked quietly to which I nodded. "You like getting in trouble huh?" he questioned.

"I would never get in trouble, I am far too well behaved," I said with a small smile. "Besides, I doubt the water would do anything to my sides and you can not tell on me, please. I have not been swimming in so long," I begged as I clasped my hands together in a pleading motion.

"I will not tell on you," he said as he rolled his eyes. "I do not want to get you in trouble," he stated as he leaned against the wall.

"Thank you," I whispered as Catiline walked back in. "So can I go to the river?" I questioned as I looked at her hopefully.

"Yes you may go to the river and the rest of your family has decided to accompany us as well," Catiline said, making me frown at the fact that it would now be much harder to swim. I was not lying when I told Tristan that it had been a while since I had swam and the fact that the family was accompanying us meant that I would not be able to for a while more.

"Alright," I said as I stood up, Catiline helping dust my dress off.

"Would you allow me to plait your hair? I think it would help keep it out of your face," she said.

"Yeah, you can plait my hair," I said as I went and sat down at the small desk that was in the back corner of the room. It took her a moment but she came over, brushing through my hair. "Where did you get the hairbrush from?" I questioned, having not seen one in the room.

"I always bring a hairbrush with me," she said simply as she carefully detangled the rats in my hair before doing a final brush through it all. She started to plait my hair, being gentle but also making the plaits extremely tight. There were no loose strands of hair left out so she clearly was experienced in doing plaits.

"Thank you," I said as I stood up, playing with the ends of my hair. Tristan had left my room at some point so I was alone with Catiline. "So we can go now?" I questioned.

"You need your shoes first," Catiline reminded me, making me blush as I looked down and realized that I was still barefoot except for my stockings.

"Right," I said with a small smile. "I will go put those on but they are in my other room so it may take me a bit," I stated.

"Well you better hurry, your brother is impatient," she said. I nodded as I left the room, my feet padding on the stone floor. The stockings on my feet gave them some protection from the stone floor, my feet still getting a little scraped up.

"Your highness," one of the guards said, making me look at him. I had seen him before with Anastasia, his name was Hawk I'm pretty sure. He was the one who was the new head guard now.

"Yes?" I said as I looked at him, a bit confused as to why he had called out to me. He walked over to stand beside me and knelt down to my height.

"I just wanted to let you know that I am the new head guard," he said.

"I know, I was there when Father said you would be the new head guard," I said with a small smile on my lips.

"Well I never would have ended up being the head guard if you were not around. I would have ended up quitting a long time ago if it were not for you kiddo," he stated. "Good to know that you are in good hands now," he said.

"Yeah," I said with a small smile. "I am glad you did not quit, I would have been so lonely without you here," I said, having just said whatever came to mind at first to convince him I was Anastasia.

"Well I should let you get going wherever you are going, I have patrols I need to be doing," he said as he straightened up. I waved goodbye before continuing to my bedroom, opening the door quickly. The room looked the same as when I left it this morning, besides the bed having been made. I grabbed my shoes, putting them on quickly before I made my way back to my new bedroom.

"There you are, let us hurry. I assume your family is completely ready to go," Catiline said as she smiled at me. I nodded, following her down the hall and to the stairs. While she gracefully walked down them, I jumped from step to step. I did not care if it was appropriate behavior for a princess, it was fun. Catiline waited for me at the bottom of the stairs, a small smile on her lips.

Once I made it to the bottom of the steps, I looked up at her. She put her hand on my back and led me away from the steps, taking me to the entrance of the castle. I hurried to Mother's side, squeaking when she pulled me closer. I was surprised to see Mother and the King's there seeing as they were probably busy doing a lot of things. I was going to have to start calling him Father to avoid slipping up, I realized.

"Your hair looks great," she whispered while looking over my hair.

"Catiline plaited my hair," I said with a small smile on my lips. She grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers.

"You are such a mama's girl," Tristan teased with a small laugh escaping his lips.

"No, she is a papa girl's," The Ki- er, Father said. I giggled as Mother rolled her eyes with a dramatic sigh.

"You two need to act your age," Giselle said. I looked at her pondering what I should call her since I doubted calling her by her name would be okay.

"Do not listen to your Grandmama, I am perfectly mature Anastasia," Father said with a small smile.

"Are you still going by those nicknames like you did when Anastasia was little?" Aurora asked with a small smile. "Grandmama, Grandpapa," she said as she threw her arms around Giselle and Nicolas with a small smile. "Nanny, Papi," she said as she walked over to Rose and Gerald.

"Oh hush, I miss being called Nanny," Rose, or Nanny, said with a small smile.

"Come here Anastasia," she cooed, making me reluctantly pull away from Mother and go to her. "You are fine with calling me Nanny right?" she questioned.

"Yeah," I nodded my head as I smiled up at her, giggling at the happy look that appeared on her face. Now that I knew what to call them there was much less stress on me about fumbling around that.

"Can we go now?" Tristan asked with an annoyed sigh. "I am ready to soak in the river and have the water wash away all of my stress," he stated.

"It is river water Tristan, not a miracle worker," Aurora said as she flicked the back of his head.

"It may be a miracle worker, I will have to throw you in to find out," Tristan said as he took off running, going out the castle's entrance.

"Can anyone in this family act their age?" Grandmama asked exaggeratedly with a soft sigh.

"No one in this family can act anyway," Grandpapa stated. I hid a small smile as I looked away.

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