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*Raina's P.O.V*

I remained attached to Mama and Papa's sides for the rest of the day. It had quickly been discovered that neither of them could leave my eyesight for long without me freaking out. Catiline said it was because I was still adjusting to having them back around after they had left for so long.

While logically that made sense if I was Anastasia, I wondered why I felt this way since I had never known them before. My only theory was that I had spent most of my childhood home alone so it made sense that I would cling to people that showed love and affection.

Mama had allowed me to sit upon her lap during dinner, allowing Papa to explain why I was so quiet and clingy. No one seemed to have any issue with it; Tristan didn't even tease me over it. Well not much anyways, he merely joked that I was the baby of the family after all. Dinner was over much faster than I would have liked and Mama took me to my room.

Mama picked out a nightgown for me, picking one that flowed down to my feet. It was a cream color that was silky smooth to the touch. As soon as I dressed myself, she braided my hair back into a crown braid to keep it out of my face during the night. She kissed my forehead before wishing me a good night. She sat with me until she thought I was asleep, leaving only after then in case I still wanted to cling to her.

I wasn't feeling that small anymore so I let her go without much of a fuss. I laid awake in silence for a while, tossing and turning as I tried to figure out why I had woken up feeling so small. It was a strange feeling, not one I was used to in the slightest bit. I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard my door open.

I turned my head to look towards the door, the candle on my nightstand being the only thing giving light. I smiled softly when I saw the familiar face of Anastasia, her hands behind her back.

"I did not know you would still be awake," Anastasia admitted as she stood at the edge of the bed.

"I was just about to go to sleep. What brought you here?" I asked as I propped my head up on my hand.

"Besides the fact this is technically my room, I wanted to give you something," Anastasia said as she removed her hands from behind her back, holding out a light brown teddy bear. It was slightly worn from use, a bow tied around the neck. I hesitantly reached out and grabbed it, pulling it closer to inspect it.

"Is it yours?" I asked curiously as I looked at her. It was obviously well taken care of but also very clearly loved.

"No, it is yours," Anastasia said as she sat on the edge of the bed. "It was yours when you were a baby, Papa took care of it while you were gone," she informed me as I smiled softly, holding the teddy bear close. "This one is mine," she showed me another teddy bear, this one a dark brown color.

"I love it," I whispered as I laid down, resting my head on top of the teddy bear. "I'll tell Papa thank you," I stated.

"He can't know I gave it to you, I told him I was borrowing it because I wanted to feel closer to you since you aren't supposed to know I'm here," Anastasia said, making me pout slightly.

"So I have to give it back?" I whispered with a small frown as I looked down at the teddy bear.

"Only during the daytime, I will sneak it out to you every night," Anastasia said quickly when she noticed the frown on my lips.

"Thank you," I murmured with a small smile. "Stay for a little bit?" I asked, making her nod as she crawled onto the bed, pulling the covers back slightly so she could lay with me. She laid behind me, wrapping an arm comfortingly around me. I smiled softly as I felt her chest against my back; the warmth radiating from her made me feel even more tired. I could feel her teddy bear pressed against my back as well.

"I can not stay for long, I have to go back to my room before morning time," Anastasia informed me as I turned to face her. Her hair was pulled back into a Dutch braid, keeping any hair out of her face.

"I know," I said as I held my teddy bear close, rubbing small circles in its fur. "Does my bear have a name?" I questioned curiously.

"Not that I know of, Papa just took it on his trips with him. I do not think he ever named it since it was your teddy bear," Anastasia admitted. "I named mine Beary, in case you were wondering," she informed me.

"How creative," I teased with a small giggle escaping me when she huffed.

"I was three when I named him, give me a break," Anastasia muttered as she rolled her eyes. "So what are you going to name yours?" she questioned.

"I do not know yet, I will have to think about it," I said honestly as I shrugged my shoulders. My eyes closed for a moment, I just needed to rest them while I thought of a name for my teddy bear. I felt Anastasia move slightly before she leaned over me, blowing out the candle before she laid back down.

"Goodnight," she whispered as she wrapped an arm around me, my head resting against her collarbone when she pulled me closer. I opened my mouth only for a yawn to escape me. My eyes felt so heavy and I couldn't get them to open again. Anastasia's heartbeat was right in my ear and I found it harder to stay awake as the seconds went on. I fell asleep, feeling more relaxed than I ever had before.

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