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*Raina's P.O.V*

Once we got through with the Navy ships, I was quite content to take my time getting back. Tristan walked just behind me, like he was afraid that I was going to run off. I considered it heavily but decided not to make him chase me since he would be able to catch me with ease. It was more fun to run when people couldn't catch you.

We ended up back at the castle late in the afternoon. For the last part of the journey I allowed Tristan to carry me back. I was much too lazy to walk all the way back. He threatened to drop me down the well about halfway back and I retorted to that by smacking him in the back of the head.

He dropped me at the front of the doors to the castles and I ran inside. As my luck would have it, I ran right into Mother. She seemed amused to see me and crouched down. I pouted at her with a small frown on my lips.

"I'm sorry darling," Mother said as she lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around her neck, clinging to her. "Are you feeling clingy now?" she questioned. All of the sudden I just wanted to cuddle.

"Yes," I said simply as she rested me on her hip. Tristan came in just then and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Why did you do that to me? I took you to see ships," Tristan frowned at me.

"She's a mama's girl, she'll always pick me over you," Mama said simply as she smiled down at me. I smiled softly as I nuzzled into her, pressing my head into the crook of her neck. I whined softly when she carried me down the hall. "What do you want to do darling?" she asked softly.

"Play with dolls," I said simply. Mama sighed as she pressed a kiss to the top of my head gently.

"I'm not surprised," Mama said as she carried me up the stairs. She set me down for a moment, clearly not used to carrying anyone around so I took off running. I giggled when I heard her chase after me but I was much faster then her because she was much older. I twisted away when one of the guards tried to grab me, darting to Papa's study.

I twisted past one of the guards who tried to stop me from entering, jerking away. I entered his study and Papa stopped in the middle of a conversation. I froze when he saw me, expecting for him to yell. Instead he offered his arm to me and I darted to his side, tucking my face against his shoulder.

"This is my youngest child. Sweetheart, this is Chenzira. He's one of our ambassadors," Papa said. I peeked out from his shoulder, smiling softly as I glanced at the man.

"My daughter is the same way, she's always shy with new people," Chenzira said simply.

"Is she hyper? Because my daughter seems to always be on a sugar high," Papa stated. I huffed at his words, burying my face into his shoulder. "It's true and you know it," he murmured. I heard the door open and refused to look at it.

"She ran off when I was trying to take her to her room," Mama said simply.

"You're slow and I like Papa more," I said simply. Papa chuckled as he smoothed my hair back, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I knew you were my favorite child for a reason," Papa said as he winked down at me. I giggled at that, not looking at Mama who I knew would just scoff at me. "Your family will be arriving soon will it not, Chenzira?" Papa asked.

"Yes, my wife and two daughters," Chenzira said, sounding proud of his family.

"Your daughter's are about my daughter's age aren't they?" Papa asked.

"About the same age, yes. My youngest is 14 and my oldest is 15," Chenzira said simply.

"I don't envy you, my children are spaced out in age and they still manage to find stuff to fight about," Papa chuckled softly.

"Oh yes, they're always coming to me about one thing or another. I buy them their own things and they end up switching what they like and fighting over stuff," Chenzira said with a small grin.

"Perhaps our daughter's could spend some time together once they get here?" Papa suggested. I looked at him for saying that, wondering what he was plotting.

"I think my daughter's wouldn't like me making social plans for them. I will ask though," Chenzira said.

"Well let me know if that is agreeable to them because I'm sure Anastasia would like to make more friends," Papa said. He glanced down at me, raising an eyebrow to check with me. I nodded my head slightly before I turned and went to Mama. Her hand rested on my shoulder gently as she looked down at me.

"It was nice to meet you Mr. Chenzira," I said politely and waved. He waved back and then I left the room. Mama followed behind me, pulling me down the hallway away from the guards and crouching down to make eye contact with me.

"You must learn to knock on the door to your father's study before you enter. He could have been in a very important meeting," Mama scolded lightly. I pouted at her scolding, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I like Papa more than you, he doesn't get on to me," I said with a frown on my lips.

"He most certainly would have got onto you, he just didn't want to embarrass you in front of one of his friends," Mama said simply. "You must try to remember to knock next time, try for me angel?" Mama asked as she cupped my face.

"Fine," I said as I pushed her hand away. "Play with dolls now?" I ask, exasperatedly.

"Why are you upset with me? You're the one who ran off before we could go play with your dollies," Mama said. I huffed as I grabbed her hand, pulling her down the hall towards my room.

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