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*Raina's P.O.V*

"Get down Raina," Anastasia says as she glares up at me. I huff slightly, a small frown on my lips as I look down at her. I cross my arms over my chest, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Climb up here and get me," I retort as I stare down at her defiantly. Anastasia climbs onto the throne, trying to grab my leg. I squeal slightly, pulling my legs up onto the top of the throne in a very precarious position. I'm having to balance so that I don't fall backwards onto the stone or forwards onto Anastasia.

I flinch slightly when the door opens, glancing at the door and smiling when I see Mama and Papa. Mama is smiling too, until she looks at me and sees where I'm at. Her smile drops, her eyes widening as her hand goes up to her mouth.

"Raina," Mama says, her voice sharp. It startles me slightly and I avert my gaze as I clutch onto the top of the throne in order not to fall over. Mama seems upset by what I'm doing, something that makes a pit form in my stomach. I didn't want her to be mad at me.

"What?" I ask hesitantly, wondering why she was staring at me like that.

"Get down," Papa says, crossing the room with surprising speed. I didn't know he could move that fast. Well I knew he could move that fast but I thought he would have to run to be as fast as he just was. I shake my head, confused on why he wanted me down. Anastasia would tag me if I came down and then I would never catch her again.

"Raina, now," Papa snaps, sounding upset. I try to move back, yelping when I lose my balance and fall back. It feels like I'm falling forever before I hit the ground. It takes a minute for the pain to set in, tears immediately falling from my eyes at the pain that erupts in my back. It takes a minute for me to catch my breath, shuddering sobs escape me.

"Raina," Papa is suddenly over me, lifting me into his arms. I whimper, my back hurting from hitting the ground so hard. It feels like my entire back is on fire and it makes me want to get out of his arms and just lay back down on the stone floor.

"Darling, don't squirm. You're only going to hurt yourself more," Papa says as he tightens his hold just enough that I can't squirm out his hold. I flinch slightly at how tight his hold is but know that it's just so I don't fall.

"My back hurts, let me go," I say as I try to get him to let me go.

"You're only going to hurt yourself more by thrashing around. Let me carry you to the infirmary," Papa says, making me shake my head. I didn't want to go to the stupid infirmary, I wanted to get down and deal with the pain by myself.

"I don't need to go to the infirmary," I tell him, trying my best to get out of his hold. I didn't want to go to the stupid infirmary, I would probably be stuck there all day if I did. And that wasn't going to be any fun.

"Raina, you are going to the infirmary and you will not fight us about this. It's final, we are not going to allow you to become injured and then go untreated," Mama says sharply, making me glare at her with a frown on my lips. I wasn't going! I wasn't going ever ever ever!

"No, not going. Let go Papa," I say as I try to pry his arms off of me. He was so much stronger then I thought he would be. He didn't seem to have a lot of muscle so I was very confused on where his strength came from. It seemed like it had come out of nowhere. Stupid Papa strength, the strongest of all strengths in the world.

"You're going," Papa says as he simply holds me, carrying me out of the throne room. I squeal and squall in protest, trying my best to escape his horrid hold. He wasn't even good at holding me! Mama was so much better that it wasn't even fairrrrr!

"Let go, evil evil evil mean king," I mutter against his chest, trying my best to push myself out of his hold. I hated how strong he was, it just wasn't fair at all! I hoped that his stupid strength would fade away.

"I'm not evil, I'm a caring father that is taking his injured daughter to the infirmary. A place you are going to stay and be taken care of until you are told you can leave," Papa informs me, making me glare at him.

"Least favorite papa," I inform him after a moment as I glare at him. He raises an eyebrow, looking down at me.

"I am your only papa," Papa tells me, sounding rather amused by what I said.

"Make mama get a new one, a nicer one," I tell him, sticking my tongue out to mock him. He gives me a dirty look, laughing when I look away and try to look innocent.

"I think I'll tell Mama to put you in the corner for being rude and disrespectful," Papa states, making me shake my head quickly. That sounded like a horrid idea, I hated the thought of having to stand in the corner. There was no way that he would make me, I was an innocent little angel who could do no wrong ever.

"No timeout, no thank you," I inform Papa as nicely as I can. That seems to be the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I couldn't stand still, that would be horrid. I wasn't supposed to be good and stand in the corner. I was supposed to be playing tag and not being forced to stand in the corner.

"Then we go to the infirmary," Papa says, making me huff as I cross my arms.

"Fine," I mutter after a moment, not wanting to stand in the corner.

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