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I'm really interested in what theories you all have for where this story is going.

*Raina's P.O.V*

I was seriously regretting going to dinner at all. I should have remained in my room and gone without eating for as long as this wretched woman was here. Father had pulled my chair closer to his which I realized was probably to keep me from attacking the woman at the other end of the table.

"I am just saying, it is about time that the girls become betrothed," Aunt Emily said. She was Father's younger sister and seemed intent on giving unwanted advice about how Mother and Father should do things. The only reason Tristan was spared from this betrothal talk was the fact that he was engaged to a noble woman. They had been engaged since she was 18 so for five years now he had been engaged.

"Emily, the girls will be engaged in due time," Nanny said with a tight smile that did not meet her eyes. She glanced at Aurora who was staring down at her plate, her face flushed a deep shade of red.

Aurora had been nitpicked over and over about one thing or another by Aunt Emily and I was this close to throwing something in Emily's face. No one had said anything except for some mild disagreements and Aurora seemed closer and closer to just leaving the room.

"Lay off of them, Anastasia is too young to be considering betrothal and Aurora will find the right one in her own time," Aunt Cassie said. I had decided Aunt Cassie was my favorite of the two aunts that were here because Aunt Cassie was the opposite of Aunt Emily. Aunt Cassie was the younger sister of Mother and gave off a distinct vibe of freedom. It radiated from her and it even seemed to play into how her hair looked with the wild, untamable curls.

"Plenty of girls of Anastasia's status are already betrothed and certainly young women at Aurora's age are betrothed," Aunt Emily said. I looked around the table subtly, noticing how upset everyone seemed to slowly be getting at her nitpicking and nagging comments. Tristan's fingers were white from how tight he was gripping his fork and he was stabbing the meat on his plate a bit roughly every time he used the fork.

Father had his lips pressed together tightly and he had his gaze on the table. His anger presented in how tense he was, how he seemed to sit rigid in his seat. Mother's anger seemed much more fiery, a burning look in her eyes. The glares she sent to Aunt Emily made me shiver out of fear from the hatred in her eyes.

"Aurora," I said, catching her attention rather easily. She took a deep breath and seemed to steady herself for a moment before she looked at me. "May I stay in your room tonight, for a sleepover?" I questioned, batting my eyelashes innocently. Aurora furrowed her eyebrows before nodding her consent.

"Of course," she said, the gears turning in her head as she tried to figure out why I had asked now out of all the other times if I could sleepover. I felt Mother's gaze focus on me and barely avoided making eye contact with her. It felt like her eyes could bore holes into me and see my thoughts. Thoughts that I had to keep private lest I get in trouble for my plans on revenge.

"I do not know how I feel about you two staying together," Mother said, her tone holding some hint of suspicion. I could not blame her, I was a terrible influence on those around me after all.

"I will stay with them," Aunt Cassie interjected smoothly. "That way the girls can spend some time together and they will still have adult supervision," she stated. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, noticing the twinkle in her eyes.

"I suppose that is agreeable. Keep them in line Cassandra," Mother said, her tone holding a warning that made Aunt Cassie nod. There was a hint of not so subtle fear in her eyes at the warning and her eyes flickered to the guards lining the room.

"Of course, I would never allow them to step out of line," Aunt Cassie said as I finished eating, setting my utensils down. I straightened up as I glanced at Father, silently asking permission to be dismissed. He caught my eye and gave a subtle nod. I pushed myself back from the table and left the dining room, lingering at the door once it closed. I heard the door open and shut a moment after me.

I turned to face whoever had followed me, surprised to see Aunt Cassie following me. "You are not really going to prevent Aurora and I from getting our revenge are you?" I questioned curiously.

"I promised your mother that I would not let you step out of line," Aunt Cassie said as she followed me farther away from the dining hall doors. "However I never said anything about allowing you to jump over the line," she stated with a small smirk.

"I knew you were my favorite aunt," I said with a smile on my lips. "So know where I can get some purple dye and manure before tomorrow morning?" I questioned, earning a dry laugh from Aunt Cassie.

"Oh you are so vindictive," Aunt Cassie said as she rested her arm around my shoulders. "Now, we can not allow you to get caught or your mother would kill me so I have some tips to help you with your little scheme my niece," she said with a smirk. Her green eyes glittered with undisguised joy at the thought of my planned revenge.

"Get caught? I am a noble princess, getting away with things is something I was designed to do," I said with a smirk as I flipped my hair over my shoulder with a laugh. "Oh and Mother would kill you, not me so frankly there is no downside to me getting caught. I am the innocent little princess who got corrupted by her evil aunt who showed up," I laughed as I continued walking as she froze in her steps.

"You are so Eleanor's daughter," Aunt Cassie sputtered. A small smirk overcame my lips as I headed back to my room to prepare for my revenge.

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