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*Raina's P.O.V*

Papa is fast but he is not as fast as me! He thinks he is but he is in fact super duper slow! Like the slowest man in the world! I round the corner, ducking under one of the long hallway tables and watching his legs run past. I giggle slightly, covering my mouth.

As soon as he's done, I crawl out and head back the way I originally came from. I eventually find Anastasia and Mama, however...they're outside in the garden and I'm inside! That's not fair. I pout as I lean against the window, looking down at them with a small huff escaping me.

I don't know the best way to the garden, at least not from the second floor. I could scale down the castle wall if I went out the window but some part of me said that Mama would not be very happy with me if I did that.

I sigh dramatically as I walk down the hallway, not looking at any of the guards. I could ask them for help but I didn't want to seem stupid. I let out a frustrated whine when I just end up walking in a big circle, throwing myself down to the ground. I sit there, my arms crossed over my chest as I glare at the wall.

Why was this place so big?! Didn't people realize how hard it was to find out where you wanted to go? I had a bad memory, I'd never know where anything was ever if it was like this. I sniffle, upset by the stupid layout of the castle and the stupid way that my mind refused to work for me. I rub my eyes, trying to fight back the stupid tears that threatened to fall from my mind.

"What's wrong darling?" a soft voice makes me flinch, spinning around as best as I can as I sit up. I looked at the man who had kneeled down to my level, shaking my head as I didn't want to explain why I was upset to a stranger.

"Right, you must be Raina. I am Hawk, the head guard," he says as he offers his hand to me. I hesitantly shake his hand after a moment, drawing my hand back as soon as he lets go. I had heard that name, I think. I couldn't remember where I heard it at though so for all I knew he was a serial killer that no one liked and was on wanted posters.

"Your sister is quite fond of me, I used to be her personal guard before I was promoted to head guard," Hawk offers me more information. His words sound right so either he's a super good liar or he was telling the truth. I hoped it was the second option but if he was that good at lying then I suppose I could just die.

"Think 'stasia's mentioned you," I finally said, realizing that he was waiting for me to respond.

"Yeah, she probably has. Probably about how mean, terrible, and cruel I am since I don't let her do things that put her in danger. It's so mean of me to do my job," Hawk sighs as he sits down beside me, crossing his arms. I look down and realize I'm still doing that. My cheeks flush as I try to hide my smile, not able to stop the giggle that escapes me.

"See? I knew you would come around, everyone loves me," Hawk brags as he pretends to flex, earning another giggle from me.

"Now, what has made you so upset, my princess?" Hawk asks.

"Can't figure out how to get downstairs, want to go outside with Mama and Anastasia," I say, making him hum as he nods his head.

"Yeah, this place is pretty confusing. I think I know the way downstairs by now, or at least I hope so because your father may fire me if I ask him how to get down stairs," Hawk fake whispers to me, standing up. He offers me his hand and I take it, letting him pull me up. I smile slightly, following after him as he escorts me down the hall. We take two lefts, one right and then another before I find a small winding staircase.

"This is the one the servants usually use, it's quicker than using the big grand staircase," Hawk explains as he goes down it, glancing back to make sure I'm following him. I do follow him, practically stepping on the back of his heels in an effort to not be left alone on these long winding stairs.

"Ta da," Hawk bows when we reach the bottom, bowing to me. I smile slightly, unable to hide how happy the exaggerated movement is.

"How do I get outside from here? To the garden?" I ask.

"Ooh another quest, thank you for choosing me for this wonderful quest your royal highness. Never have I been so honored to serve your family," Hawk says as he spins away from me, taking off with a long stride. I follow after him, having to walk faster than usual so that he doesn't leave me behind.

I don't really pay attention to the route we take, more focused on how fast I have to walk to keep up with him. Why couldn't he have shorter legs?! Stupid men and their stupid long legs.

"Here we are," Hawk suddenly stops, dramatically grabbing the handles of a door and pushing the door open. He flinches when the doors hit the outside wall, making a loud rattling noise.

"Hawk," I hear Mama's voice and she sounds disapproving. Just hearing her voice makes me perk up and I quickly dart past Hawk, hurrying over to her. I nearly stumble over Anastasia who is laying on the ground, making me stop for a moment when I stumble slightly in an attempt to not fall on her.

"Oh goodness, both of you are just clumsy today," Mama says, sounding amused as she pulls me down into her lap, covering my face in kisses. I squeal, squirming away until I manage to escape her hold and use Anastasia as a shield.

"She's been torturing me all day," Anastasia complains as she throws her arm around me, using me as a pillow as she huffs. I smile, closing my eyes as Mama mutters something about incorrigible brats who don't listen and don't appreciate their mother's love. It was funny when she was grumpy! Super funny in fact.

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