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*Raina's P.O.V*

I felt a hand gently cup my cheek and my eyes opened slowly as it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the soft light. "You fell asleep darling," the Queen whispered as her thumb gently ran over my cheek. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the Queen with a confused look.

I looked around the room I was in, noticing that I had been laid onto a bed in a strange room. There was a blonde woman who was standing off to the side of the Queen and I sat up slowly. The Queen gently helped me sit up, sitting down beside me.

"Where am I?" I asked tiredly as I rubbed my eyes. I cuddled into the Queen who rubbed my back gently with a small smile.

"You are in your old room, I thought you would know that though," the Queen said. "Although you are still waking up so I can understand why you would be confused," she stated after a brief pause. I nodded as I looked at the blonde woman, noticing that she seemed to be quite well off based on her dresses and how well put together she was.

"Who is she?" I asked as I pointed to the woman, the Queen gently pushing my hand down.

"Do not point, it is rude," she said with a small frown. "You remember Catiline don't you? She's Aurora's old nursemaid," she stated.

"I can not fault the girl for not remembering who I am. She was only age four when she met me and it has been quite a while since them," Catiline said with a small smile. She approached and knelt down to match my height. "It is lovely to see you again little one," she said as she held her hand out. I shook her hand and noticed how soft it was compared to mine. Mine had callouses from riding and writing for long periods of time whereas hers was as soft as silk.

"It is nice to see you too," I whispered shyly as I pulled my hand away from hers. She gave a soft smile when she noticed my nervousness.

"I am sure that you will warm up to me with time. I promise I am nice," she said. "Your friend Jane was telling me about how much you love riding," she said.

"Yeah, I like riding a lot," I said, confused as to why Jane would talk to this woman. Jane was my friend and she knew how vital it was to keep my secret so why had she chosen to talk to this stranger? I would have to question her about that later.

"I like riding too. Maybe we could go riding together one day?" she suggested. I curled into the queen slightly while eyeing Catiline. The Queen's fingers gently ran through my hair as I looked up at her.

"Catiline is a dear friend of mine Anastasia, I promise that you can trust her," the Queen said as she smiled softly. She kissed the top of my head, humming softly. I glanced at Catiline who was still smiling at me.

"No," I shook my head as I clung to the Queen who sighed softly as she looked down at me. I stuck my tongue out at Catiline as I scooted away from her.

"Anastasia, why are you so against Catiline? She has been nothing but nice to you," the Queen said as she pulled me back to her. She looked me in the eyes and I felt a flurry of nervousness run through me.

"I do not want a nursemaid, I want you," I said as I clung to the Queen, my arms wrapped tightly around her arm.

"Anastasia, we have been over this. Catiline will only watch you when I can not, otherwise she will just be around to help me if I need it," she stated. I do not know why I felt so attached to the Queen but I did not want her to leave me with this woman. I felt an odd calm when the Queen was around, a similar feeling of calm I felt when the King held my hand in the store yesterday. It gave me a sense of comfort I had never felt before.

"Mind if I give it a shot," Catiline offered.

"Not at all," the Queen said with a small smile.

'I wonder if I should start calling her Mother in my thoughts, that way I do not call her the Queen when talking to a guard or something,' I thought to myself, noticing Catiline had kneeled down in front of me.

"Anastasia, I know you just want your mama is that right?" she questioned. I felt a small feeling of comfort when she said the word mama, glancing at the Queen or Mother, I suppose it should be.

"Yeah, just want her. I do not want you," I informed Catiline who smiled softly instead of being angry like I thought she would be.

"I understand that you want your mama, I am sure you missed her a lot while she was gone," Catiline said, making me nod. "I understand that it upsets you at the thought of someone caring for you when you would rather have your mama with you but sometimes your mama is going to be a bit a busy," she said.

"I do not want her to be busy though, I want her to be with me," I said with a pout as I looked up at the woman I was starting to call my Mother.

"I know but how fair would that be to everyone else who needs to spend time with your mama? You can not keep her from your papa or your brother and sister can you? What about your grandparents? Is it fair to keep her to yourself?" she questioned. I shook my head, feeling a bit greedy for wanting to hog her for myself.

"It is not fair for me to want her just for myself," I said as I sniffled softly while looking down at my lap. "Why do you have to watch me though?" I questioned as I looked at Catiline with a small frown.

"So that you get to have some fun," Catiline said with a smile. "You can ask Aurora, I am very fun. I also helped her sneak sweets a few times though do not tell your mama," she stage whispered, making me giggle softly. "How about this? If at the end of this week you still do not like me, I will not be your nursemaid?" she questioned.

"Really?" I asked as I looked at her and then at Mother.

"Really, I will leave you alone because if you do not like me, I think you should be able to pick out your own Nursemaid," Catiline said with a small smile. I glanced at Mother, still finding it strange to refer to her as that, wanting to know what she thought.

"I think that is fair," Mother said, making me blink in shock.

"Alright, sounds like a deal to me," I said quickly before she could change her mind. Catiline shook my hand with a small smile.

"I think you will like me, I can be very convincing," Catiline said with a small smile on her lips.

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