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*Raina's P.O.V*

I first went to explore the deck of the ship. I checked behind crates, watching the guards on the ship that stood next to the canons. Tristan wouldn't allow me to touch the canons which was probably a good idea on his part. I'm not saying I would have lit a cannon but I totally would have lit a cannon if I was allowed to.

The next part of the ship I explored was below deck. There were a lot of rooms below deck but I was mostly interested in the storage area. That was because I could climb up and jump off the top of the storage area. Tristan finally got tired of me doing that and threw me over his shoulders to carry me out of the storage area.

I fought against him the whole time until he threw me onto the bed in Mother and Father's room. He then left, making me struggle to get up and follow him. He was just guarding the storage area though so I just pouted and went to explore the rooms.

There wasn't much to find but I did find some jewelry in Mother's room. It was now mine and she would have to pay me to get it back. I went ahead and put the necklaces on. They were a bit heavy since I was wearing like five at once. Tristan saw me with them but didn't try and take them from me.

"You better be planning on giving those back to Mother," Tristan said simply. I shrugged my shoulders as I fiddled with one of the gems on the necklace.

"She can pay me for it then," I said simply. "How much do you think she'll give me for all five?" I questioned.

"She'll probably ground you for trying to barter for her necklaces," he laughed. I hummed as I started up the steps to go back to the deck.

"I could always sell them to someone else if she doesn't want to pay for them," I said simply as I turned to look at Tristan who was following after me. I continued to walk backwards up the stairs.

"That would probably not be something you want to tell her, then you'll be double grounded," Tristan said.

"How does being double grounded work?" I asked as I paused at the top of the stairs.

"It means first you're grounded to the inside of the castle, then you're grounded to your room. Not allowed to leave for any reason unless it's life threatening," Tristan said as he reached the top of the stairs, walking past me.

"How boring! I can see why people don't like her," I said simply.

"What do you mean people don't like her?" Tristan asked.

"You learn to listen when people don't want you to hear things. The guards talk and I listen," I said simply.

"Huh, I'll have to make note of that," Tristan said. "Bored with this old ship yet?" he asked.

"I could never be bored as long as I'm on a ship," I said simply. "Are there any other ships that I can go explore?" I questioned.

"Some of the navy ships are open. I'd have to ask the guards which ones are safe for me to allow my sister on," he said.

"Why wouldn't I be allowed on some of them?" I asked.

"I don't know sis, maybe the massive amount of weapons that are on them," he said as he tugged on the end of my braid. I glared at him as I crossed my arms.

"I'll be on the dock, you talk to the guards," I said as I uncrossed my arms, shoving him quickly before I took off running. I was off the ship and back onto the dock before Tristan could even react. I did get a bit impatient with waiting for him so I decided to go explore the docks.

There were a bunch of crates that were around the docks, some being unloaded and some being loaded. I climbed up on a few, jumping off of them before the ship's crew could say anything. I was halfway down the dock before I found myself surrounded by some very familiar faces from when I was younger.

"What's up kitty cat?" one of the boys asked, tugging at my braid. I turned to glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest. It was a nickname that I had gotten in my youth because I used to hiss at people. It was only because they egged me on and wouldn't leave me alone until I hissed.

"Leave me alone Jonathan," I said as I glared at him.

"Why would we do that kitty cat? Where have you been for the past few weeks?" Jonathan asked.

"Busy. Unlike you I have a life," I said simply.

"What life do you have?" Jonathan asked. "Parents finally let you out of the house?" he asked.

"Yeah, unlike you my parents don't have to keep me locked up. Must suck that yours is court ordered," I said simply with a small smile, raising my chin defiantly.

"Nice necklaces you got," Marcus, another one of the boys said. He reached out to touch it and I jerked away.

"Don't touch them," I said simply as I moved my hand to cover my necklaces.

"Why?" Jonathan asked. "They don't look like much," he said.

"They're my mothers," I stated, my thumb stroking one of the gems on the necklace.

"Your mother couldn't afford anything like that and we both know that,"  another boy, Roman, said.

"Maybe you don't know my mother as well as you think you do," I said simply.

"Everyone knows your mother," Marcus snorted.

"Is that so?" I had never been so relieved to hear Tristan's voice. I turned to face him, seeing him standing behind me. He had a guard with them so I slipped past the boys to go stand with him. His hand rested on my shoulder.

"Who are you?" Roman asked.

"The crown heir, Prince Tristan. And this is my little sister, Princess Anastasia," Tristan said. "Now what's this you're saying about Her Majesty the Queen?" he asked. The boys seemed to share a look before they scattered.

"Teen boys are so easy to scare," the guard muttered.

"Next time a boy bothers you, I'll cover you if you want to hit him," Tristan promised me, making me smile slightly. "Only I'm allowed to pick on you," he said, tugging at my braid gently. I elbowed him in the stomach before stepping away.

"Can I see the navy ships now?" I asked the guard, who snorted at Tristan being doubled over before he offered me his arm.

"I would be honored to escort you to the Navy ships Princess Anastasia," the guard said as I looped my arm through his.

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