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*Raina's P.O.V*

Despite Papa promising to talk to me about titles, I quickly ditched him when he let go of my hand for a second. I run off, not caring that it makes my back hurt from the sudden moment. I had a mission and I was going to complete it no matter what.

I try to sneak around the castle, trying to stay hidden in the shadows. I squirm slightly, waiting for a guard to pass before I run across the hall. I stare at the wooden door, knocking on it after a moment. I wait before I finally just open the door.

"Who dares enter?" A scary voice says. I shiver out of instinct, ducking my head as I hesitate to enter the room but force myself to walk in anyways.

"Oh, it's just you. Come here little sister," Tristan greets me as he sits down his pen. I walk over to him, smiling when he scoops me up.

"Heard you got hurt," I murmur, earning a chuckle from him.

"I'm always hurt, perk of being the world's clumsiest prince," Tristan says as he looks down at me.

"I got hurt too. Fell off the throne and hurt my back. Nara just says it might be bruised," I inform him, making his eyebrows furrow.

"Why did you fall off a throne?" Tristan says, seeming upset at the thought of me being hurt. He also seems to be confused on how I could hurt my back.

"I climbed on top of it and then fell off when Papa scared me. It was just an accident though! He didn't mean to, I'm not really good with people," I say as I fiddle with his sleeve.

"Don't do that again Raina, you could have gotten seriously hurt," Tristan says, making me shrug my shoulders slightly.

"It wouldn't matter if I did, I would get better. It never matters when I get hurt," I say, flinching when Tristan grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"That is not true. If you even get a splinter, I will personally rip up every wooden item in this castle and burn it. So would mother and father," Tristan says, making me giggle at the thought of Tristan taking an axe and cutting up a bunch of wood to turn it into firewood.

"Tristannnnn, don't do that. It's bad to do that," I state, giggling when he tickles me. I push his hands away, pouting at him when he tries to tickle me again. I huff slightly, turning away as he chuckles.

"Gosh, you are just so cute. So flipping adorable," Tristan says as he lifts me off his lap, setting me back down so that my feet are on the ground.

"Tristan! You're bullying me!" I retort, giving him a dirty look for saying such things.

"How? By saying that my darling little sister is adorable and just so cute?" Tristan asks as he pinches one of my cheeks, making me slap his hand away. He laughs as he wisely keeps his hand away from my face, probably knowing that I would slap it away again.

"If you keep saying such things I will never talk to you again," I promise him, which only makes him laugh even more. I huff, spinning around on my heel and leaving his room. I stomp off, following a random direction to try and get away from him. I hear him call my name but I don't care enough to stop and turn around to see what he wants.

I quickly realize that he can't keep up with me since his foot is injured so I relax slightly as I continue walking. I soon realize that I'm just following the path that leads to Aurora's room. I round the corner, my eyes widening in shock when I see Aurora pressing someone against the wall. I swallow, trying to think of what to say. I didn't want to draw their attention but I didn't particularly want to see her kissing anyone for much longer.

"Aurora?" I say hesitantly, making Aurora flinch away from the woman she was kissing. She looks at me, her eyes widen as I glance between her and the blonde woman. The blonde woman was wearing a suit of armor...was she one of our guards?

"Raina..." Aurora presses her lips together, seeming to try and scramble for something to say.

"I don't think you're supposed to be doing that in the hallway," I say, feeling uncomfortable. The blonde woman chuckles, turning her head away when Aurora glares at her. I feel like I've just interrupted a very intimate moment.

"I'm sorry," I squeak out, flinching away when Aurora reaches out her hand to me. Even though I know she is too far away to hit me, I still think she will. Her hand drops immediately as she looks at me, crouching down so that she's at my eye level.

"Come here little sister, I'm not mad at you. It was my fault for being so....reckless," Aurora offers, waiting until I step a little closer to her to draw me into a hug.

"I didn't know girls could kiss each other," I say, making Aurora stiffen as she kisses the top of my head.

"Not in public we can't, but in private...we do. It is our love. We love each other like mother and father love each other," Aurora explains as she pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"Does that mean boys can love each other too?" I ask curiously, making her nod her head after a moment.

"Does that mean we should get Tristan a boyfriend?" I ask, Aurora choking on air at my words.

"Why would he need a boyfriend?" Aurora asks.

"Cause then you could pretend to date his boyfriend and he could pretend to date your girlfriend and you could just swap," I say, earning a laugh from the blonde.

"I like her, she's already trying to help us out," she says, making Aurora roll her eyes.

"Tristan has a girlfriend already, so no...we can't do that," Aurora says. I pout at that, sighing dramatically as I lean into her hold.

"That's stupid, my plan is better," I inform Aurora who hums as she keeps me held close.

"Well...if you're going to be plotting I suppose we should do that in my room so that people don't overhear," Aurora says very seriously as she takes my hand. I smile at that, following her into her room. I was going to find a way to have a good plan and she was going to help me, so that her and her girlfriend would be together all the time.

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