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*Raina's P.O.V*

I glare at Papa with a frown, upset he had set me down on the infirmary bed. I wanted to be held, not left to lay on the uncomfortable mattress. I sulk slightly, earning a small sigh from him as he reaches out to hold my hand.

"Don't touch me, you're a meanie and I don't like you," I whine, a frown on my lips when he grabs my hand anyways. I glare at him with silent anger, mad that he was holding my hand anyways but not able to ignore the way I relaxed instinctively from his comfort.

"Your majesty," a woman in a white coat enters the room, bowing to Papa. I watch her suspiciously, tightening my grip on Papa's hand which earns a small smile from him.

"Nara, I was wondering when we would see you next," Papa says as he gently rubs his thumb across the back of my hand. I try to scoot closer to him, nearly falling off of the bed in an effort to hide from the new woman. He moves his arm, wrapping it around me as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I have loyally served your family since your eldest child was born, of course you are bound to see me again. Your children are always getting hurt, they attract trouble like a magnet," The lady, Nara I think papa called her, said. Her eyes are kind, glowing with a warmth that I usually only see from Mama and Papa. Like the look a parent gives a child is the only way I can describe it.

"My children aren't that troublesome," Papa rolls his eyes, rubbing my arm gently as I nuzzle into him.

"Tristan came to me this morning with an arrow in his foot," Nara says dryly, making me jerk up slightly.

"Is he okay?" I blurt out, flushing slightly when she looks at me.

"So you do speak, good to know. Yes, he is fine. A little sore but the wound shouldn't get infected as long as he follows the instructions I gave him," Nara assures me, looking at Papa.

"Got it, I'll make sure Eleanor knows and she won't let it go, you know how she gets when one of our babies gets hurt," Papa says, kissing the top of my head as I absentmindedly rested my head on his arm.

"So...what is wrong with our youngest princess?" Nara asks, ignoring the way I am trying to think of a response to argue against what Papa just said.

"She fell off the top of a throne, landed on her back. Her head is okay, I just wanted to make sure she didn't break a rib," Papa says, acting like he can't feel the heat of my glare that is aimed at him. How dare he call me a baby?! I wasn't a baby and neither was Tristan.

"Alright well...get out," Nara orders, seeming to surprise Papa.

"What?" he asks, making me giggle with how confused he looks.

"She's 14, she needs privacy. So get out," Nara says. Papa looks at me and I nod my head after a moment, agreeing that she was right and that I needed privacy. At least in this moment I did. Papa stands up, kissing the top of my head before he leaves. He glances back at me right before he leaves, blowing me a kiss. I giggle slightly as I pretend to catch it.

"That man...I swear he pouts more than most children," Nara says, making me giggle slightly as she approaches the bed.

"Papa does not," I disagree.

"Oh yes he does, you should see how he gets when it's time for you children's yearly checkups. He acts like you're going to die from having to spend time around a doctor. Anyways, as you heard, I'm Nara...and you must be little miss Raina," Nara says.

"Yes...I am," I say hesitantly, nodding my head as I twist my hands together nervously.

"No need to be scared, I am the family physician. Although that usually just means checking up on you kids when you need it and occasionally your father when he decides he's still young and spry and can do backflips," Nara informs me, making me burst into giggles at thought.

"Does he really do that?" I ask after a moment, earning a nod from Nara as she looks very serious.

"Oh yes, I've had to travel quite a bit just for his sake. He can't stay out of trouble. And it seems you take after him Miss Raina," Nara says. I am surprised how she addresses me, something that clearly shows on my face as I look at her with wide eyes.

"Now, may I inspect your back?" Nara asks, only getting a nod from me in return as I turn around. She carefully unzips my dress, having me slip the top part of it off as she inspects my back. A few of the spots she touches hurt worse than others but for the most part I just feel sore.

"At worst you will just be bruised," Nara reassures me, helping me zip my dress back up before she goes to open the door. As soon as she does, Papa falls into the room.

"I was worried. Is she okay?" Papa asks as he looks at Nara who nods her head after a moment.

"Her back is just going to be bruised a bit. She's lucky, she could have been hurt much worse falling like that. Luckily she seems to be mostly fine," Nara states.

"Good," Papa says as he walks over to me. I wiggle out of the bed, making him chuckle as he ruffles my head.

"Why did she call me Miss Raina?" I ask after a moment, making sure that Nara had actually left before I ask my question.

"Because she is a close family friend and so she chooses to call you that instead of calling you Princess Raina," Papa states, confusing me even more.

"Why would she ever call me that? She can just call me Raina," I say as he takes my hand, guiding me out of the infirmary. I follow after him, curious about where we're going.

"Your mother and I never have sat down to explain the intricacies of titles have we?" Papa asks, chuckling when I shake my head very quickly.

"Well now is as good a time as ever," he murmurs as we keep walking.

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