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*Raina's P.O.V*

I looked at Catiline with a frown as I studied her. Mother had only left moments ago and Catiline had been trying to get to know me. I wish that Mother, I was still getting used to calling her that, had chosen another time to go get herbs for the wounds on my sides.

I got up off the bed, heading to a large dollhouse that sat in the center of a circular area that branched out from the room. I sat down from it, looking at the delicately carved furniture and figures. Everything looked so realistic, just smaller.

"Do you want to play with them?" Catiline said as she sat down next to me. I shrugged slightly as I glanced at her, wondering why she was asking me that. "Look, I know you still do not like me and I completely understand why but please give me a chance kiddo," she said.

"Fine," I said reluctantly as I crossed my arms over my chest with a frown on my lips. "I do not really know how one would play with this though," I said as I gestured to the dollhouse.

"Those governesses did a number on you," Catiline said with a frown on her lips. "You used to play with this all the time when you were younger. I remember you threw a giant fit one day when I was visiting. You were so upset that your mama wanted you to come with her to greet a few visiting dignitaries. You cried and threw yourself on the ground while kicking until she gave up, all because you wanted to play with your dollies," she said with a soft smile. I looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed even though Anastasia was the one who had done that, not I.

"I do not remember that," I said simply as I averted my gaze away from her.

"I would not expect you to remember that, you were only four years old and quite spoiled," Catiline said. "Now do you want to try playing with the dolls? I know you might think it is childish but if we are being honest, your sister played with them up until she left to travel with your parents," she said.

"Alright, I suppose I could play with them. Only this once though," I said as I smiled briefly while looking at the dolls. "What should I play?" I questioned to myself as I picked up one of the female dolls, surprised at the fancy fabric that made up the dress. I knew that it had to be quite expensive so I wondered why it had been used to make a doll's dress.

"How about a tea party?" Catiline suggested, making me glance at her.

"That sounds fun," I said with a small smile. I handed her a doll, making her glance at me a little puzzled looking. "You have to play with me though," I informed her.

"Alright," she said with a small smile on her lips. I grabbed a different doll and stood it at the miniature table.

"I am not used to playing with dolls, I spend most of my free time at the stables. I like riding more than anything else," I said with a small smile on my lips as I set up the tiny teapot and teacups.

"I could tell that you rode by the feeling of your hands. Have you ever considered getting some riding gloves?" she questioned. I shook my head with a small frown as I set my doll at the table, managing to get the doll's hand through the teapot handle to pour some fake tea.

"I like the feeling of the reins on my bare hands plus there is this beautiful filly down there that I like a lot and riding gloves would keep me from petting her," I said simply.

"You could always take the riding gloves off," she suggested.

"Yeah but then I would have to put them back on," I stated with a small frown. "I do not like having to do things repeatedly, it bores me and annoys me," I said with a sigh. "Anyways, we are supposed to be having a tea party," I murmured.

"Small talk is a part of tea parties," she informed me with a small smile. "What would you like to talk about then? Or shall we just focus on the tea party?" she questioned.

"I want to focus on the tea party," I said. She nodded and allowed me to take the lead, helping me come up a name for the wooden doll I was holding. It was fun to make up a little fantasy world where the two little dolls we had were the center of the universe. I found myself smiling and laughing after only a few minutes of playing with the dolls.

"This is a lovely site to walk in on," Mother said, making me turn my head to look at her. She was standing in the doorway and I blushed, putting my doll down. I got up and I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She hugged me back, her fingers gently ran through my hair.

"You saw nothing," I informed her as the blush started to die down. "Okay?" I questioned while biting my bottom lip.

"I saw everything," she said as she chuckled softly. "I got some paste made of herbs that should be easy to put on your sores and then I will bandage you up to keep the paste from getting on your clothes," she stated.

"Okay," I said as I nodded my head. "When will you put the paste on?" I questioned her.

"I can do it now if you want to go behind the divider for some privacy," she said as she pointed to the divider. I nodded and went behind it, standing there anxiously. She stepped behind the divider and I heard Catiline say she was leaving the room to give me some extra privacy.

I lifted my dress and chemise up carefully and Mother pulled the lid off a small little pot, dipping her fingers into it. The mixture was dark green and applied it to my wounds, making sure to cover them up with plenty of the paste. She had a small wrap of bandages around her hand which she unwrapped before carefully wrapping it around my sides. It was certainly on there tight but not too tight to cause some discomfort.

"Thank you," I said as I dropped my dress and chemise down. I smoothed down my dress as I tried to ignore the odd feeling of paste and bandages wrapped around my sides.

"You are very welcome," she said as she kissed the top of my head. "Now, I need to go wash my hands off and I will let you get back to playing with your dollies," she cooed. I blushed darkly as I scurried out from behind the divider. "I will tell Catiline to come back to keep playing with you," she informed me before leaving the room.

'God, this is kind of embarrassing,' I thought to myself with a small sigh escaping me. 'It is also really fun,' I thought to myself with a smile on my lips. 'I could maybe get used to this,' I told myself.

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